Why do Prince of Persia threads die so quickly?
Could it be because this board is full of underage fags who haven't even heard of the series?
Why do Prince of Persia threads die so quickly?
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perhaps its because the games aren't that memorable
Pretty much. e-celeb faggotry's much more appealing to those under 25. Generation cuck.
It's because Persia doesn't exist anymore.
The 3D ones have never been good and the old ones weren't that special.
Was Prince of Persia helped in any way but EA. Because if so that is why it has died and been long forgotten. Or.........people don't have the patience for Wall running park core games anymore. Yeah Ass-sin Creed does it. But it is easy to handle. Prince of Persia park core was often frustrating as fuck. And the camera angles didn't help either. Hell maybe the movie killed it off. Who knows?
epic XD
We've had a few good 200+ posts threads these last few weeks, you just need to spark the conversation
It could be because of that, but I think it's more because the series is done. It has passed, user.
What the hell are you on? The PoP 3D trilogy has an amazing blend of parkour and puzzles. Level design is stellar too, especially in Warrior Within.
Could be that they're just bad games with generic gameplay thus not worthy of discussing.
or maybe the series was shit and noone cares about it?
Who cares about PoP, a series that had only 2 good games.
AC is way better, so fuck PoP
Because Jade buried it and replaced it with Asscreed in order to milk it to death.
It's a series that is done. It's a series with good games that haven't aged poorly.
What are you talking about?
Thank you for proving OP's point.
I am a huge fan and I hold on to a lot of nostalgia, but there isn't much to talk about.
the game designer for the trilogy and 2008 PoP is done with the series, and as a game designer.
nobody else could replace him with a good idea.
no new games. really the IP just died out. unfortunately.
>The PoP 3D trilogy has an amazing blend of parkour and puzzles.
No it doesn't. Yeah it may have inspired Ass-ssin Creed. But the level design was awful with barely any help on where to go and what to do.
>Level design is stellar too, especially in Warrior Within.
You mean the levels where you start on the ground floor. Park core your way up and if you fall end up back at the ground floor again. Also warrior within was just using the good vs evil plot. Like Jak and Dexter and other games from that era. It was nothing special.
Could he pull it off?
>What are you talking about?
It had no fucking direction on where you had to go. Enemies were always shit sand creatures that had to use passive moves just to beat them. And again the park core was fucking shit.
No. It will be just another this time Ass-sin creed wannabe. Ironically since PoP inspired Ass-ssin creed. And now Ass-ssin Creed will inspire PoP to maybe come back from the grave.
I'm playing through TTT right now. I think it's funny that they tried to retcon the emo prince of WW as some alter ego manifestation of his psyche.
>proving OP's point.
>underage fags who haven't even heard of the series
>talked how the PoP series had only 2 good game, demonstrating knowledge of the PoP series
why are you talking shits, user?
Maybe you're simply too stupid for these games?
So what you're saying is... you want quest markers. In Prince of Persia...
>Maybe you're simply too stupid for these games?
Well if the game was so smart why hasn't there been any others after the original trilogy. Why did it not continue after the film was released? Surely the film might have inspired developers to make more Pop games.
>So what you're saying is... you want quest markers. In Prince of Persia...
No quest markers but maybe a hint or too. Was it that hard to add that in. Or were they going for the free roam perspective that wasn't free roam. But just and will always be a climb up to the next level.
Funny thing, because PoP was for kids/teenagers back in the day.
I saw Godsmack live and they performed this. It was hype
>implying there are video games that aren't aimed kids/teenagers
>that stairs scene
Dahaka did nothing wrong
he's just the time police and the prince is fucking it up, the bad ending is the actual good ending
>Godsmack live
Oh....user.......you poor soul.
The game even showed you the way each time you entered a fucking room, you idiot
Showed them
I think people complained too much about grumpy prince. It made sense story-wise, he was depressed but still tried to find a way for survival.
At the end he was finally relieved and if I'm not mistaken alter ego was in the secret ending of WW. Even then I didn't get the impression they tried to retcon it.
Too bad TTT was rushed
I saw them live two years ago and they were pretty good live. Did you see them live and they weren't good or something?
When the demo of WW was out I would often start the game only to listen to the music in the main menu. Since then Godsmack is my favourite band. And I know it's not a very good band objectively.
>Did you see them live and they weren't good or something?
They were never good.
Did you also listen to Breaking Benjamin from Halo 2?
>each time you entered a fucking room
And yet the camera didn't know left from right majority of the time.
>And yet the camera didn't know left from right majority of the time.
Did you play it with a broken controller?
Speaking of Warrior Within: most people are shocked by the drastic change in tone, but am I the only one who was upset by the fact that there's a billion things that are left completely unexplained?
Like: where the fuck is Farah? Where is the king? Where's the DAGGER? What's this weird magical armor the Prince has now instead of the dagger? Even Shadow the Hedgehog, crowned king of unwarranted edgy franchise entries, respects continuity more than this game.
linear games with two cool gimmicks
nothing to discuss
I don't know what to say about the games aside from that I love them and I would love to see this franchise make a proper come back. But I have no faith in Ubisoft so I'm not expecting that to happen anytime soon.
>where the fuck is Farah?
>Where is the king?
> Where's the DAGGER?
Probably in India
>What's this weird magical armor the Prince has now instead of the dagger?
It's Farah's medaillon he got in SoT
Farah and the king aren't really mentioned in WW because the prince is on the run from the time cop.
Better question would be why the medaillon had time rewind powers in WW but not in SoT
>But the level design was awful with barely any help on where to go and what to do.
Christ, these games were pretty straight forward. I don't understand how anyone could have issues with that.
>why hasn't there been any others after the original trilogy
They made two games after the SoT trilogy though.
>all that top tier porn material that had WW
just for that reason, PoP is way better than any AC game ever
Well, the armor is pretty stupid.
Kaileena was better anyways
Warrior Within gets my vote for best in the series. The setting, platforming, and edginess were perfect. It was like playing Mortal Kombat platformer. Also the time beast was fucking spooky.
>No quest markers but maybe a hint or too
Maybe if you weren't a sperg and didn't skip every single dialogue, you'd know where to go.
Besides, the games were already linear enough, with only warrior within breaking the mold a bit.
>Kaileena was better anyways
sure, bust Shahdee is still the second best in the entire PoP saga
>Used to rightfully think Warrior Within was shit
>WW feels like am 11/10 after playing modern games
Where did it all go so wrong?