Chest Thickness

>Chest Thickness

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kys. That and SnK are the worst things to happen to anime in the last decade.

SAO is pretty bad yeah, but there are way worse things than SnK. For example, MHA is becoming the Undertale of anime with its fandom. Or maybe the Sonic of anime, with tons of OCs and shipping wars and other bullshit. People are literally killing themselves over it apparently?

Anyway, how are the SAO games anyway? I heard they're surprisingly good but bogged down by the story and characters or something? Like, the last one had a million cutscenes for all of your waifus?

Fatal Bullet is basically a sequel to Freedom Wars

....Okay, that's kind of cool actually. I liked Freedom Wars, even with all of its flaws. The story ended on the biggest fucking nothing note though, its not even a cliff hanger. Do I get a customisable NPC companion in this too? At least gimme a hookshot thing if not that.


Are you forced to be that fuckboi kirito again?

but kirito is now a girl(male)

Yes, you get a customizable NPC, not sure if you can edit the voice though.


>That doujin where he gets raped and starts to enjoy being a woman more than a man


>Best girl is a guy

Oh it's going to be set in GGO? That actually sounds like fun, can't think of any games where you can wield a sword in one hand and a gun like a pistol in the other hand. Closest I got was E.Y.E.

You could change your voice in Hollow Realization so you'll probably be able to in Fatal Bullet, as well.

it's only loosely "set" in ggo. it's actually just exactly the same as all the other sao games.

That's part of his gary stu writer self-insert abilities.

When I said "edit the voice" I meant edit the NPC's voice like in this video

Yea I just realized that, my bad. Not so sure about it, now.

If you mean boku no hero academia I wholeheartedly agree.

This is the only reason Im interested in this game, It reminds me of Freedom Wars.


Also the game launch the same day as Metal Gear Survive, what game will sell the more?

Metal Gear, obviously. Normies will eat it up.

one of the preorder bonuses is a free copy of the previous sao game


For anyone doing a thread drive-by, the game is made by the same developer as Freedom Wars and it's a third person shooter/melee em up with AI waifus and grappling hooks. Pure coincidence.

I hated the anime so much like you wouldn't even believe. With that said, would I like these games?

Yeah, one of the weapon types is pistol/sword.

Only on PC. 6/35 days gone and it's more than halfway to unlocking that, so it's pretty much guaranteed.
t. >200h in it

i hope that shit won't be as boring as hollow realization. there was zero balance to the game and nothing to do but kill mindless mobs and do vn shit in the city that was super boring for the most part. i haven't watched the anime, but the premise shows so much potential, but that shit was just boring

It looks fun desu.

People use the japanese originals because they don't want to support the american anime industry jew.

Hollow Realisation? Whatever happened to that twitterbot NPC? Does anyone remember how the devs made a twitterbot for the new plot NPC they were introducing into the game? Said they'd give the NPC whatever personality the bot ends up developing. Apparently westerners filled it with Trump v Hillary memes or some shit and the west lost all access to the bot. Did the NPC girl ever get a personality or what?

i'm not so sure about that user, most of the normies are on the "FUCK KONAMI " crew, most of the player interested by Survive are actually Veteran Metal Gear players.

I guess I just hold a grudge against it because it feels like it was supposed to be a DLC to MGS V and not a standalone game.

That was just marketing, I think.

Don't mind me, just derailing this thread with elves.

>Kirito didn't fuck this

From Fatal Bullet, goddamn.

It's his cousin, user. That's gross.

The previous ones were generic action RPG games with nice music and waifu shit. The biggest exception was the previous one, Hollow Realization, which.. went for the pseudo-MMO route instead.

I still don't understand if you play as your ocdunotstil character or it is the sameshit as in White Knight Chronicles on ps3 where you create mute npc party member.

i like how he just casually promises to be by her side. what if they ever move on from the game?

A high quality anime TPS games is what I've always dreamed of. But why does the SAO franchise have to be the first to do it?

I never quite got how/why Kirito still has a harem after having a wife and kid. Like, holy shit are all the women in his life homewreckers? Does being taken make the forbidden fruit taste more sweeter? Are they all hanging on for a harem end? I'm also 60% sure one of them is actually Kirito's sister or something, and it makes me wonder why she didn't move faster. You had all the time in the world!

You probably do the same thing as I do and kill every single mob when traveling in-between areas. That burned me out and over-leveled me real quick.

Much like Yui or whatever her name is, she just.... travels to a different game too. For reasons.

God damn. Its weird, I love leafa but don't care for suguha
IIRC his cousin only discovered her feelings for him after he was in a two year coma.

Non-blood related, and she's fine with it.

I take it you didn't play Hollow Fragment, because HR was practically the same thing just better.

Two campaigns, one as Kirito and one much longer one as donut steel.

All the VR shit is based on the same engine and Kirito keeps the AIs on a server in his room that he bought with government shekels.

He doesn't really have a harem, because none of them have a chance. There's an official short story where he marries all of them though, which is great.

This They'll play the "she's actually a piece of code so since all these vrmmos derive from SAO she can hop onto any game because fuck it, it's plot" card.

Well the kid's virtual so that's one thing, but it's really just the author's self-insertion fantasy at play to turn pretty much all the girls around Kirito besides Sinon into his groupies that hunger for his cock.

I finished the game. i like the feel of the combat, but there is zero balance/effort put into it beyond that. also you basically do the same formula until the end of the game of running into a roadblock and then going somewhere else to get that roadblock out of the way. shit was ridiculous.

also on another note, i do not know the series beyond hollow realization. do kirito and AZUNAH know each other beyond the virtual reality? like have they actually met irl?i don't think this was ever alluded to in the game

Do we have any gameplay on PC? the game struggle a little with the FPS on console.

>He doesn't really have a harem, because none of them have a chance
Isn't that ALL harems though? Its usually clear who the winner will be, and there's generally not even "will they or won't they" bait for the other girls. The only anime harem that surprised me was Shuffle. I was expecting either demon girl or angel girl to win, I completely wrote off not-even-childhood-friend girl altogether.

After the Alfheim Online arc they properly meet eachother online and become a couple, though actual marriage is still out of reach for them.

Correction - SAO is Cardinal, ALO is dumbed down Cardinal, everything else is the Seed which is modified Cardinal.
Philia, too. Best girl by a mile, in the entire franchise.

> Multiplayer
How multiplayer is it really?

Competitive + coop (with dungeons and mission.)

there's also a mode when you can attack players during there missions but it's a little confusing.

is the game worth torrenting? or is the only good feature the multiplayer?

Four player co-op, 4v4 PVP. Same as the others, they're simulated MMOs.

Dunno how closely the others stuck to it, but in HF there were 110 odd players and you could help them grind and gear up so they wouldn't get pasted in the boss fights. Hidden achievement for not losing any, too.

well i guess thats something. maybe i should watch the anime. i know its supposedly bottom of the barrel shit but maybe it will serve well as background noise when drawing

>make new girls exclusively for the games so that the writers' own harem doesn't get threatened by the oc
>one of them is best girl
I wonder if he'll ever realize his mistake.

Is it worth it to get it on release if i am starved for anything even remotely resembling .hack?

coop is not only 4 players, i've seing a video in a dungeon, it's like 8 or 10 players against a boss.

i read it as anal bullet

we all are kinda. there will never truly be another .hack game

uh, best girl is Strea

These games aren't any good, are they?

Here's what I don't get about SAO's plot.

>Everyone logs into some brand new VRMMO
>Its actually evil or some shit? You die in the game you die for real. Also you can't get out until you win the game by climbing to the top of this dungeon tower
>Kirito and friends climb the dungeon tower
>Don't even get all the way to the top and they find the final boss guy
>Ask him why he's doing this
> "lol i literally don't know"
>Everyone gets out after 2 years of being stuck in VR. Their muscles have all atrophied and shit, people have actually died for real

Why.... would you ever go back?

The series is one of those kinds of things where the creator and writer is dumb as fuck and utterly fails to capitalize on what he's made, but external writers with actual skill and competency can make interesting stuff.

better than the original serie.

It's out on the 23rd of February. Ask again then, but so far I'm going for a "probably".
t. freedom wars fan.
My nigga.
Shows SAO can actually have really good story when there isn't a massive cast to deal with, Hollow Fragment was essentially about three people.
Sure it isn't four players and 4 AI waifubots, like Freedom Wars?
HF and HR are solid JRPGs regardless of the SAO theme, LS and the Accel World crossover are not.
Because you can yank the Amusphere off people and at worst they'll throw up from the shock. It doesn't melt people's brains, which was the issue with the Nervegear.

Because even with all that shit having actual fucking adventures in a fantasy land is more fun than anything in real world can ever be.

I'm starving for anything anime and shooting game related. I'm tired of all these vns and shitty jrpgs on steam. I'll wait till the reviews come in but I really do hope it's good.

What is it with Kawahara and rape?

Is the game worth playing?
Or is it some Ugandan LIDL shit PSO2 with even shittier skinner box and effortless brainlet content?

Isn't there like, a .hack remake trilogy thing on Steam right now?

Shit, it even has a new 4th game or some shit?

i am a huge fan of freedom wars. i want to play this without being judged since i hate sao story and kirito with a burning passion. so thanks for telling me user.

no, you play as your own character now and there's some dlc where you can play as kirito. only took them 3 fucking games to realize people don't want to play as that feg

That's a remaster of g.u., the second game series.


lol this, watch REAL anime like boku no hero

Philia is written well enough that pic related doesn't come off as sexual. I have no fucking idea how they did it.

This one isn't out yet, but it looks like Freedom Wars 2 i.e. fun.

Here's the AI waifu trailer.

Not DLC, separate story mode.

I wish they would just disassociate the whole game from that shitty excuse for a plot.

>implying i didn't 100% complete it
You can replay the same game only so much, user.

if they did that we could have an actual good series.

Strea a best.

God damn that voice.

It's a minor part.

SnK was a harmless flavor of the month that got a boost in popularity because of the Anime. It doesn't compare to SOA which started this trend of Isekai shit. Every week there's a new Isekai aping on the last. We saw something as retarded as and Isekai with a smartphone but the smartphone is only used to look up cooking recipes because conveniently the MC got given a hax body and hax magic ability so he can do fucking everything.

Acceptable. Why are the game girls so good?

Because SAO writing is standard low effort wish fulfillment pron. It's like you don't even know what you're watching

My favourite part about this game so far is that most people I see that want it only want it because "it's basically Freedom Wars 2".

Hack writer that doesn't know how to write interesting villains, so he has to use rape as a crutch so the readers/viewers can easily hate the villain.

>Game has broken Chest Thickness sliders

But then no one would fund or buy it, because as well all know Japan has the worst taste

You have no idea how much I want a Freedom Wars 2, user.


Like Star Wars

thanks for the vid. it actually does look like freedom wars. i just hate at some point il have to play as kirito...oh well i can just drink to get past that.

I like Freedom Wars. I fucking hated that asshole box with a burning passion. Its not even the box, its the fucking chains. I remember cheesing it out in the doorway because the chains are the worst thing to ever exist. I've never beaten a dragon but at least they aren't as aggravating as 5 chains.

so uh
what about leg thickness

Literally nothing wrong with Shingeki no Kyojin
Literally nothing wrong with Boku no Hero Academia

i know your suffering user. i wish only to get a freedom wars 2 on pc. or even ps4

Speaking of Freedom Wars, who else was bitterly disappointed we got the Accessory voice change feature removed? The worst part is that all the NPCs suddenly start talking about this cool new feature you literally can't get in the localised version of the game like they're fucking rubbing it in.