What you guys think is the worst monster in the series?
Monster hunter thread
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I just want more stories.
MHW is casual garbage for nu-hunters and western dudebros who don't know any better and would buy anything that has epic TV trailers.
If you actually buy and play MHW you are a part of the problem and the reason true MH is dying, enjoy being a tumor on the franchise.
I admire the dedication people have to try and make others hate this game. It'll sell better than previous MH games whether you like it or not. Crying on Sup Forums isn't going to change that.
If world is what it took for me to finally get my friends to play with me, I'll take it.
I hate this huge shit wyvern.
Who is looking towards getting wrecked by this fellow?
I dunno man, that regen rate on those spikes seemed crazy in some of the youtube.
>epic TV trailers
Yeah because that's never happened before.
I miss him, bros.
What the fuck are you even on about, schizo?
Peco: teaching newbies to carry dung bombs since 2010.
Nothing will "wreck" you if you've played a single game in the series, the game will be piss-easy to make sure new people don't quit.
Plesi-"hipcheck wall fills the entire map 0 charge up instance move"-oth
I think its fucking hilarious that plesi was one of the demo monsters for 3 ultimate
Wouldn't mind his armor.
The devs knew they were collectively trolling the entire community.
The great debate though; Male or Female hunter?
I've gone Male throughout the entire series except FU when I had 2 different saves, but with World actually upgrading the graphics I'm pretty tempted to switch it up this time around.
I'm going as a grisly old man to flare my grandpa status.
Went male for FU and Tri, female for 3U. Probs gonna go fem again because I'm a degenerate.
they redesigned kirin armor to make it appeal to the western audience so there is no point in going female
I'm going through the same quandary but sets like
is making me think male first playthrough.
gotta go with the old fart look, bonus points to any hunter using the pompadour and the smirking face
Minegarde was so damn comfy.
Flip a coin
I usually roll male. I think the armor sets tend to look better on them.
What? They made is less lewd?
No, he's just a shitposting retard.
The larger armor sets like Akantor, Diablos etc are so fucking good, which is why I always go Male.
Why is he so angry?
Guildmarm When?
Different continent bro.
She'd be an old hag by now too.
Doesn't mean she can visit, plus it'd be perfect for her, just imagine all the new monsters to study
Guildmarm is the best, but still I do prefer having a new receptionist each new game.
Paid DLC.
Cephadrome is to Plesioth as Basarios is to Gravios; same inherent flaws as the larger of the pair but mitigated somewhat by being a reasonable size instead of fuckhueg. That said the worst aspect of Plesioth itself is really just the legendary [s]hitbox on the hipcheck; fix that and it's merely inconvenient instead of infuriatingly, objectively shit.
This is easily one of the worst monsters in the entire franchise, though I'd still argue Garuga narrowly tops it in pure, to the core faggotry. From the design to the actual programming Garuga takes my vote for worst monster in Monster Hunter. It's a shame too because its sound effects and gear are all wonderful but the monster is hot garbage through and through.
Didn't they say that there would be no paid dlc?
I'd probably pay for some more Guildmarm anyway
Not content wise, but cosmetics sure.
Probably one of the -dromes. They're all really samey, and once the -aggi's came around they proved to be superior in pretty much every way.
They've said there will be paid cosmetic DLC and one of the examples they brought up was replacing Handler.
He's not.
He's just hungry.
This is what he looks like when he's angry.
*give hug*
I don't think you want his type of hug.
Wonder if they'll bring in Savage.
*pat head*
No paid DLC monsters, levels or anything else gameplay related. They did say that there would be cosmetic DLC that would be paid, including an example of cosmetically replacing your handler with Guildmarm.
I really want to know what people look like that post stuff like this. Are you that sad?
I'd pay for that
I'd pay for handler skins. I love the one in World, but more options never hurt.
Even on an anonymous board, it's still embarrassing.
holy fuck dude get fencing on your headpats
>What you guys think is the worst monster in the series?
Black Gravios
Stygian Zinogre (Personal hatred. Fucking Fire Drill.)
Tidal Najarala
Tigerstripe Zamtrios
Yian Garuga is also bad
This fucking cunt. The code for this thing should be deleted forever and whoever asks for him to be back should be shot on sight
>All male armors look like bulky super sentai suits
>All female armors find a way to incorporate ZR
I'll have to go with huntresses.
garuga was hell in the original. he could one-tap you even with some of the best armor.
How does one go about emulating Monster Hunter XX on the PC? Is there a tutorial somewhere or do I just go googling and hope for the best?
Worst monster? Probably going to have to say Black Gravios.
Worst game? 2 way tie between MHGen and MHXX. Hopefully MHW is another breath of fresh air like Tri was, they finally nailed the switch axe.
Wut? I know people are already working on a Switch emulator but how did you think you would be able to play XX on PC?
3DS emulation.
I thought Monster Hunter runs like shit on 3DS emu?
>What you guys think is the worst monster in the series?
Honorary mention to anything with a 'drome' in it's name. I want Capcom to take all the minimum effort raptors or "scaled up" small animals and fucking toss them in the god damn trash.... That and Plesioth as well, but only because it doesn't have a 'drome' at the end of it's name, but it's just as bad/guilty for being a small monster with a large body, etc.
If anyone says anything but kirin and gravios, they are wrong.
user, you cant start new players on anything more complicated as a raptor.
What's wrong with Gravios?
I love Khezu!
Gravios, both of them.
Stories made me like it, it's just adorable
Its incredibly uninteresting and annoying to fight without minds eye. Sure you dont need minds eye, but its just boring without it.
I don't think anything has ever managed to piss me off in MH as much as Khezu's stupid AoE electricity jukes. I have no idea why people like fighting this cunt.
His armor set looks nice though.
>user, you cant start new players on anything more complicated as a raptor.
Fuck you, you know what I meant, but I'll rephrase for clarification anyway:
Get rid of Velocidrome, keep The Great Jaggi.
Get rid of Iodrome, keep The Great Wroggi.
Get rid of Kut-Ku, keep Qurupeco.
Prioritize the inclusion of the Fang Beasts, Leviathans, and Brute Wyverns over the constant, generic, lazy, model-swapping, uninteresting, 'Flying Wyverns' they keep pushing so hard.
Tri introduced a lot of great, high quality, interesting and actually unique monsters and AMAZING accompanying armor sets, but Capcom consistently fucking ignores them.
>Get rid of kut-ku
Over the line. Kut-ku is a good boy.
Blame japanese nostalgia. Its why we still have khezu instead of gigginox. And before world gravios instead of urigaan.
Kut-ku desperatly needs a heavier rework to its move set. Like the dromes they are just way to braindead easy compared to newer monsters.
gunners sets are gone so male this time, if they come back in world G or the next gen I'll go back to femhunter
fuckin pc release WHEN
actually what happened to that pc indie monster hunter people were talking about last year?
is that out yet?
This game actually has proportions and animations similar to concept art for female models. So I think the debate is over. You gotta go with female.
In previous iterations the ingame female stuff never looked as good as the concept art, but we finally got good models by leaping forward 2 whole console generations.
too busy getting pounded by a brachy 24/7 in the local arena dungeon
Its in beta, but world sucked all the hype in seconds.
>Black Gravios
why? dodging the beam is stupidly easy and its not even a good damage sponge after you break the belly, and its the perfect shitter rank filter in guild quests
Monster Hunter started dying soon after the second gen. I played gen 1 and 2 but 3 and 4 started getting so fucking stale. It's been the same game for over a decade, they make you spend full price per year for essentially a standalone expansion that sometimes requires you to restart from scratch. We're finally getting a true second gen to Monster Hunter and it took for fucking ever. I haven't been this excited for a Monster Hunter since they announced Monster Hunter 3 for PS3. Tri was one of the only games to progress the series a little mechanically and visually but then they took another step back with all further entries.
4U was the best game in the series. you know it. i know it. stop trying to trick people into replying.
you gotta earn your (you)s
why? they are bottom food chain monsters, kut-ku limiting himself to insects and the dromes to hervivores, fuck I miss the ecology videos
Because capturing two Black Gravios isn't my idea of a good time.
Yes but there are a gorrilion monsters like that now. Rework them so they can be competent monsters to ease players into high and g rank intead of literally flailing retard monsters.
4 really wasn't bad it was just super stale. I honestly liked 4 but it felt like a standalone expansion to the first fucking game in the series both visually and mechanically. why the fuck does 13 straight years of Monster Hunter releases all feel exactly the same? I think I can agree with you. 4 is technically the best if it's the game you started with but fuck man the series just doesn't know how to progress or support their games. I don't wanna keep paying yearly for the same god damn game. MH is about as bad as Madden.
Id much rather it stay the same instead of getting something like X. I wont comment on work till the g rank game comes out or is added as dlc(i really hope its dlc so i can just pay $30 rather then $60)
but both gravios will try to escape as soon as they can once they reach limping status, just have them paintballed and wait till it's sleeping to cature
kick it if you think its too close to dying to wake it up and activate the tramp, shouldn't take you more than 30 min to get 2
Will the best armor return?
He's just a big dumb pickle.
In the inevitable Halloween DLC pack.
I'd definitely rather the game go the DLC route regardless of price. Fuck buying an entirely new game and splitting the community. Also the potential for having to start over if they decide to not do save transfers. If they're going to jew me at least make it convenient for me. That's been one of their biggest problems. I'd rather pay $60 a year for season passes than $60 a year for a standalone expansion with different servers.
>Mounting Hunter 3 Ultimate
>The best
Opinion discarded. If MH4U was the best the series has to offer then Monster Hunter should have died off a long time ago.
no, once they start charging for just G rank they will do the same with dlc quests