What happened?

what happened?

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They gave one of their flagship titles to a dev team who only previously worked on DLC along with an engine that wasn't for making RPGs

interns happened

went from bald space marine meme to nu-male meme

Frostbite Engine

Mom said it was my turn to save the universe.


the right is what happens when you drink soy

They're only human after all. Don't put the blame on them

Not sure what you'd like us to blame then.

SJWs and PC override


Fuck you now that’s stuck in my head again

He is a big boy now

Chad Alpha vs Virgin beta soyboy manlet

right looks like that concept art for BotW

the pathfinder and the other armor you unlock later in the game are god tier and better than the N7 armor (which is in the game( though

They modeled the animations and characters off their own devs. When you realize that a lot of the games animations makes sense. Skinny guys and fat women being applied to wrong sized and themed characters.

The person who chose that song to market the game with deserves a medal.
>Song literally telling you the product is shitty and excusing the dev team


People who voted Trump.


People who voted Hillary.

>The chad commander
>The virgin pathfinder


loool xD american politics are always epic

I like the song tho.

What the fuck is with that proportion?

Has the picture been made?
If not I'll do it

why r u quoting a song?

I don't think you realize how retarded you look, and that makes it funnier.

This is an American website.

yes, it was in the andromeda trailer i think

Diversity hires.


i pirated this game and it isnt even as bad as u fags say the psy powers and gunplay is better than any of the mainline games and you can make normal looking characters if u dont use the default shit

Was this the one that created the backlash and eventually got patched?

The Chad Shepard vs the Virgin Ryder

what are you talking about, clearly that whatever the fuck it is is just a degenerate and that blue degenerate is about to prepare a document of search terms it can look up to help fulfill its deep dark fantasies

Is Garrus /ourguy/?

>vs the Virgin Ryder
sounds like a rapist that targets virgins tbqhwyf

That was the tranny that told you its male name on the first conversation. SJWs got mad because one does not simply say its dead name straight away.


When your complaint about a video game that is hours if not days long can fit into 23 seconds, I don't think you've found the real problem.

>Projecting in insecurities to those who disagree with you politically

No. That was some tranny introducing himself with his birth name after being asked why he left the milky way. It was weird.
>Hello miss, what brought you to Andromeda?
It was a complete non sequitur.

Everyone knows liberals are ugly fuckers. You're not fooling anyone.

>Hillary voting soyboy detected

>rootless wanderers
He then roots her out of the blue but hey

No, the conversation was about reasons to come to Andromeda and what they'd left behind, she was saying her life used to be completely different and she didn't miss it. But I guess I don't blame you because people with asperger's can have trouble picking up on such subtleties in communication.

Yeah, these great specimens

>defending that tacked on tokenism
Hurr we have trans people in our game
Remember Lawbreakers?
>hurr we have transgender bathrooms because the game is set in the future
>game dies

you and your trump cocksucker friend may have a problem with body dysphoria

I went to a Milo talk. It was full of beautiful and surprisingly diverse people. No chimpouts were had because there was a security perimeter for the antifa. Only one person showed up lel

Yes, I'm sure that was also the precise reason why Lawbreakers failed.

>I went to a Milo talk.
What for, if you want a faggot to dripfeed you edgy bullshit just go to Sup Forums

>Shepard, a real character, a leader. With a great voice actor nontheless
>Ryder on the other hand is pretty forgettable and bland.

At least Sara was somewhat cute and N7 armor made her attractive. Scott is an epitome of soyboy

dude in front is an absolute unit


I've been here for over 10 years
I went for laughs and I got laughs

You can get the same laughs here from people who aren't pathological attention whores

Cliffy B acts like a retard and fights people on twitter over his dead game, blames transphobia
It's like EA, their 2 golden poos and homophobia in DA2 all over again
You might be too young to remember it though, being 2011

>Cliffy B acts like a retard and fights people on twitter over his dead game, blames transphobia
>It's like EA, their 2 golden poos and homophobia in DA2 all over again
Oh, I remember. I remember how that was Sup Forums's excuse. Come on man, the homophobia was obvious and it did not help your case.

Hey maybe Sup Forums should've stepped away from the politics instead of doubled down on them after that?

what a fucking piece of shit. Do not let mentally ill people to do games, or at least do not let mentally ill people without talent to do games.

Whoever picked that song must have known what trainwreck the game was.

wait, are their pronouns some kind of secret code or something?

t. cuck

the only non ironically answer

>Do not let mentally ill people to do games, or at least do not let mentally ill people without talent to do games.
Right, then, so it really all comes down to talent. Why did you try to make it about something else?

do it.

Don't forget the chad Wrex and the virgin whatever the fuck the one from Andromeda's name was.

Diversity hires in every department.

Let’s see you in a meet up, big boi

This is what happened with ubisoft, now think about what has probably happened with Bioware.

>Shillary voters don't even know left from right

You won't.


This isn't even actually what happened with Ubisoft.

you know there are still like 5x as many men, but that goes against your narrative

I am not mentally ill and I don't want to make games. I don't fit the requirements.

it could be, but putting women in position of power and/or jobs where you make decisions, it won't end well, mate. Even worse if they are turbo commie/feminists

>slapping someone you don't know with a defining backstory consisting of mostly your transexuality

You don't fit the requirements to read posts apparently

Nice Kingpin cosplay

>there's 50x more body than cancer, ergo the cancer can't kill the body

Ironically you'll never realise how hard you just proved my point.

It's like whoever made the right model went "Eh, looks right to me" and didn't check any perspective beyond 1st grade 5-heads proportions

Yeah cause putting men in positions of power and/or jobs where you make decisions works out perfectly

Haven't touched Androgyna but will do it
After work today lel

They gave the franchise to people more concerned about pushing an ideology instead of actually making a good game. Seems to be the number one pit fall for the entertainment industry these days.


better stone cold heads than your average woman. even worse if they are feminists.

I remember what it was like being 14

The people who made the original mass effect were veteran RPG devs who wanted to make a sci-fi game set in a Star Trek-style universe.

The people who made Mass Effect Andromeda were a support studio that were told by their parent company to make a video game set in their Mass Effect IP.

It's an issue of passion and failing to recognize core influences that formed the identity of the original.

>amazing technology and games already developed and released by male majorities

>no evidence so far of female majority projects having positive outcomes


Kinda easy. You make a game to appeal cucks, you make a main character for them.

You should, considering you just turned 15 today.

Too much soy


Midgets need representation too, shitlord.

That is acceptable. I do too.

>what happened?

they never learn

We'll bang,ok?

Its like saying 'hi im frank, but i really go by francine now ever since my operation' as the first thing when you meet someone
the old person is gone so why would you bring it up?