Should I get this game?

Should I get this game?

I heard it was decent, but also a lot of p2w grinding

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why does no one uses this right anymore?

Don't get the starter edition. Standard edition gets you all the base game operators reasonably quick and honestly they're all I play, you don't really need the extra ops. Deluxe edition gets you all the DLC ops and then theres no grinding at all.

Monte best op

dont buy starter edition

Kapkan best defender

i only play it with friends and its fun even if we're not that good

alone its kinda meh, because it really depends on teamwork and knowing the maps

Apparently there are DLC "classes" with unique abilities that you have to grind a lot for? Or you can buy the season pass to get them all instantly.

You can play at a high competitive level with the base operators. In fact, some of the base operators are considered the best in the game (Thatcher, Ash, Thermite, Twitch). You can unlock most base operators + weapon attachments just by doing the single-player situations. Just listen to what everyone else is saying in this thread and don't buy the Starter Edition.

So you can't really play this game without mic? sucks

not true at all. i’d say usually 3/5 people on each team don’t use mics. at least this is true in casual.

its not really Pay2win but the dlc characters are always op at launch with some exceptions
also the "nerfs" they give to dlc characters are disgusting looking at you ela

i play without mics from time to time
either type fast or dont play a character that requires other teammates

>So you can't play a low player-count competitive game with a focus on tactics without a mic? sucks

Really makes you think

I play without a mic most of the time. Most people don't actually say anything useful and just clutter the comms up with random bullshit. I just plug in my Apple pods and listen for enemies.

i've seen some very good numbers for it recently in steamchart, how is it low playercount?

Yes but they don't make it pay 2 win. I use mainly base operators and I have season 2 operators.

I know I have about 500 but dropped the game because Ubisoft is retarded.

I think he means the fact that it's 5v5 instead of some 64 player battlefield game

He means low playercount as in the amount of players per game, not the overall playbase size.

Every character has a unique ability in the game period, DLC or not.
There is no P2W in this game, there are a couple complete shit characters (some of which are DLC), but most of the cast performs great and have their own strengths.

It's not p2w at all. Just don't get the starter edition.

A-OK, there's grinding involved with the later operators, but the base ones are fucking great

The only grind2win/pay2win aspect of the game is Ela. There's some unbalanced DLC ops (Hibana, Mira), but the only painfully overpowered DLC operator is Ela. Fuck Ela.

What's wrong with the starter edition?

You basically can only play recruit, which has no special ability and the amount of equipment they get is gimped. It takes absolute ages to grind for anyone else.

I'll give you the quick rundown

Takes a significant amount of time to unlock characters.
12500 points compared to 500-2500 for base operators.
DLC cost 25000 regardless.
You'll make on average in a 15-20 minute game around 150-300 points.

Starter edition is a grind, it will take ages to unlock even the default operators. The standard edition allows you get all the defaults really quickly and they're all viable with the exception of Tachanka.

All operators cost an insane amount of currency. I think attachments cost more too.

I see.

So should I just get the complete edition to skip grinding entirely?

What if you don't like the game?

I'll get a refund

I don't think it includes Year 3 Operators so there is still a grind, but the game is so much fun and you really don't need the DLC operators to enjoy it. I play with only base operators and never feel handicapped.

It's pretty good so far. Just had a match with some really salty team mates though. I died once and one of them immediately brought up a vote to kick me and kept whining about how I should get kicked for the rest of the match in his retard accent.

It has a lot of grinding. It takes on average a week of a fuckton of playing to unlock one operator.

Because there's technically no longer a modern game that's actually P2W. Usually if you grind hard enough or get lucky enough you can match the paying players.

The absolute state of modern video game fag boys. The most op operators in the game are dlc characters. It's like arguing League isn't P2W, just grind for weeks to buy one guy goy!

If you do end up buying the game (and you should, it's pretty good) then please don't just jump into multi-player immediately. Play through all the situations first and then play some t-hunt. It'll make the game much more enjoyable in the long run.

>Average a week of a fuckton of playing to unlock one operator
>Base operators don't cost more than 2500
>Earn around 300 per match, 600-700 if you do well
>Earn a bunch from doing situations
>1 hour tops to unlock one operator

Spot the retard who bought the starter edition

How often is standard edition goes on sale? Or sale only for starter?

Just buy a key from CDkeys or something, cheap as it'll ever get

Because the rewards for winning and the rewards for paying are the same.

So, you can pay to win.

>Each match of casual lasts about 15 minutes for 280 renown, let's round up to 300
>That's 1200 per hour
>Dailies are 450 and regenerate one per day, so about 1350 per week
>Weeklies, assuming you do them all, is 1500 renown per week
>New operators cost 25000 renown
>20 hours to unlock one operator without dailies and weeklies, 16 including them

You must be a pro to play this game or some kid will bother you messaging saying how bad you are.

> Play 4 hours a day, for 5 days a week.
> 1 Week to unlock a new operator.
> 16 new operators.
> Takes a quarter of a year of constant play to unlock the operators, and don't even think about buying cosmetics.

Great game, glad I paid $40 for this.

Solution: don't play competitive games on platforms where the average user is 10 years old

Pay to win is buying power to make your character objectively more powerful than others. That is impossible in Siege. You'll even see people playing Recruit at high levels because Recruit has good weapons.

>20 operators that are all cheap as fuck
>Many of them are very good
>Takes 1-2 hours to unlock one of them
>1-2 hours is a fuckton of playing

Your argument is shit and you're probably just shit at the game and blame it on "pay to win".

4 hours a day is quite a bit of vidya gaming especially for people with school and jobs. I'd rather not have to grind at all, but hey, that's the popular P2P models these days.

M870 on attacker is really the only reason why anyone plays recruit, but holy shit is it terrifying to get recruit rushed by five of them.

>Your argument is shit
How so? My argument is that it takes a lot of time to unlock new operators. There's 18 DLC operators in the game which means 450,000 renown to unlock everyone. This number will also keep increasing every 3 months.

>He doesn't also do his weeklies

Exactly. It's retarded that the whole retail with cash shop thing has ever taken off.

>No reading comprehension

i found
Is this standard edition or starter? Can't tell honestly

probably the same reason your faggot ass couldn't use "uses" right

It's quite a bit worse since you get half renown for winning. So you're assuming that the player is good enough to win every match, which definitely will not be the case for casual. Assuming 50% winrate it'll take about 30 hours to unlock one with your assumptions.

that said I wouldn't really recommend the game to anyone because of how scummy the grind is. Only reason I play it is because a friend bought it for me so I would play it with him.

It's about the same price on G2A and the G2A specifies "Standard Edition".

It's the standard edition, which is what you want

Standard, I bought it from there as well. Starter edition would be about 15 dollars

Do you get all the maps with the standard edition or do you need to buy dlc?

I don't really care about extra operators.

It's honestly really way too fucking late to get into the game right now. Complete edition is the only way to go if unless you want to grind your ass off.

Maps are free.

Countless of £s of Microtransations.

Shame the game is ruined by such a jewish monetizing scheme.

With the next batch of operators, they really need to drop the price of the year one operators to like 5k or some shit. Also nerf Dokkaebi's fucking DMR that shit is legitimately broken

No, all maps are free even with the starter

ty, bought it

>Countless of £s of Microtransations.

Who fucking cares about shitty cosmetics?

The abilities don't give combat advantages. Everyone dies in a shot to the head. They just give strategic alternatives. Some are more useful than others but many of the base game operators are the best at what they do.

Good luck. Unlocking all the standard operators is not bad at all, and fun, but year 1 and 2 is a horrible grind. Oh well, you'll have them in 500 hours or so.

Godspeed and remember to Fuze the hostage.

>everyone dies from a shot to the head
>what is launch blackbeard

But you are right aside from some characters having bullshit head boxes.

I'd argue with the current meta some DLC operators are extremely important. Mira is completely necessary on half the holds and Ela is nearing 100% pickrate. Then you have Hibana, whom is better than Thermite on most of the newer maps.
There's also a disturbing trend of new operators being broken as fuck only to get nerfed once the season passes sell.

I just want to have fun

You will, at least once you get to know the maps a little, but I guarantee that you'll wish you could unlock those 25000 renown operators faster..

>Games are dominated by Ash/Twitch/Bandit
Are you being anally vandalised by blackbeards in copper 2 or something

>Everyone dies in a shot to the head
Except for Blackbeard lul

siege is 100% p2w

having more operators = can respond to more situations, play more creatively etc, more fun and more win potential

can you change operators during matches?

I was thinking about playing this game, ironically, as an escape from battlefield 1, which i've only played about 40 hours of but have quickly tired of

the #1 reason I'm tired of BF1? I hate only having a few weapons, WW1 setting is already boring enough without being locked to a handful of weapons. It takes ages to gain levels now so weapons are extremely slow to unlock. Packs to unlock all the weapons per class are fucking 9.99.

So apparently it takes fucking TWENTY HOURS of grinding to unlock ONE person in Siege? Fuck this shit...I'm done with games of this nature, AAA faggot shit

>look up gameplay
>a lot of sitting around and playing it slow
>peeking around everywhere
>shit that I hate
>still tempted to get the complete edition because of its popularity, my want for a decent shooter and nostalgia for Vegas
>the gameplay options/gadgets/traps/waifus also look cool
I could get standard but I also hate grinding characters for anything

>but also a lot of p2w grinding
You are retarded. Don't buy the $15 one and you'll be fine.

Only during round start
That post is bait tho

there arent any good multiplayer fps games :(

Nothing. Ubi shills want you to spend more money on their game when you could farm every operator instead.

>So apparently it takes fucking TWENTY HOURS of grinding to unlock ONE person in Siege
Only if you buy the garbage version, or if you're talking about the year 1 and 2 operators. With the standard edition you'll have 20 operators in 50 hours.

Definitely not pay-to-win, even at incredibly high-level play.

Here are the top 5 most popular characters in a recent competitive tournament. For those that haven't played it - 3 out of these 5 are operators that come with the base game.

>a lot of sitting around and playing it slow

It depends on the operator. Some operators are best at sitting still, others are better at running around and being aggressive. The meta currently favors the latter, so if you want to GO FAST, you can.

it may not be p2w but it is seriously annoying to not be able to pick certain characters.
I have been playing for 3 weeks and so far I got all the base operators and now I'm reaching 18k renown.

The problem is that there are inevitably more DLC operators coming, with the possibility that those operators will do what the base operators already do, but better.

You don't know that.

I get games like that sometimes.
Sometimes they'll even kill you at the start of the round if they die before you on the previous round. They always seem to have weird accents or play horrid foreign music through their mic.

Still I'm having a really fun time since I got it in the xmas sales.

I'm really surprised Mute isn't in that list. He is great!

It's already happened.

Zofia, Hibana, Buck, etc.

Hows the game for newbies?
Would I get yelled at often?

it's a team based game
getting yelled at is a given
it probably won't even be your fault sometimes

Not that often in casual and even then it's only 12 year olds that are easy to ignore.

Even if you're not new to the game, you're going to get cunts on your team all the time who will whine nonstop and blame everyone else for shit. If you want to actually have a good time, play with some friends or make some playing the game.

>Bought the starter edition

>83.8% pick rate
>Ela's nerf was basically a slap on the wrist

What makes me mad the most is that they said that they want to keep Ela "unique" as she should be able to fend off more attackers at once than other defender ops.
Since fucking when is this sort of uniqueness relevant to game balance? Operators are already unique because of their gadgets, Ela is a must pick not only because her gadget is stupidly good, but also because of her insane SMG.

>rush in front of you
>fast lean head hitbox left and right while strafing
>headshot you within the first 5 bullets
>go back sprinting towards objective without reloading
nothing personnel kid...

It's fun, just play casual so you dont feel the need to try too hard

>2 speed
>shit gun
>can't bandit trick
>drones don't rush the objective in pro league
>no barbed wire