Lazerbot thinks Tails Gets Trolled needed a "polished" version

>lazerbot thinks Tails Gets Trolled needed a "polished" version
>then he discontinues it altogether

What went so wrong?

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It's not fair, he was supposed to be different.

I don't even like the new art.
Sure the old is simple but the new art is just a mess of chickenscratch black speedlines or whatever they're supposed to be half the time

Oh well, an era ends.

I never actually figured if the author is CWC-esque autist or someone making ironic parody of all the shit internet comics like this

>TGT got discontinued
Fucking hell really?


He is working in his own original comic now.

At least we'll always have InSonicNia and Chaos Diamonds 3

Battle Royale? real original there.

I think I liked the art the most around chapter 7 or so when it started picking up for the more serious fights (like Mario vs. King Troll) but still had a lot of that trademark early TGT flair to it.


Did he really discount it?

It’s the best comic ever I like it ironically

But it’s true that tje quality decreased sharply after chap 7

>Retards like OP still don't get that it's satire

Guess what idiots? This was his plan all along: getting everyone invested in a serial comic with elements of pseudo-autism and comedy just to quit in the final stretch of the run.

Niggers, YOU got trolled.

>Chaos Diamonds 3
>mfw when it dropped the cheesy melodrama and started trying to be "funny"


Wait isn’t he just one person?

Noooo I wanted to see Troll king and emo troll getting dismembered jojo style

I Hated it when he started writing too much fucking text and I especially hate all the Tails anti troll clan parts, it was so perfect and funny before tails got kidnapped

That probably was the best sonic sprite comic, but I dont think that's saying much.
What was the last update? I remember they went to the Satam universe

>not wanting based troll king to win

>People cant like something causwe its garbage
Have you never heard of cult followings? Look at Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Also the first drawings were so bad they were fun, later he tried too hard to be taken seriously and failed

Bump for this kino