Did anyone like this character?
Did anyone like this character?
I like her heals and her skimpy outfits.
Tits are nice, that's about it.
she was literally more irrelevant then the mascot character, and her whole character arc was a one-dimensional mess. that being said, she still wasn't that bad which is a strength of XB1 overall. Even at its worst, it wasn't really bad at all.
She was a genuinely nice and caring person.
She was unlike a typical jrpg party member which have to be super special. No, she was just a civilian who wanted to protect those that she loved. That's what made her a good character.
It's a tossup between her and Melia for shittest character in the party (story wise)
Gameplay wise she was very useful because she was the only one who could heal properly
Wasn't she the one that constantly talked about wanting to shower, implying that she's smelly?
You shouldn't be using a dedicated healer in these games.
Name one situation where it's practical to wear shorts and long boots.
I liked her character, but she was useless in the gameplay since dedicated healer in xenoblade is basically training wheels.
>In a game where healing doesn't matte
Riki is better than her in every way shape and form. He can heal without fucking up your chain attacks.
She's okay story wise, but she get rendered obslote in gameply after awhile.
I've been playing Xenoblade 2 and the main characters in genearl are much weaker. Ever characters like Sharla and Riki are more fleshed out tha most of 2's cast.
I liked her body
idk who or from what game she is but I like her midriff. Post more
Slap a bunch of Quick Step gems onto her, throw her into a bikini and you have something to look at when running through huge open areas for quests etc
She was a good match for Reyn
>Wanting Reyn to end up with used goods
Thats cruel.
>would rather Reyn end up with a girl and not a woman
Maybe one day, you will see