ITT games that Sup Forums is too trash to play, starting with the obvious one: Mordhau

ITT games that Sup Forums is too trash to play, starting with the obvious one: Mordhau

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Looks like the same garbage as Chivalry

how about you learn to play kid

I'm not buying your shitty (probably slav) game with the unsatisfying, weightless mouse dragging you call "combat."

Pick one. Slavs are the saviours of gaming right now and are the only people brave enough to stand up against the SJW's ruining games. Thanks for proving my point though, instead of actually learning game mechanics you just cry on Sup Forums instead

Why didnt they just mod Chivalry and change 2 swing values instead of making a whole new game

>Slavs are the saviours of gaming right now
Back to cleaning toilets, Szymon. That's all slavmonkeys are good for.

Dead on arrival

Because the devs of chivalry are retarded and the code was spaghetti. Modding attempts were made. Mordhau is built on a new engine by a competent dev team

I'm English

>wanting skyrim combat
brainlet detected lmfao

>Dead on arrival
>Met it's kickstarter in less than an hour
Fucking kys you skilless cunt

>I'm English
Yes, I'm sure you are Szymon. English as the day you arrived.

How about adding a dash button.

Mocking people isn't gonna make your shitty game better.

Wasn't this that shitty chivalry clone that was shilled on Sup Forums for like a year?

That would completely ruin the game you dumb nigger.


how is this any better than chivalry

even the dev video looks exactly the same as the old chivalry dev videos

Have you played it? What makes it shitty? Let me guess you're just a random joe

ITT games that Sup Forums is "too fast" to play

not going to spoon feed you, go play chivalry and understand its flaws and then realise what the mordhau dev team are trying to accomplish

Too many neanderthals on this board that haven't actually played the game. Just watch a video then start shit posting.

>then realise what the mordhau dev team are trying to accomplish

"we want the hardcore niche audience who thinks they're too good for chivalry"

>Let me guess you're just a random joe
Are you enjoying your first day on Sup Forums?

Make the combat play out in real-time instead of slow motion made for small slavic brains and I'll consider it.

Yeah because casuals loved reverses didn't they


>Let me guess you're just a random joe
And who the fuck are you, faggot? You're not on the Mordhau forums anymore.

>Thinking that changes anything
lmaoing @ ur life
Casuals and normies eat this shit up everytime, and then 10 minutes later when they actually play it by themselves realize it is shit.
90% of kickstarter games end up like that, and this really looks like one more of those.

I fucking need this

But Mordhau is played literally everyday. I've had the alpha since launch lmao.
Nice bait though nigger.

Look at all that impact on those swings I really feel like those weapons are connecting with the enemies wow!

same shit happened to chivalry now look at it

everyone plays for the hype then the few that stick around will convince themselves that the game is broken and they're too good for it, and they'll move to the next exclusive new thing

>Being this fucking retarded
Why are you trying to shill your shitty game in here? Your niche games with a fanbase of less than a thousand will not get any better if you manage to recruit 5 or 10 people from here.

>huur duuur this 100 people community play the game! its not dead at all!
I can assure you nobody outside your amazingly niche fanbase has heard of this game, have fun playing a dead game.

>same shit happened to chivalry now look at it
>huur duuur this 100 people community play the game! its not dead at all!
It sold millions of copies

>projecting this hard
No one cares about your shitty favorite game.

But it's cool. Let the console cucks imagine.

These games aren't made for "This gameplay is fun and I'm having a good time" satisfaction. They're made for "Look, I'm at the top of the leaderboard in this match of this game played by 2000 people which makes me a valuable human being" satisfaction.

That fov fisheye effect is atrocious. Wouldn't be caught dead playing this garbage.

Give me the game you fokkin cunt. By the time they release it all the new players are gonna get torn in half when they try it.

Remember, a large (prob just loud) group of people on Sup Forums hate games and don't even play them. Ignore most opinions.

>It sold millions of copies
and nobody plays, imagine that

Same spinning glitching abusing trash

garbage dropped 0/10 dead on arrival

It's not the first game to ever sell millions of games.
And I will assure you, a lot of those games end up in the trash because guess what? They suck.
Your game will just go down the For Honor route, It says a lot about your amazing game when its only 2 people defending it and they gotta resort to with shitty excuses like "L-LOL CONSOLES"

>Slavs are the saviours of gaming right now
Slavs are great, but they aren't nips.

>For Honor route
Assloads of people playing day and night across PC and consoles?

It looks so floaty and weird.

i don't know what looks worse, the actual gameplay for the FOV. yikes.

I have always wondered how it would feel and look like if my neck and eye balls were completely stiff.

you would be caught dead because you're fucking trash

Just git gud at chiv and you'll trash most of the mordhau alpha players desu

It still pulls about 1000 a day despite being 5 years old, its had a MUCH healthier play cycle than say, the AAA failure For Honour which I'm guessing you're still salty at ;)

t. skyrim and minecraft melee gamer "expert"

ummm LOL

Never seen a clearer case of reddit in all my life.
Stopped reading right there

reddit spacing, opinion DISREGARDED

>Player count so low they actually had to remove the numbers from the game because they were ashamed of them
This is a good indicator of how "full of life" the game is, and if this game which is one of the most popular games out of this shitty genre is THIS dead, can you imagine how dead your game is and will be in a couple of months?

Doesnt include Uplay numbers. Same dumb argument R6 used to have. And console numbers are much bigger.

>stopped reading at the end of the post
i don't think i've ever seen someone this mad online

>Thinking 2k people is good
LMAO pathethic
Add the 2-5k people that play on consoles and you still have a dead game, you guys are beyond pathetic holy shit

Uplay? wtf is that?

>The redditor is stung and embarrased at having been found out. It thrashes around posting more reddit tier reaction pics in its fury

3/10 because you're pretty amusing.

>hurr why I can't mash controller buttens
This is why Sup Forums is bad at anything but epicsouls or fighting gaymes

At least you admit that this isn't a fighting game.

It always feel like shit seeing people play with FOVs set to look as if their character had eyes on the back of their head and they could see right through it.
Nice game anyways I'm going to spend thousands of hours on it.

>random joe

Hahahahaha *ahem* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA this looks fucking HORRIBLE

pls stay

Is Mordhau going to succeed in being Chivalry but good?

What's the news on other game modes, I remember there were horses n shit. Duelling is all well and good, but there's nothing better than last man standing brawling it out and arriving at the final battle to determine the match 1v1 with the entire game watching you.

Thank god. Have you seen the fighting game community? The slasher genre is like fighting games chad cousin

not enough BING BING WAHOO for you?

This game will blow the competition out of the god damn water

This looks awful. Just learn a fighting game.

That was the best feeling in mountain blade. Full 200 person server. Last left alive on your time and you pull out the victory against multiple foes as your team yell is capital letters in excitement. I miss it. Wont have something like that for a very very long time if ever.

Seriously? Lmao

>brainlet cant into 3d spacing
Fuck off grandpa nobody wants to sit at an arcade feeding in quarters just to get cheesed with invincibility frames

Is there any news on bannerlord? It seems like that game's been in development for ages.

The competition is a 5 year old indie game.

First person melee combat has never been done well.

Is it devolving into as much of a cancerfest as Chivalry yet?

Not really, and I doubt it will have large multiplayer battles cause from my experience small teams that upgrade graphics fuck up the netcode/performace. 200 player servers wont happen again. But they have some gameplay videos of it if you havent seen them already, but they are months old by now.

and For Honour (kind of), and Bannerlord (multiplayer)

There's some AIDS but the devs are based, we've had like 13 patches already

First person melee combat has never been done we-

you're shilling this game really hard. nobody cares about your shitty chivalry clone

>Last man holding the line
>Manage to kill a few guys despite being shit at the game and on my own
>Scares the rest of the enemy team present to make them hesitant in their assault
>Hold out against blades, bolts and arrows at low health for long enough for my teammates to arrive and aid me

someone has had their mother fucked by a slav it seems

WRONG. Kickstarter was fully backed in under a day

This is crap. This can't even begin to compete with most 3rd person action games or any fighting game worth its salt.

>3rd person action games
>press roll to win
>dodge the wide arcing boss swing!

>fighting games
>2d, literally outdated tech
Time to catch up gramps

Why do you assume I'm talking about souls games? 2d usually trumps 3d.

3 is bigger than 2, rekt bitch.

Why are you even in the thread? Go back to /vr/, you're obviously too old to appreciate modern titles

hyper light drifter
enter the gungeon
nuclear throne
any frictional game

too bored to continue

This looks worse than competitive Mount & Blade.

That ain't even a particularly popular or characteristic Slavic name you retard
t. an actual Szymon


Monhun is coming out this month and is a great action game. Honestly even dark messiah looks better than this shit.

Then why not make an intersting 4d first person combat game instead of this trite garbage?

ah you see, unlike you, I actually played the competition and can tell you QUITE ACCURATELY that you are SPREADING BULLSHIT



But Sup Forums does nothing but gush over this game. Even more than the trash that is Quake 3 Arena/Live

Any game with an esports scene.


Because Sup Forums is mostly americans and americans are notoriously awful at anything related to cyber sports.

Even if the game has a resemblance of a competitive scene, such as getting world firsts in WoW, americans still manage to embarrass themselves.

If you manage to wrap your mind around how a country can be this bad when half of the entire video game market is located there, please do tell me.

Yeah, that's definitely better.

Gungeon is just a bad boring game. If it was half as past paced as NT it could have been perfect. But it's just a fucking slog to even attempt to play.

>Yeah, that's definitely better.

why do these games always insist on making the player's field of view bounce up down and on the sides
fighting somebody in melee means keeping your eyes locked on him at all times

Looks pretty clunky

god damn you make one decent RPG and retards on Sup Forums start sucking your cock.

Not all Esports is created equal. Most games with an Esports scene are thinly veiled gambling sims with barely any effort put in by the devs.