ITT: We post games that have come from shithole countries

ITT: We post games that have come from shithole countries.

>the entirety of Western Hemisphere game catalog.

i dont understand this meme, is the US not a shit hole?

mount & blade


Well it is now. The most comfortable shithole on he planet.

Fuck off yuropoor.

>Mainstream media seriously trying to stretch that by saying "shithole" he was being racist

This kind of sly, underhanded spindoctoring is the reason a lot of people hate them so much.

nah we're a shithole


Your daily US post had been submitted, £2 will be applied to your account.

Every single country is a shithole.

Except USA



>no proof has him saying "shithole"
>president says he didn't say it
>we have senators saying he said it and some saying they don't recall
>the mass and the "shithole" countries demanding apologies

really boggins my noggin. I love the guilty before proven innocent culture we have today.

I mean come on, do you really doubt he would say something like that? I see your points but honestly its probably true.

What does my opinion matter? I'm looking for proofs. if a woman comes out and accuse you of raping her last year on social media then are we suppose to take on her side just because of you have a bad rap with women?

The US is a first world shithole. Like yeah shits fucked, but we have running water and smartphones.

But 50% of that is taxed

I don't think you've ever been outside the USA.

America is the number 3 best country in the world, after Canada and Australia.
Euro shitters are just jealous we have big houses, everything is cheap (a game that's $60 here is €60 plus the 25% sales tax in Europe), that we have beautiful safe countries with no terrorist attacks. Literally in Europe you can't even leave the house because a terrorist might kill you that's why there's so many euro shit posters on Sup Forums because they have nothing else to do, but even posting on Sup Forums is dangerous for a European because if they say nigger they can go to jail that's why Sup Forums is like 90% Americans, Canadians and Australians

This feels like it was written by a child

t. Euro homo

t. Shaniqua Hernandez

Europe is not a country, lad.

Yeah. So great living in a country where people refuse to get medical attention because just walking into a doctors office and filling out some paper work costs you $80. Yep. Good ol US of A.

la creatura


Is this what Yuropoors actually believe? Because after years of shitposting I'm starting think they say this shit unironically.

There's no niggers or spics where I live mate
The EU is literally a country if you don't have your own currency you're not a real country Not American, you're just proving my point that you euro homos are literally obsessed with America and can't stop bringing them up but nobody ever wants to talk about your shithole unless there's another terrorist attack on the news

I live here and my friend was charged $80 for a "mental health evaluation" because when she checked in with the receptionist, the receptionist asked her if she had depression. She was there for a sore throat.

Does she not have insurance?

Depression literally isn't real your friend is a faggot

millions of people don't have insurance in the america. because we think for-profit companies will somehow be incentivized to take care of "unprofitable" people.

Can you even read


She does. But it covers basically nothing because her work picked the most jewish insurance possible. And she can't afford private insurance.

Get some reading comprehension.

i was gonna post this.

Employers are required to cover health insurance. Maybe your friend should get a job.

Where are the devs from?

Literally every country in the world is a shithole except the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


Yeah the receptionist asked her if she had depression so she got charged for an exam obviously she said yes

How do you have time to develop a game when you're spending all day in food lines?