the average Dark Souls 2 player
The average Dark Souls 2 player
hitbox big
when they're trying to defend Dark Souls 2
The average Europa Universalis 4 player
The average miney crafta player
game shit
Does that represent the collective amount of threads you've made?
I feel like this happens every time an user makes a thread, and gets BTFO in the first post. They just make the thread every day until it becomes a meme. It happened with the >Esports spammer as well
I was about to spread that meme
Is his head exploding because of all the artificial difficulty?
the average LawBreakers player
yeah...that was...bad......i mean you tried i guess..
The average Breath of the Wild player.
Vigor and Adaptability are the worst fucking stats ever.
Pursuer is the best boss ever.
How do I beat Four Kings NG+? They take so much damage now.
... is a child?
the average red faction player
On the one hand, those 10/10 natural tits. On the other hand, that fucking nose.
>that one episode where timmy wishes he was never born because fucking no one appreciates his good deeds, discovers literally EVERYONE is better off without him existing, and everything goes back to normal with Timmy "learning" that you should do good deeds despite literally no one giving you an ounce of appreciation or respect for it
What the FUCK were they thinking?
>i'm gonna make this same joke again xD
Is this shopped or is it a real stock photo? Who would even buy it and for what purpose?
the average Bioshock Infinite player
The average Switch owner
actually, I was preventing someone from reposting the exact same reply from the last thread
looks really shopped but i don't know what's the purpose of that even if you remove the red dress girl. maybe there was originally dog there or something.
>2018 fags actually thought this was funny enough to screen cap it
Sup Forums was fun at some point, but now everyone screencaps everything slightly funny as if they were on Sup Forums.
>The average Guitar Hero player
>see? Nobody gives a shit about your kike ass, you fucking jew. Any last words before i send you to the gas chambers in hell?
I still can't believe they got Sam Raimi to write that episode.
>imma prevent a war by killing everyone
Based hitbox poster!
>Posting sluts
Pretty eye-catching way of illustrating infidelity.
*takes a puff of his cigarette and sighs deeply, contemplating his life* Yeah bro... i've been here since 2014 and i'm tired of it too... pathetic lesser beings... wish they were all neutered and shown the old ways we did things... i miss when screencaps had those epic reactions added on instead of just the text... hmm...
kill yourself
hah hitbawxs!
Are these even considered yaoi hands or something much greater?
The average Modern Warfare player
Did that guy get the crystal treatment?
The average sonysoy
Shes pure.
The average DDR player
The average Forza Motorsport player
The average Ouya player
The average Dark Souls 3 player.
>cis woman
the average melee player not
include me in the pic
hey I get it they have brain cancer
>OP right now
>I'm gonna make the same thread again!
bravo, simply bravo...
Underrated post
The average Bethesda player
the average payday 2 player
Yeah, it was funnier when we just posted rage comics, and said things like "you win an internet!"
>make the same damn thread
>get the same replies
Does anyone have the picture of the shitty background part of Forest of Fallen Giants? I need it. pls