Now that it's official, welcome the new addition to the Death Stranding cast
Now that it's official, welcome the new addition to the Death Stranding cast
jesus christ no I hate that faggot
>hating De Niro
can you BE any more of a faggot?
literally who
Why? One of the best actors ever, a great pseudo villain
The more big names he adds to the game, the more I think it's going to suck huge ass. Jaokim Mogren is focusing too much on the acting part of the game and not the game part of it. I'm ready for disappointment now.
Oh great another has been faggot. Mads is the only good actor in the game so far.
He’s an sjw faggot now
Not him but deniro has been a washed up faggot who loves to drone on about his liberal politics like the rest of the hollywood cucks for over a decade now.
Kojima doesn't know how to budget. Death Stranding will kill his company and any relationship with Sony, no matter how great it is.
De Niro is shit though. This isn't 80's early 90's De Niro we're talking about, this is late 10's De Niro.
>trusting a race mixer
I think Sup Forumscucks hate him because he married a black woman.
I'd love to see him in DS honestly.
But it's not going to happen.
And the game is shit now. Wouldn't buy.
So, just like Kojima?
Kojima is officially surrounding himself with loud political cunts. Del Taco could perhaps be considered a coincidence, this is too much. He's probably trying to "atone" for Quiet.
He wants to be in Hollywood so fucking bad
Gal Gadot will join in.
Reminds me of someone who adds hours of expository anti-nuclear PSAs into his games.
What a terrible everything
no, everyone hates him because he married a black woman. stop blaming everything on Sup Forums
Sup Forums was a mistake. Almost as much as a mistake of Kojima's new movie
>literally threw his genetics in the trash
Such a sad thing to see. But yeah, DeNiro is huge leftwing faggot
Do you think De Niro actually knows who he is or thought Kojima was just some Nip tourist wanting a pic?
>De Niro's face
fuck what have I done
Name one De Niro performance past 2000 that has been excellent.
meet the fawkers.
Last Vegas
likewise user. its gonna be one of those things that become too pretentious/gameisart/ type of shit. what the fuck does denigro know or care about vidya. i feel like kojima is doing this just to make himself look like he matters. im quickly losing hope for this
Kojima whoring around in Hollywood again, instead of working on his game.
Kudos, Konami. You saw through his money-wasting faggotry.
thanks for the laugh.
so exactly what I said you butthurt faggot ? No one hates DeNiro expet you cunts.
he still must love her to death, because the only other guy who didn't remarry a young hot woman is Pierce "BBWlover" Brosnan
the more time goes by, the more i think he gives zero fucks about vidya. maybe konami was right
Listen, you are probably very young but I’ll explain it anyway. People in this country hate race traitors, probably more than fags. He is directly contributing to the end of his race and smiling about it. Go outside for more than 20 minutes and unplug your cnn box
i dont hate him. i just dont think he has any idea about vidya, or gives 2 fucks about it.
>Listen, you are probably very young
The irony of you 19yo Sup Forumscuck telling that shite to me is not lost, don't worry.
Starting to get sick of his shit. I am going to buy Survive just to spite him and his fanboys.
admit it, koJIma just wants to make a fucking movie
Kojima wants to make ludo, not movies.
Yo, can you niggers not turn this into a political debate? What we should care about is how much budget drain from hiring an actor that probably has no idea about vidya will affect the outcome of the game.
>he still must love her to death, because the only other guy who didn't remarry a young hot woman is Pierce "BBWlover" Brosnan
I have no idea of what you are talking about and I prefer to keep it that way.
>not turn this into a political debate?
>on Sup Forums
>Kojima dicksuckers
>not trying their hardest to derail a truth thread
Says the 19 year old lanky Sup Forumsedditor that jerks it to traps
he is a fucking hillary supporter half of world hates him
I think he was talking about the guy on the right
yikes, somebody is upset.
okay, still doesn't change his good acting character. Whatever these faggots do in private, who cares, there are more younger and popular ones who partake in orgies and sacrifice infants.
so why not just name this board/pol-lite/ then? no seriously, you faggots need to actually start trying to keep threads on track
Lmao 16 year old who just discovered Sup Forums calling people young
Id rather kojima go with literal whos that will put in effort. Leftwing trash like DeNigro will most likely phone it in.
Doing voice work in a video game is an official sign your career is dead.
Does projecting soothe your butthurt ?
maybe you should realize no one cares about your american retarded politics. Both your cuckold bitch and your slimy con artist are retarded cunts. You sharts already proved POTUS is a joke since that cunt Reagan.
You started, fatty
Canadian or European?
Robert The Negro
Horrible photoshop. And all these plebs falling for it lmao. You fuckers think fucking de niro will do a video game?
>Konami is working poor kojima to the bone
>it releases
>It's not even fucking finished
>New game
>Kojima has all the creative freedom he wants
>Just shitposts pics of him and celebrities on Twitter
>@kojima "just watched drive for the 19th time today"
This game is going to be a mess if it releases. Fuck Konami but he needs someone to whip him back to his desk and get some fucking work done
>Good acting career
>Dirty grandpa
>The meet the parents trilogy
>That fucking boxing movie
Fuck off the dude has been coasting for decades
The biggest hack in history. How this wannabe film director with zero taste who praised fucking lego movie even managed to get so far is out of my comprehension
It's not a shop, but it is completely unrelated to the game.
Sup Forums's just fucking retarded and will believe literally anything said about Kojima without even asking for a source.
>No one cares about your american retarded politics
But were the retard that brought up Sup Forums in the first place.
Please calm down. You're making everyone very upset.
Who are some other actors you think he'll pay to be his friend.
>But were the retard that brought up Sup Forums in the first place.
>said Sup Forumscuckcs hate DeNiro for marrying a black
>faggots going nuts calling him a race traitor
"But call him a Sup Forums and you will be astonished how he recoils"
This desu. Idiots have to make every thread about politics. There are other boards and websites they can discuss politics at but they have to shit up my board reeeeee.
>"y-you must be very young"
Ryan Gosling were literally the first one to say anything about his wife being black.
Are you okay? I thought Yuropoors were supposed to be intelligent but I guess I thought wrong.
>monkey-lovers calling other cucks
hilarious irony
Muh f_am
>pay millions and pull a lot of strings to hang out with him
>the goose just stares at him the entire time
I tried to watch Lego Movie because Kojima recommended it, and I couldn't stand it for more than 10 minutes.
I've never seen a more ADHD 0 attention span movie in my entire life and I never want to see another Lego product ever again.
Look sonny, I used to love De Niro, I love Heat, Casino, Midnight Run, Goodfellas, his act in GFII, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, even the goddamn Analyze This/That.
I don't like him ever since Meet the Parents. Every role he's taken since the 2000s are so beneath him. If his outburst here is anything to say, he agrees with me.
The part where he joins the rest of Hollywood speaking out against Trump isn't heartbreaking, offensive, it's simply unimpressive.
The real disappointment lies in the modern half of his career. I don't care for him getting attached to Kojima's project, but that's mostly because his project is a smokescreen.
De Niro is a total faggot nowadays who can only get roles in shitty B movies. His Taxi Driver days are long gone and now prefers to bitch on social media and sucking Hollywood dick.
If you hate De Niro for being a lefty, I'm afraid you'll hate many actors.
I just took a huge shit and now my asshole burns. Ever had that happen to you?
Yeah right after I bought Phantom Pain.
Honestly it probably isn't costing much if he's using De Niro he isn't. More than likely he'd just use his likeness with a body scan. Kojima is working fast and is not burning money, but this is Sup Forums, and Sup Forums doesn't understand shit.
I cannot wait for this game to come out and be total dogshit.
Say what
De Niro as The Man Denied His Genetic Ancestry
He's overrated as fuck, Liotta, Pesci, Vincent, Sirico,Gandolfini, Imperioli and even Buscemi can pull off a better mafioso than him.
mexicans love him. They're always asking me for deniros
Me. I should stop eating pizza 3 times per week and drinking cola.
Frank Vincent wouldn't let that have happened to him, that's for sure.
Does Kojima make these games just to meet all his favorite actors?
Hollywood as a whole has been shit for a long time now. What do I care about some insane pedantic morons who think their opinion matters just because they're rich and famous?
De Niro used to be good but he's nothing but a walking piece of shit now, a disgrace to his past achievements.
And I do, most actors are stupid cunts.
Pacino is better
How does someone so successful and desirable end up with such an ugly vapid cunt of a wife
De niro was only ever good in Goodfella, Taxi Driver and Mean Streets. Thats literally it.
He was even the weak link in GFII. One of the most overrated of all time.
Meanwhile, based Clint Eastwood has beautiful white children.
Shame about the reality show tho
Is death stranding going to be part of the Dirty Grandpa EU?
oh nono nONONONO