>He fell for the 'Uncharted has bad gameplay' meme
He fell for the 'Uncharted has bad gameplay' meme
Other urls found in this thread:
>Auto aim
>auto knockdown on fall
>auto lock-on on melee
>series built on scripted events
Yeah, nah...
nothing about that looks particularly entertaining or engaging
you could probably not press any buttons and that same sequence would automatically unfold
It does. It has basically no depth.
Uncharted has terrible gameplay, so does TLOU. It's for people with small dicks
I will NOT be playing your #BrownGenocide
Just like...every other video game that ever existed
When I did that part and swung from the ceiling, I got BTFO almost instantly, so I was stuck hiding behind cover just like every encounter in the fucking game.
ape escapebabbies never change, op
>auto aim
He was shooting offhand and just happened to hit someone, it’s a chancy move
>auto knockdown
Not auto, you need to attack while falling for that
>auto lock on melee
Not auto, you select your target by facing them
I’m short, kill yourselves
>you need to push square for the game to automatically move you to the nearest enemy and have the game play itself
Wow, now its not automated.
>i'm short
angry manlet detected
i got this game with the PS4 years ago and it was fucking boring as hell.
>all that autoaim
>all those contextual sync animations mechanics
it's trash that plays itself
just not the ones you've played...
>Press a button, something awesome has to happen
is the whole mentality behind these games.
Without auto aim console shooters would be impossibly frustrating, you need it.
>Uncharted has shit gamepla-
This is the main reason why uncharted 4 was better than rotr.
Uncharted 4 allows for fun gameplay, except if you play on Crushing which is where the game actually ends up challenging and 90% of things don't work. Sliding, running and hipfiring, swinging and firing etc.
>playing on easy modo
>one mechanic in the fourth game in the series (fifth if we count the Vita game) may or may not be fun at some point!
>get the swing rope
aww shit time to swing around and kill fuckers
>you shoot it and Lara auto swings, also not used in any combat areas
>get the grapple axe
aww shit time to swing around and kill fuckers
>you throw it and Lara auto swings
>that horrible Ai accuracy
Casual games for movie goers
I hate you. I hate that you showed me this and other webms before I played the game, and made me excited to play it like that, just to die every time I'm 5 seconds outside cover.
For anyone interested: this is played on easy. In hard it's much easier to just stealth everyone Bamham style than survive swinging in crossfire.
>hi im an idiot that never played the game
actually the player has nearly infinite variations on how he could have played that
Oh god, it's super cherry picking uncharted poster! He's back!
did they add any new maps or anything to the multiplayer?
>generic mess of context-based scripted events, screen that turns to grey when you take a lot of damage, automatically replenishing health, hiding behind cover, etc
this is why I don't play new games
It's already been confirmed that it's only PC shitters who complain about UC because the graphics are better than anything on their 3000 dollar machines
Pressing buttons to interact with things is literally the most basic function of video games. He killed them in one hit because he placed himself above them to do a plunging attack, like Souls for example. It’s NOT the most demanding combat but it has its moments and is fun.
>Inb4i get fucking crucified for souls comparison
lol oh sweetie
whats the point of shooting if he just goes in and executes them melee
Can we just agree that climbing sections in video games are shitty garbage?
>literally one path to take
>uh oh, a piece of the wall crumbled off at the perfect time such that the player can't possibly fall down as a result, ooooh
>fake tension everywhere, impossible to actually fuck up
>the only real player input is spotting the footholds and pushing the control stick in that direction but it's hardly even gameplay because you could just try every direction with no possibility of losing
Even the mid-2000s Prince of Persia trilogy was guilty of this in some parts, but at least those games also had parkour and acrobatics that were 100% possible to fuck up. (And yeah the fuck-ups could often be undone with the rewind ability but at least that shit was fun and cool at the time.)
>It’s NOT the most demanding combat
you are right, it's for braindead retards
what games do you play
t. brainlet
BotW did climbing right.
SotC is also good
AC series is okay.
You forgot Uncharted.
everything pre 6th-gen, indies (not the shitty hipster variety).
This is all on the easiest difficulty. If you want to prove me wrong, use the PS4 streaming feature and show us this on crushing
In the Souls series the game doesn't automatically adjust your character to hit the enemy when you press the attack button.
I remember all the meme webms for Uncharted 4 and when actually try to do fancy stuff with the swinging you get killed easily because you are an open target and shooting from a rope isn't all that helpful. The OP webm was just a very lucky scenario and the guy in the other webm almost died At the end of the day the optimal and actually practical strategy is to stay in cover. Uncharted is still just another whack a mole cover shooter where the combat system was just an afterthought.
Translation: "I suck at uncharted"
Because then it looks really COOL and CINEMATIC
Translation: It's on easy but I don't want to be exposed
There's no way to dodge hitscanning enemies, you braindead drone.
Kill them before they get a chance to shoot at all, git gud.
>Unsharted has gamepl-
I'm always mad at Uncharted like games because they remove man hours that could have been used on the singleplayer to make some shitty depthless repetitive multiplayer mode that no one really cares about and dies within a few months.
Can confirm. I have a small dick and loved both.
Literally impossible with how many enemies there are. Stop acting like the game isn't 90% behind cover on everything above normal.
>Sup Forums has become too casual for Uncharted
Never thought I'd see the day.
I wonder if this user ever made more webms.
>1 button auto-takedown into auto-aim spray
wow so this is the power of so(n)y
I guess so. Climbing in Assassin's Creed is more of a free-roaming thing because you're just dropped into an environment with lots of climbable buildings, rather than being guided through a linear series of set pieces in which climbing is entirely on-rails. But you can't really fuck up the climbing in Assassin's Creed unless you're being attacked with arrows or rocks. (Disclaimer: I didn't play all the shitty sequels.)
I didn't play SotC or BotW but I hadn't considered them either. I was mostly referring to the climbing sections of generic third-person action dudebro normie games.
But the climbing in Uncharted is as described here:
>Sup Forums has become too casual for Uncharted
>Uncharted fags believe their game is "HARDCORE"
I don't get why Sup Forums calls Uncharted a movie, when you can skip every cutscene.
It's not developed in Japan or on PC.
>push button to kill guy in mini pseudo-cutscene
>push button to kill guy in mini pseudo-cutscene
>push button to kill guy in mini pseudo-cutscene
>start cover-shooting (laughing girls .jpg)
>webm ends just before player gets rekt
wew, impressive
i don't get why Sup Forums calls Uncharted a game series, you can and should skip every one of them
ac is terrible
the only time climbing works is when there is a grip mechanic otherwise its just too bland
Uncharted has some of the best environments ever crafted in a game. The gameplay isn't that good but I sure love exploring them
>I don't like it, so no one should be able to like it or play it.
I love Uncharted
I'm playing the Nathan drake collection now.
It is verifiable that Uncharted uses hitscan damage which tags you when "exposed" there is no dodging strategy like in Max Payne where the bullets are actual objects, all the difficulties modulate is how much "exposure" time you are permitted. Thus, it is documentably true that in higher difficulties "fun" strategies become increasingly unviable as the exposure timer will punish you harshly for not being in a safe zone.
The fact that you are actually posturing hardcore about fucking Uncharted is probably one of the most pathetic things to ever be witnessed on Sup Forums.
Anybody who's actually played the game has nothing but positive things to say about the multiplayer
Because the interactive sequences are automated and scripted as well. It's not like MGS where the player has complete agency whenever the game is playing.
Cutscenes =/= cinematic experiences.
Uncharted a cinematic experience because it is trying to replicate the experience of watching/playing a film. Something like Bayonetta isn't a cinematic experience despite having cutscenes because its not trying to be a movie you play, its an action game with lots of cutscenes.
The climbing in BotW and SotC is actual climbing, you're in full control and if you fuck up you can fall off and possibly die and have to start over. Not at all like Uncharted's climbing with gameplay that amounts to pushing the stick in one direction while scripted scenes play out.
>he fell for the Bionic Commando: Rearmed has bad reviews meme
Uncharted 4 was fucking awful. One of the most beautiful god damned games I've ever seen, with the best combat the series has had to date, and it was all just fucking walking, driving, and shoving shit. Every influence it took from TLoU was a mistake. Hopefully LoU2 redeems Naughty Dog. I just want more goat multiplayer.
Bayonetta 2 was basically a cinematic experience with UC being 'press X to awesome' and encouraging button mashing through the scoring system.
It came for free with my PS4 at the normal price of the system and you still couldn't convince me to play it.
because they need shitposting ammunition
No, it wasn't. The gameplay and cutscenes were distinctly separated, the gameplay segments weren't trying to be a film you play, there's no scripted hand-holding.
>He fell for the 'Uncharted has bad gameplay' meme
What gameplay? Its a fucking movie...
>zero reading comprehension
>uncharted has gameplay
>I'm short, kill yourself
Holy fuck, that made me laugh way harder than i should have
and so is in uncharted? Just because you actually play the game instead of watching a loading screen makes it worse in your book?
>lets edit out all the combat and action set piece moments and stop playing as soon as it gets going and ignore the multiplayer
same as the first
so you're saying this game is nothing special?
Considering WT wasn't a core mechanic and UC wasn't even in the first one and the scoring system diminished for repeated combos, you're objectively wrong on all accounts.
the first bayo's scoring system was 99% using the correct weapon. which happened to work great just mashing
It's ten-minute video about the first four hours of the game. They obviously have to edit out a shitload of content, and it makes sense to edit the video such that it reflects their impression of the game, because their impression of the game is the whole point of the video.
It wasn't calculated off of raw damage like in 2 which meant that you could still get high scores by being stylish because you got bonus points for varying your WW patterns rather than just PPPKing everything in UC like in 2.
literally retarded
>New York Daily News
>Score : 100/100
>Gameplay never ever grows stale in Uncharted 4. From beginning to terrific end, Nathan Drake's final adventure keeps you invested and focused...And when it's all over, the last thing you want it to be is the end of this franchise.
>Nathan Drake's final adventure keeps you invested and focused
>keeps you invested and focused
Have you ever played a good game?
Why was he bored?
>Uncharted 4 has fun gamepla-
>I’m short, kill yourselves
what did he mean by this?
Not everyone is entertained by graphics alone.
>I’m short, kill yourselves
>I’m short
Dumb phoneposter.
Why did this poster admit to being short? What did it have to do with his post at all?
I just beat Uncharted 1 in a single sitting last night, gonna try to do 2 tonight