SNK Heroines thread, Cow Mai is best girl

SNK Heroines thread, Cow Mai is best girl.

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Breast girl is always best girl, this is a time-proven tradition.

Isnt Angel bigger though?

Also why did they ruin her design?

>Best girl
We have cat Leona user.

Cats are okay but they're a diamond dozen

>Breast girl is always best girl
not always, but in this case? yes
>artist never gave us the uncensored version
come on, man


I just hope this doesn't lead to another DOA thing, where the devs go "Wait why are we bothering with fighting games when all we need are the girls?" and they shut everything down except the cash shop filled swimsuit game

>but they're a diamond dozen
What? I think you mean dime a dozen.

It's going to happen

I want her maid costume.

Mai isn't even in the top 5 largest breasts in KoF

not trying to play doubles advocate here but I'm pretty sure it's diamon dozen

Fools, its obviously a dozen diamonds.

I want to breed Leona.

She's pure, don't even think about It.

Sorry let me clarify: I want to marry Leona, make her the happiest woman in the world, then breed her in lights out, under the covers, missionary position with lots of affectionate, finger locking hand holding for the purpose of procreation.


He's right, for all intenstive purposes, it's "diamond dozen".

i was looking for an excuse to post this, he finished it
paizuri soon hopefully


You mean improved upon

Also, is there a list of what characters will be included?

I just need Angel in this game and my life will be complete

You'll never take me alive. I'm going to have a happy life with Leona filled with hand holding, public displays of affection, using eachother's first names, and grandchildren and you CANNOT STOP ME.

How likely are Eri and Fio?

Bah! You're all hacks. It's a Daimon Dozen!

Super cow!


Go back to bed daddy.

Hey give me a fashion costume like this