Be honest Sup Forums. Did you fall for the VR meme?
Be honest Sup Forums. Did you fall for the VR meme?
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I'm waiting for Vive Pro with its wireless capability, I feel like that will make the VR experience truly worthwhile. But the games all still suck.
No because I'm poor, if I could afford a headset I'd get one for racing games
I like my vive.
Nope. I don't think the tech is quite there yet and the price is still way too high. I tried out the oculus rift at best buy and the screen quality just looks horrid to me and took me out of it.
I might get it in a few years when stuff is better and they perfected the wireless versions.
No, because I'm not mentally retarded
Not yet. I'm waiting for 2nd gen. I'm not even looking forward to the games, just the porn.
>give $300 to rift kickstarter
>sold the dk1 a month after getting it for $350
>sold the final version the day I got it for $750
I think it all worked out in the end.
We need higher resolution
Wireless support
A way to freely move / run in vr (be it special shoes, treadmill, whatever)
Controllers that are just gloves and a way to tag any RL item for use in vr environments
I did but still haven't been hit with buyer's remorse.
nah im waiting for higher resolutions so i can have a vr workstation in space
The 90Hz thing is keeping me away. It's not enough and for the lower refresh you don't even get great visual quality - it's the same color banding garbage as on 144Hz monitors right now. Will probably take 5 more years until it's ready to be enjoyed.
I was going to build a VR rig this year, but I might throw that money on a holiday instead
This. I want to be able to completely disconnect myself from reality and just sit at my desk in space.
do u kno de wey
Nah. I'm too poor for the VR meme.
how long until vive pro is supposed to come out, by the way?
Bought vive at release, mainly use it for porn and vrchat so I wouldn't say it has been worth it. I'm still getting vive 2.0 though.
If that's all you need just get a pimax or something
I've played it at a friend's house a few times and have had a blast with it, even if it gave me a migrane in the end. But the session was a few hours long so it all worked out in the end.
Really glad that VR is finally happening, and although it may be a while until I myself get one, I am still eagerly awaiting for that day.
Now to wait for GPU prices to go back down
The wireless addon isn't coming out until fall.
Pimax is a bit shit though. On mine one of the straps broke within two days, the hard plastic around the nose slot was painful as fuck and the headtracking was so bad I was constantly having to reset it in-game.
You sure about that?
We need foveated rendering more than the rest of those combined, first.
No, because I knew it would take a company like Nintendo to do VR properly.
Once it became clear Nintendo had no interest in it, I knew it was dead in the water.
Once I saw that literally the only game worthwhile on it was a port of a fucking dreamcast game, and most of the developers working on VR were a bunch of indie western devs, I knew it was going to become a meme.
>Vive Pro is still 110 fov
Got both rift and vive for free at release, only game I played a lot in vr was assetto rest of my vr games all have playtimes of under 1-2 hours. Most vr games today are still shitty arcade games and ''experiences''. Been working on a game myself tho for the last year on and off.
Why are there no good vr games? What is it missing?
Lone Echo/Echo Arena made it worth it for me. A glimpse into the future of VR games that wouldn't be the same with traditional KB&M + flat screen.
>and most of the developers working on VR were a bunch of indie western devs
to be fair, you wouildnt actually expect AAA devs to put dev time into something so experimental would you?
no because real VR hasn't been tried yet
ho the fuck can I feel myself being in another world if I can't move around
bypasses like teleportation takes me out of the game and removes the whole point of VR
doesn't help that most VR games have very simplistic graphics
the Vive Pro isn't wireless.
There's a wireless addon you can get for it which comes out later
You can also get this wireless addon
saving up for a pro at the moment. if any other new news comes out before then I may hold off, but for now I think i'll just set a bit aside a month for a vive
are there any VR games that is RPG and has some form of loot system?
also, when will RE7 PC version get a VR mode? and will it be an update or a separate version?
Market and incentive.
>didn't fall for the vr meme
>bought a wii u
What's the best and most cost-effective way to go into VR?
Any way to import one into Europe for less than €300?
It shouldn't be a separate version, since it was basically made for VR it the first place.
But it will be.
I have Gear VR for porn. It's some good shit dude.
Dungeon Knight, but that's it as far as i know.
im also looking for them
i never even understood this meme.
what's wrong with playing games on a monitor?
it's ok i guess for maybe fps games but how can you enjoy games like dark souls, DMC, the bitcher and a lot of other games like that?
Want to buy a Vive but as is its too expensive for me.
nice rebuttal
tell me user, what's the point of VR if it isn't actually virtual reality
you're just holding a screen close to your face
the waggly hands in-game don't even feel right becuse you're holding controllers irl
do you have no imagination?
Vive is only for people who have an entire room dedicated for VR. otherwise, get oculus rift
3d screen that lets you look around. It's really fucking nice for casual driving stuff (EST2) where you can just physically look out the window for traffic vs. using keybinded camera locations.
Shame the resolution is not where it needs to be.
My room will be cramped. I checked and I think the walking space for my room is the bare minimum for it. i'd have to set up safety nets for certain shit though
>All VR porn is male on female
>none where I'm the female and can use while playing with dildos
user, all VR games are fucking bad.
i rather waste 800$ on new pc parts than fucking glasses.
ok, driving games could be cool with this also
Not yet, but I'm planing on falling for it once I get a job and have money to buy it, since gbp can only take me so far
It's a holdover from the pasts vision of the future, like flying cars.
then get Oculus
I still want some body tracking.I can always move to a bigger room for games that need more space
>he didnt try H3VR
I don't know if you're a lady or a queer, but I feel sorry for you either way.
>user, all VR games are fucking bad.
Dun you be dissing all VR games now.
Just wait some time until the great niponeese degenerates start making stuff for it.
Waiting on my Windows Mixed Reality Headset now so yeah
$150 to play VR games was too cheap for me to turn away from
How did you get them for free? Did you just tell the companies you were a dev?
Experience wise, it's like getting a bigger monitor or a better video card for higher game settings. The resolution and fov may be limited now but it gives you the game in full 360 with 1:1 scale 3D. No widescreen can top that.
Gameplay wise, aiming a gun in your hand is probably not as accurate as a mouse and crosshair. If you're playing games for fun, that's not a problem though.
PSVR is lowish-resolution compared to the PC options, but if you already have a PS4, it's very cheap, and has most of the current best VR experiences (Superhot, Job Sim) as well as AAA stuff you can't get on PC (RE7, Skyrim)
ayy i got that exact kit
mic wont work if you hook it up
>nice rebuttal
That line alone just screams "fedora".
Matrix isn't real, nerd.
I have a PSVR and I play nothing but ultrawings. I don't need anything else in my life. Just give me a flight stick, chair, intravenous nutrition and one of those poop bags that cancer patients wear. That's all I need. I will just live out the rest of my life this way.
You can use psvr on pc as well.
all this shit is good for
>hurr durr if you get vr you can no longer enjoy traditional non vr games durr
How far can I use it, though? Can I use it for any Oculus/VIVE games?
>A way to freely move / run in vr (be it special shoes, treadmill, whatever)
I was thinking a Wii style balance board would work well.
I've got a pretty decent PC, so I'm trying to get something like Oculus. I just dunno what or where to get it.
>he isn't both
>he didnt play Lone Echo
>This is a gimmick because I said so. ME!
This is like the idiots who dismiss all the games as "tech demos" while they play shit like pubg and FTL.
>PSVR is lowish-resolution compared to the PC options
As someone who can't stand the resolution on my Vive it blows me away PSVR is apparently a viable commecial product and growing a userbase. The screen must look like total horseshit.
I did. And I went onto /vrg/.
This is the first time in a week since then that I've decided to come back and browse Sup Forums.
the wireless adapter comes out earlier this year for early adopters of the vive and later this year the pro bundle will come out. The actual release date is still in the air though.
I actually am a dev only finished a shitty mobile game few years ago tho, lots of unfinished projects since then. For the vive there was a application period 2 years ago where devs could apply to get devkits, I was emailed for the rift.
>If it's not AAA, it's not worth playing
VR is a canvas of intensive creativity right now, why not enjoy it before its corporatized by massive dev teams
the oculus is sold at best buy.
you can also just buy it from with free shipping
i bought the rift a few days before christmas
literally have only used it for vrchat and have only touched another game once since i've started using it
vrchat is amazing
complete fucking faggots so i wont even bother arguing on a sunday night
Kinda, I bought the trinus app for my phone (big screen, 2k so works decently well). Kinda fun to play jedi kngiht and dishonored with it, but glad I spent $20 for my headset and not 300
VR came out too early, the tech is so far from complete at this point
It's the same as Oculus DK1, which was fine, not amazing but fine
Oculus and HTC should be grateful as fuck for Sony actually making a mainstream VR product. It's going to give developers a sufficiently large audience to bother developing VR games, which everyone will benefit from
>read article about how nintendo doesn't give a shit about VR
Why did VR flop....why oh why....
Apparently, and there seems to also be a vorpx-like solution for non vr titles.
I love my vive. Flying space ships is so much more fun than just staring at a monitor.
In Elite Dangerous you have to press 1, 2, 3, 4 to get to the different menus, but with the vive you can just look at the menus to pop them out and activate them. You can walk around inside your cabin (neat but not useful). You can fly in one direction while tracking a target going the opposite way.
Gen2 is going to be the good shit, but if you already like flight or racing sims go fucking buy one right now.
Don't worry, Nintendo will have VR that's a decade in hardware behind the others once they finally jump aboard it.
Probably for the best that it did, since its helping push some companies to invest in it
consumers will suffer for a bit and we'll get a bit of a push
Yeah, the roomscale is fun for a bit but ultimately I use it for flyan and drivan games. I think I've put more twice as man hours into Elite Dangerous and Dirt Ralley after getting a headset than I ever did before getting one. Sometimes I'll play through an album in Audioshield or dick around in a shooter, but mostly I stick to seated stuff.
Virtualboy 2 when
VR was always a retarded idea. Putting a screen an inch away for your eye causes long term damage
Even the shitty Valve demo games are very fun because of VR, the problem is finding games which aren't demos.
Also games change $30 more than they're worth just because VR. Probably a combination of the smaller market and the outdated assumption that everybody with a headset is rich means actually having extended experiences is tough.
It's pretty bad for racing sims on current models due to the resolution since you're always focusing on what's ahead of you, which may as well be a 640x480 window in terms of detail you'll see.
Nah. They use some sort of OLED pixel layout that helps with the resolution. Vive has a very prominent screen door effect which is barely noticable on PSVR. Not having 3D tracking sort of blows through. The thing that really sucks is the PS3 move controllers. They are unbearable. The aim controller is great though.
dont tell me you actually believed your mom when she told you that...
You obviously haven't tried it yourself