What happened to Deep Down? I thought this game looked gorgeous

What happened to Deep Down? I thought this game looked gorgeous

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Weren't they gonna turn it into something like a F2P game? I feel like that's what I last heard about it.

Realistically, it's probably dead.

It was just fluff to get you to buy a PS4.

It is coming to the PS5

This. It was literally a tech demo.

Game's armour design was great.


Wanted this so much

Feels so bad

Pretty sure it was a tech demo that never existed. Yet oddly, Capcom keeps saying it is still in development every once in a while but has not shown a single thing since that first trailer.

>Pretty sure it was a tech demo that never existed.
They played it at TGS 2 or so years back.

They’ve shown a couple of other things since then, but not an awful lot.


It looked like the concept of Chalice Dungeons, but properly executed.
Please come back.

Chalice Dungeons were pretty fun once you got past the horrific grind of clearing all the fixed dungeons, but Deep Down looks like it had it right straight off the bat.

Last I heard it releases 2018

PS4's Nip Agent

FRC Roots ARE amazing, but even if I didn't have so many hours wasted on them I'd still feel like there is just not quite enough layouts. Some maingame enemies and bosses could've also been repurposed, like Amelia, Cleric Beast, Moon Presence (all of which are actually present in the developer test chalices). They are cool, but they obviously didn't have enough time to fully finish them.

It's itsuno's new game

All are dead

>souls but with good combat
It was assassinated by Fromsoft assassins.

Itsuno is making a Berserk game, screencap this

>they thought a PS4 could manage these kind of graphics

>mimic with butthole
this always gets me

Who cares? It was clear from the start that it was just a Souls rip-off

Holy shit I was just wondering the same earlier today. They renewed the trademark in 2016 apparently, but that's the last anyone has heard of it. Stopped showing gameplay quite some time before that. To be fair from what they showed it didn't look like they had a lot in working condition. Just a vertical slice.


I bought a ps4 for this and I'm still fucking mad

It never existed

They should at least use the assets for something. Pure armour porn.

Assets recycled for Devil May Cry V (Q1 2019) and Dragon’s Dogma II (Q1 2021). No idea about the engine, I think they’re just dropping it.

Why do you love to lie, Todd?

It was released in Japan

Todd doesn’t lie, he bends the truth to create a more engaging narrative without ever actually presenting misinformation.

It does


See that Mountain?

Some sites have the release date 27/3/18 listed. Could this be correct?

game is dead

It is is COMPLETELY POSSIBLE that Deep Down is the new game Itsuno is working on right now, they just don't want to take away any spotlight from MHW so they don't reveal anything. We know he's working on something and this game is just as likely as him working on a new DMC or Dragons Dogma (people just never mention this possibility because fans want a new DMC/DD so much, it is the only thing they care/talk about)

no, it was originally planned to be a F2P game, but they said they decided to make it into a fully fledged one because of all the good reception

It was just a tech demo. At no point did they ever say it was a game.

Nioh is ruined by it's terrible scaling and loot system.

They showed gameplay.

It was bullshit. Looked cool as hell but you could tell there was no actual concept and the trailer only existed to show off the ps4 and entice people.

they said shittons of things, that it was going to be f2p but then it will be a full game, they also showed different gameplay footage on multiple conventions

It was playable at game shows idiot.