People on Sup Forums STILL pretending Odyssey is a good game after based Joseph Anderson blew it the fuck out in a...

>people on Sup Forums STILL pretending Odyssey is a good game after based Joseph Anderson blew it the fuck out in a fantastic video that cannot be refuted
Nintenbabies will lap up literally anything Nintendo shits out and claim it is GOTY material. It's pathetic.

>bing bing wahoo
>YOU GOT A MOON! animation x800, once every 5 seconds
>quality game

Other urls found in this thread:

>there are people on this board who unironically like mario

>there are people on this board who unironically like videogames

>walk ten inches and jump

>follow a dog

>break a box

>Sup Forums
>people still think Sup Forums doesn't have Nintenshills

His argument is the usual BOOOHOOOO MAKE IT HARDERRR.

Go play Mario World Rom Hacks you silly man.

Also, the whole purpose of the bench pals moons are to add character to the game.


what happened to shitposting being subtle
now you've got to have fanboy nicknames and all caps in your posts from the start

Oh hi Joseph

Why would I stop liking a game because of some person I've literally never heard of or will ever interact with said something negative about it?

Is this an American thing?

If anyone knows of any indepth videogame reviewer like this dude send them my way. I'm considering playing The Witcher series but I'm not sure if they are worth the huge time investment and he doesn't have a video on them yet.

>paid reviewers like a Nintendo video game they were paid to give a 10
>reviewers from websites literally named after Nintendo give it a 10 and you still don't think they're obviously just being paid
wow i cant believe it got a good metacritic score!

>Nintendo STILL living in your head rent free


>having shit taste
>liking toddler games
i bet you play your 3ds in public too faggot

You watched a 2 hour video where some autistic manchild talked about a game? You need to get laid dude.

Mario/Zelda/Nintendo is really overrated. ;_;

Why would you think nintendo has to pay to get good reviews for a good game?

It's not the best game ever made but it's fun and that's all I expected from it. I do wish there was a little more to do on each world but I still go back every once in a while and play for a few hours doing new stuff.

>doesn't post video
>expects people to know who this glorified nobody is

user what the hell is wrong with you?

Because it's not a good game? If I put moons into a walking simulator like Dear Esther, would that make it a fun Mario game too?

>he prefers to watch a 2 hour video of a manchild complaining about a Mario game rather than playing video games
Point at him and laugh.

Anybody else feel like they’ve outgrown this board? This whole Nintendofags vs sonybros and the like just feels so forced at this point it’s getting pretty boring around here.

sunshine is better.

>what if we put a concept from one game into a completely different game?
flawed argument

this but i cant leave user, neither can you

Daily reminder the Discord comes to shill this video as gospel

This. I don't like odyssey but this is fucking annoying and disgusting that were being raided like this.

OP is retarded and forgot to post the video he's shilling

>Extremely abundant, hidden in plain sight, objectiveless collectibles are only okay when Odyssey does it

his main conern was that the game is boring

Somebody post the webm.

>someone has an opinion
>this somehow means anything
I like the dude's videos but jesus christ you console war fanboys are the fucking worst. It's impossible to actually talk about anything related to Nintendo or Sony, and god save us if they have two products out that are seen to be competing in any way.


Why would someone spend 2 HOURS saying something if it wasn't true?

Hence, it must be true.

>the Discord comes to shill this video

So then if I were to talk for THREE hours about why it’s good, my argument would be better and truer than his?

>replying to wrong post

>some autist i've never heard of calls a widely-acclaimed game bad
wtf i hate odyssey now

anyone with a brain can tell odyssey is shit. The only people shilling it are switch owners that want to feel good about their bad purchase and actual shills

The point he's making is that whether you spend two hours making an argument about why a game is good or bad for two hours, nobody really gives a shit. Enjoy what you like.

That's exactly right.

>when the game you're criticizing is so good you have to artificially stretch your three points over 2 fucking hours to make it seem like you have actual things to say and you announce the video a few days before on twitter with a contrarian title to generate views
You sure showed them Joseph.

>Joseph Anderson



I've never heard of this guy before but since he agrees with my opinion I'll shill his channel for free now

>Joseph Anderson

Literally who? Sorry, shill your random youtube e-celeb shit elsewhere


His point is really fucking shitty tho

This is all completely right. Joseph permanently and definitively blown the fuck out.

MandaloreGaming (or something akin to that) is pretty fucking amazing too.

>based Joseph Anderson

Literally who

>The Discord

What the fuck are you talking about? Discord isn't one chat room.

Also, shilling threads every hour on Sup Forums to generate clicks

He has his own Discord and people there go on Sup Forums and Reddit and discuss what other people think of it. There may be concentrated shilling efforts too, but don't think so.

It is, but don't let the shitposting convince you otherwise.

>Walk in a circel

I would play that

Have a (You) while i see what the GET was

That one was too hard for based Joe

Nasty Scrotum reporting in

oh damn I was so close to the GET too
what a shame

>the only backup nintys have is MMMUUHHH META CRITIC!

im kekking. so sad

I think you mean
>Walk in a circle
>Walk in a circle
>Walk in a circle
>Walk in a straight line
>10 points!

Yes long is better.

That shit always gets me

Somebody post the obligatory webm pls

>play mario odyssey
>have fun

How will he recover?

It is a good game but not as good as the other 3D Mario games

Not really I'll even admit that BOTW seems to be a good game, it might not be the best game ever like some say, but it is good enough to justify buying a console. The only thing is that it can be emulated and it is on the WiiU which at the moment is a better value than the switch.

anyone buying a switch is a retard.

His video complaints were poor at times and he contradicted himself in the very same footage he showed. He said he wanted more challenge, and then didn't bring up the challenging parts of it. His video was fairly deceptive. It's not a perfect game, but man is it amazing imo. It's a really relaxing game, and allows you to challenge yourself if you want once in awhile.

This one?

>video game ""critics""

>letting other people dictate your thoughts on vidya
>using other people's arguments because of a lack of your own opinions
Maybe you should play it or watch someone else and figure it out for yourself?
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums has gets disabled outside of 0s.

Start video
Fuck off lol

Anything can be refuted. I watched that video and I disagree and agree with some of his points, but he's a faggot for thinking Odyssey's worse than 3D world.

Those moons were more fun that they should have been, I don't even know why I laughed out loud when I saw my shitty circles, same with the build your own Mario face.

It's the one where he fails the Trace Walking challenge in the Sand Kingdom.

It's fun but it's soulless that's what his 2 hour argument boils down to, if Mario wasn't the main character this would be considered a 7/10 same with BoTW although that would be more like 6/10 since it's so shallow.

Enjoy your zero-level game, 64lets

What is with the obsession of these autist shitposting Zelda and Mario

It's a legit great game, and one of the best Mario games to date with lots of freedom. Most worlds were a lot of fun to explore and fuck around in. There was a good bit of challenge with getting some moons, though I wish there were more a few more ruthless challenges like some of the extra Dark Side moons, and that Darker Side was less forgiving.

Only true downside is the overabundance of redundant moons in each world that require no challenge to get that were thrown in to pad the post-game length. Had those been eliminated so I didn't feel like I was going through the motions at the end, would have been a perfect game. Still a 19/20 in my book.

>that one anderson shill on resetera saying only a retard could fuck up the circle mission

Mario had this sound effect in Odyssey when you did a certain action. Really agitating. The game would have been better without it.

>You ruined the game for yourself because you didn't play it the way I played it.

Can't belive I actually read it untill that part.

Who is joseph anderson?
really, I don't know

3D world is the best 3d mario

What's the point of playing an exploration game if you don't even like exploration?

Is Joe the new TJ

>absolute newfags
>worshipping some e-celeb

I mean you memed it up to 99% but you are absoutely correct that Odyssey is not only a mediocre game, but a very lacking one.
I would honestly not give it more than a 5/10.

What gets me is that he barely deviates from his path once he loops back around and reaches the previous line. He was OBVIOUSLY too far away, yet he keeps doing the exact same thing.

literal who faggot who makes 8 hour long youtube videos "critiquing" video games by mumbling in circles while, ironically, not being able to walk in a circle in a mario game

underageb& redditors love him!

Took your time.

But it isn't

>At times it seems more like a Sup Forums bait then a thought-out review.

some nobody that decided with a few of his friends to spam this board with his shitty 2 hour whining about odyssey to get more clicks for that sweet jewtube ad-money

hide and report

I think it started with Pol imitating the sanctimonious way feminists speak or something. I've encountered women who sincerely type that way.

Wait, that Joseph Anderson guy that made that 2 hour video critiquing it's lack of challenge is this same guy? And he beat the game twice? What? Brainlet user had much more skill than that.

holy kek

He right though. The game is made for children and doesn't have any piece of it that isn't. You have to be 5 years old mentally to enjoy it.

Holy shit, I just googled him and found the 2 hour odyssey video, do people really watch all that shit? Regardless of the quality, youtube videos shouldn't pass the 20~15 min mark

People get angsty when they can't afford full price games.