There will never be a Torchlight 3

>There will never be a Torchlight 3

RIP in peace Runic Games.

Other urls found in this thread: is Corporatism

Fuck Perfect World Entertainment
They killed Runic Games because they "Weren't profitable enough"

Chinese companies are all fun and games until you find out they will fire you and shut shit down if the wind changes direction!

wtf I hate capitlism now is Corporatism

Theyre fault for making that garbage game and promoting it with all their financial might

they made anything after torchlight 2?

More like RIP in piss Torchlight 2 was awful at best.

This, it had nothing going for it.

it had
the worst classes i ever seen in h's

fuck you, the cannon class was pretty alright

Never played torchlight. It's just a diablo-ish game right?

Yeah, and the pet was actually a nice addition if you are a fucking casual

I don't get it, they made millions with Torchlight for Pc, when they ported it on the 360 the game flopped hard, but then they made lot of more millions with Torchlight 2 and then they closed? how it happened?

i loved torchlight 1 but 2 was just really weird

Torchlight was okay. The classes all felt samey and there were only 4, the abilities were pretty boring, there wasn't enough loot or dungeon crawling, and the story was more barebones than Diablo. Some of the areas were pretty though.
It just feels like a watered down Diablo. Diablo II is the only game that can scratch my itch. Chronicon is pretty damn good so far though. I like Titan Quest as well but there's something missing from it.
There's no reason to play any Diablo-clone when the game they all try to emulate is so fantastic. I've been playing Diablo II for nearly 20 years and I'm still not bored of it.

trashlight was never good dude

They took years to develop Hob and it flopped hard
A single big mistake like that is a guaranteed death sentence for a small studio

RIP in piss more like it. Fuckers dug their own grave spending half a decade making a boring walking simulator instead of Torchlight III or literally anything else that isn't ANOTHER walking sim.

First time I hear about this game and I sits here everyday all weak

Hob was a mistake.

God damn this game was boring.

Don't make me reinstall, I just got grim dawn

T2 would have been great if it had better classes, which happen to be the most important part.

Torchlight 1 and 2 are boring though.

torchlight always was faget diablo, even when d3 just came out and was turboshit galore d2 still beat torchlight by leagues

>enemy alert radius is two inches
>enemies only chase after you for a few feet before turning running right back to where they were prior to being alerted
>item progression is very incremental and boring
>almost every skill is boring
>every enemy is boring (especially because they run away in two seconds)

The least satisfying Diablolike I've ever played. They clearly spent a lot of time working on it, but they somehow managed to fuck all the important things up.

Remember all the comparison images that got posted before release?

>not playing with mods
literally takes the game from 0 to 10
custom classes are way better than vanilla shit

How many custom classes are there? Synergy was the only decent mod and modding died immediately after release.

Two out of the three of them left to make Rebel Galaxy anyway. Remains of Runic were just a shell so the other Schaefer brother could still say he had a studio.

That's exactly what it is. A 3D Diablo with a lot of quality of life improvements and modding support. The games even follow the Diablo pattern of the first game being a descent into a single dungeon beneath the town and the second game being a sprawling adventure with outdoor locations that takes you around the game's world.

I really don't get it. Former Blizzard devs went elsewhere and made games that were decent at best but forgettable, and ever since the Westwood guys formed Petroglyph they haven't made a single game as good as the original C&C. Is it a time thing or what?

just play Grimdawn, user. i recently got the expansion and started a necromancer.

The only Diablo clone I ever really enjoyed.
Playing Outlander with a build centered around that poison rain spell actually required you to press more than one button.
Also spells felt satisfying. Can't say that about Grim Dawn or PoE, nevermind D3.

Elitism among Diablo clones doesn't make sense. Play and appreciate all of them.

Too easy, even in elite. Still good though.

cause runic games were fucking retarded and made fucking hob instead of what they were GOOD at

Eric and Travis left Runic. Blame Max.

It's actually really important to have a guy in a suit kicking the programmers in the ass every so often, angrily pointing at a profits chart and his watch. Too much of that gets you EA of course, but balance in all things.

I don't know exactly. Probably 30+. Some are broken, some are reskins, some are really fun. There's a lot of QoL mods that really make the game enjoyable. Beats the hell out of D3 if you ask me

should I play torchlight 1, Sup Forums?

Somehow, I played around 80 hours when the game released. Basically ran around Maps a lot but it got old real fast. Too bad the devs put no effort into improving the game or anything after releasing mod tools.
Good thing Grim Dawn exists for arpg needs.

Worst part was Hob wasn't even close to good and Runic handled their coverage of the game like total retards by telling everyone about it 5 years ago, fucking nothing, and then suddenly it's unceremoniously dropped in the middle of Hat in Time, Cuphead, and Ruiner with zero announcements or coverage or anything with massive day 1 crashing issues and stuttering that was never fixed.

I didn't even know it came out or that Runic closed until this thread.

Yes, its good .

But not path of exile good

D2>Grim Dawn>PoE>Titan Quest>D1>Torchlight 1/2>Trash>D3

2nd's villain is also a corrupted hero from the first game and it even has Matt Uelmen as a composer.

it's basically diablo but painted like warcraft

i actually like torchlight 1 more than 2

>what is Path of Exile

I don't like the skill gems. I prefer traditional classes with skill trees. Then you have the mouth breathers who say the passive tree is a skill tree rather than stat allocation.

But in Torchlight, it's the *mage* who got corrupted and turned evil, not the warrior like in Diablo. Totally different.

what character is the best character to play as in the first torchlight?

They died for a reason this guy here can explain it Who the fuck sinks all of their budget and 5 years of work into a shitty isometric puzzle game? They were inept outside of their niche.

Sup user with opinions, where does Van Helsing fit?

Also, any info on WH40k:Inquisitor?

As a serious ARPG fan, Torchlight 1 & 2 are the two most boring games I've played in the genre. PoE, Grim Dawn, and Diablo 3 with xpac are superior options.

>First time I hear about this game and I sits here everyday all weak

Because it's really shit and from all the reviews I've seen, appears to have been cobbled together in a year. Everyone was at a loss for words over Hobs, it's a game no one wanted, no one asked for on top of being a buggy piece of shit. Hobs is more like an 5 person indie studio's attempt at a first game, than the work of the people behind Diablo 1+2, and Torchlight 1+2. Who knows what really happened with Hobs and why it took 5 years just to get that piece of shit. But yeah, it's a shame we will never get a Torchlight 3 or another game with a story and mechanics of a diablo title. Its tech and gameplay are perfect for a rogue like.

guess Runic shouldn't have sat around for the last 5 years not really working on anything. They were taking those chinese owners for a ride.

At least Rebel Galaxy 2 looks to be shaping up well.

shit I didn't even know they were making a 2nd one
the first one was ok
too simplistic and repetitive for my taste but I still enjoyed my 50 hours or so
hope they add more variety and complexity

Not him but VH is utter trash, all four of them.

Only calling it that because there's no name for it. It's space-flight-sim rather than the naval broadside gameplay of Rebel Galaxy. They posted a few videos on facebook a while back.

When does Grim Dawn get fun? By the time I got to Homestead, I was pretty bored.

It doesn't. It is boring as shit from beginning to end.

Torchlight 2 would have been an excellent game if it weren't for the skill system.
For the life of me I don't understand how shipped an ARPG while thinking that awful fucking skill system, the backbone of any ARPG, was any good.

>making a game for a genre Blizzard already zombified

Never make a game in the same genre as a Blizzard game. No matter how good it is Blizzdrones will downplay it and Blizz marketing will drown out any buzz. If Blizzard made a run and gun Cuphead would have bombed.

Maybe ARPGs aren't for you? Or you're playing a boring build.

What's the problem with it? I thought it worked well enough except for ruining the beam spell from the first game.

But torchlight 1 and 2 were sucess, what killed the studio was making a game nobody give a fuck

Grim Dawn is actually just a bad game.

Torchlight is awful though. Not much of a loss.

I really liked TL2
The skill tree could be improved a lot and the thing that modding a single shit like text size blocked you from playing with other people unless they had the same mods as you was a little bad
otherwise I liked it

The whole mandatory putting up to 20 points into a single Skill just to keep that skill viable as you level up is awful shit that too many ARPGs copying Diablo 2 went with in the 90s-00s.
The worst part of it is that they only barely give you enough Skill Points to have at best two active skills and a few passives. That leads to extremely lame gameplay with nothing to look forward to as your numbers go higher because diversifying will only make you super weak.
Torchlight 2 went all in on that style of Skillpoint allocation with almost everything having 15 max Skill Points, even worse than how it was in Torchlight 1, and if you weren't specializing, you were probably doing shit for damage. I wish they went all in on the Diablo 1 style of finding books and scrolls to equip as spells.

Grim Dawn is similar in that regard, too, especially with that fucking annoying addition of needing to put Skill Points into the fucking Class itself on top of your personal level. All of my Grim Dawn characters, no matter their two masteries had at the most two or three skills by the time I finished the campaign for the first time.

Darkstone is still the best "diablo clone".

kys poeshitters

>implying I don't think that PoE is awful too but for different reasons
Grim Dawn is easily the best game in the genre.

No skill synergy
That absolutely atrocious implementation of skill refunds (run back to town every 2 levels to refund your skill and buy it again so it's not locked in)
Every single build boils down to "Choose a skill and then buy your passives"
The magic system made any character that needed a certain spell completely reliant on RNG drops
Half the skills in the game are reskins or barely different, even the ones that are visually different have almost no thought put into their design and are tactically identical

>The whole mandatory putting up to 20 points into a single Skill just to keep that skill viable as you level up is awful shit that too many ARPGs copying Diablo 2 went with in the 90s-00s.
I don't really mind that myself, but I also haven't really seen other ways of doing it. How do other games do things differently?

>The worst part of it is that they only barely give you enough Skill Points to have at best two active skills and a few passives. That leads to extremely lame gameplay with nothing to look forward to as your numbers go higher because diversifying will only make you super weak.
I didn't find that to be the case. If anything, I ended up with points left over because I'd already improved every skill I wanted to the maximum allowed for my character level. And I definitely had more than two active skills for my Embermage.

>I wish they went all in on the Diablo 1 style of finding books and scrolls to equip as spells.
That leaves a lot of your fate up to RNG, though. I like Diablo 1, but I didn't care for that aspect of it.

Didn't they say that there would be news about the fate of the Torchlight franchise in their goodbye tweet, though?

Embermage. Death beams, bamf spam and minions out the wazoo.

Grim Dawn fucking sucks and you know it's true because nobody even cares enough about it to post basic information on the wiki.

Every character is fucking identical with their Right-Click auto-attack with pretty random attacks that trigger other pretty random attacks, 2/3 of the skills in the game are dogshit worthless, they don't even pretend like they give a shit that class balance is nonexistent, none of the old classes were changed in any way in the expansion, the magic items are absolutely basic bitch boring trash with no interesting uses, fuck knows what else I'm forgetting.

It'll be made by perfect world games.

>Magic items are absolutely basic bitch boring trash
>There are items that literally enable certain builds, like the belt that allows you to dual wield guns

2 was shit anyway

Good. Torchlight 2 was 6/10 at best.
Torchlight 1 was fucking medicore.

>Flat armor values spread across a bunch of different elements
>Higher difficulty just makes it so everything oneshots you while taking a decade to kill
>Fucking atrocious skills and you have to be a high ass level to even unlock them all
>Fucking fumble chance on everything you fucking do until you dump a bunch of points into the dexterity or whatever stat

TL2 was shit. I could maybe reach Act 2 a few times before I quit playing out of sheer boredom. I have never beaten it once cause its so fucking boring. I could at least finish TL1.

Feels good man
>tfw new roguelike dungeon soon

Is there a way to attack a monster without having to click on each on them and just mouse over them while pressing the Left click?
Like in grim dawn.

What mods are needed to make it not boring as shit? I have 32 hours played and have never finished edit. TL2 btw.

Torchlight 2 was probably the worst arpg i have every played, like who thought making the projectiles fired by most monsters lock-onto player was a good idea?

Synergies is broken as fuck right now because the faggot started redoing everything and then quit halfway through.

Not as bad as korean ones. They do the same thing then refuce to sell the IP/rights to the game because if someone else makes it work they lose face, so you will never see it again.

I didn't like the second one

You can hold Shift to have your character stand in place, and then the mouse will control your orientation. It works best for ranged attacks.