About to pick this up on the Switch

About to pick this up on the Switch.

Convince me otherwise.

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It's soulless

I don't want to convince you otherwise. It's pretty fun.

>Convince me otherwise.

You are missing out on mods and its gets updated later compared to the PC version I believe. IF anything get it on PC

There are mods on pc

Its a great game, definitely play it.

just play it on PC tho

Literally who gives a fuck besides autists that are mentally and physically incapable of making their own fun.

not OP but wouldn't handheld mode make this game comfy as fuck ?
this is coming from a huge AC:wild world fan

>flower dance first year
>get completely and utterly rejected by everyone I ask
>have to awkardly stand in the corner alone while everyone else my age has fun dancing
I play video games to forget real life. Why do they do this?

people who want to make even more of their own fun

>not OP but wouldn't handheld mode make this game comfy as fuck ?

Sure it would, it overall depends on if you care about mods or not. Mods offer such things as extra content/ new maps / more items/ more furniture,hair,clothes etc etc.

If you are looking for something to play from time to time to get comfy yeah the switch version works just fine

I didn't notice any difference when playing RF games on the 3ds, don't get the point of handheld outside of using it while taking a dump

I have it on my switch and am loving every second of it.
I also have it on pc and canf get myself to touch that version for some reason.

>not OP but wouldn't handheld mode make this game comfy as fuck ?

You can just play the game on your bed and use a controller

You can only wife steal in the pc version.
You will be plagued with thoughts of not being able to steal another man's wife.

also porn mods

So anybody else looking forward for the update?

Its on sale on humble bundle now

>buying multiplats on Nintendo consoles


It will be perfect for a soyboy like you

>not buying the best version of the game

You can't mod the shit portraits.

I bought it on Switch and have had weird issues with stuttering and seizing.

>Console versions
>reliable updates


Cheaper on PC and no mods. But this is not highly hardware demanding game, here actually applies the favourite meme reason to play games on the Switch, it's portable.

play rune factory it's better

Which ones are you using user?

No one wants to dance with the awkward peasant

I should mod mine so Hayley looks like that, they lost her sassy look about five iterations ago.

I can give you the mod if you want

Yeah sure, is it not on steam workshop?

>is it not on steam workshop?

There is no steam workshop for stardew

>the Vincent marriage mod will never be updated
Why even live?

Anyway here you go, I did this mod on request like two weeks back here in a different stardew thread. The original artist is from japan and refused to share this mod with people anymore so you wont find it anywehre else


It runs on a toaster, get it on your ShitpostBox PC so you can mod it.

Switch version is great. Just gotta decide if modding or portability is more important to you. People make too big a deal about the portraits. The simple fact is that some girls are just plain ugly in the game and you should ignore them and marry girls like Penny.

Thanks m8.
Does it cover all the NPCs, or just the ones in

>Does it cover all the NPCs

Nope just the ones in the pic that I linked. The artist stopped working on the mod once it gotten popular sadly, but maybe in the future

Give Haley a flower erryday.

Give her the Pink Cake you get for earning 120,000g. To get that much g that early in the game, gitgud at fishing and farm The Legends when it rains.

That's too bad. I like the style, but I'd also like all the NPCs to have matching portraits.

Any other recommended mods for this game? I've heard that some kind of fishing mod is a good idea.


>Any other recommended mods for this game?

IS what im using


what mods allow you to customize your farm like that?

Its one of the many maps that you can find on nexus


Are there sex mods for it yet?
It's for immersion.

fuck, thats beautiful. Now we just need mods that expand the rest of the map. Especially that shitty forest area

But Daffodils are meant to be eyerape yellow
That's how they bees

You won't regret it. I spent 60 hours on it already, farming from your bed when you wake up early in the morning is very comfy.

Do it, OP. It's great.

There are planty of nice maps on nexus, but not sure if there are any that expand the area outside the farm

White daffodils also exist, though.

Me. I was hoping this would happen.