Why are Koreans always the best, most-skilled competitive gamers?
Why are Koreans always the best, most-skilled competitive gamers?
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Parents don't love them, have nothing better to do
>first this board is obsessed with sneaky japs now they like Toenail Pullers.
Gook education requires SC as a class
Asians are notoriously one-track minded.
They aren't
the alternative is to become an underappreciated, overworked office drone
Koreans have big cut dicks that white girls want because their boys have small uncut cocks
It's a cultural thing, if you're good at vidya in Korea you're viewed as being chad.
Extremely small cocks
Have to make up for it somehow
>Toenail Pullers
Nationally cultivated mindset of needing to take and steal whenever someone has an opening in any field outside of videogames leads to many choosing the later.
Asians, and koreans especially, are usually rotten to the core. I would know.
t. panface dogeating dicklet
>Korean men known for having on average smallest dicks
Even Japan is superior in dick size, how will Koreans ever recover?
Why are korean girls the best asian girls?
Koreans are the most ugly asian niggers out there.
opinion invalidated
Koreans have a serious addiction problem with every form of vice
Cause they'll do anything to have a half-decent face. The ugly ones all go play pro-golf.
Shouldn't everyone on Sup Forums be good at games too, then?
turns out plastic surgeons can get pretty good when they have an entire country to practice on
When country goes from a 3rd world shithole governed by nepotism and corruption into a 1st world technologically obsessed nation, that shit tends to happen. They accelerated too fast and are suffering the cultural rot that occurs that should have been taken across multiple generations instead of just all at once.
Bad parents aren't enough, the rest of korean society is garbage and extremely demanding. The west isn't.
Asians have high IQ.
It's a known fact that being indoors = lighter skin = think more = higher iq.
Darker skin means you had ancestors who worked on fields and only used your brain for simple tasks like plucking and being a slave.
That's why when it comes to intelligents, whites are at the top, followed by asians. You see how a lot of E-sports consist of only whites and asians; only asians are seen more because they train more, but here we have better things to do than put our investment into companies that train players in video games.
>mfw reading this thread
>as a gook
Stop trying to derail threads nigger
go is big in korea, the ones that wash out from that use their trained autism for videogames
Please don't kill yourself tonight, Kim
There's very little to be proud about our country, hyeongjae
The best
You can't say that and then post a plastic korean bitch.
They can't have fun.
Fuck you.
The truth hurts, user. Korean women are so fucking concerned with their looks and wanting to look american that they get eye surgeries for stupid little traits on their eyelids that non-asians have. I can't even translate the exact term for the eyelids they want but it's real.
you joke but I think about it every day
you might be right but at least we can get rid of a shitty president
>Be European
>Have centuries of agriculture, horticulture, and animal husbandry
>So much so that Europeans are able to drink milk way past infancy.
>Hundreds of years later after the rise and fall of empire, and the birth of democracy, we get the internet, a celebration of the democratization of information.
>Instead of reading about said history of European agriculture, decides to shitpost on a Laotian Soap Opera Smoke Signal Collective about how only black people are able to work in fields.
Get the fuck out.
The one that took over isn't any better.
>you might be right but at least we can get rid of a shitty president
That we did, at least.
You mean like how the Japanese literally model their anime characters with Caucasian features
They suck at most fighting games which are the best competitive games.
I really wish more manga and anime had characters that looked like bottom pick.
Autistic asian single-mindedness. Whereas someone else is always thinking of something else while they're constructing pylons--because, lets face it, shit is mindless and boring--the Korean is able to devote all his mental faculties to a razor focus and he builds the FUCK out of some pylons.
Exactly, but koreans want to do it in real life and will pay exorbitant prices to accomplish it.
>some butthurt nigger actually took time to make this edit
koreans literally dominate tekken and there are several notable korean SF players
Because our culture denigrates trying to improve. Fat people mock the man going to the gym. We even use to term "try hard" to describe people who try to better themselves.
These were all made by a Korean
I said most fighting games, and infiltration is one of the only good ones.
why are koreans and japs so assblasted with each other if the emperor is literally descended from koreans and korean immigrants had been coming over for thousands of years?
He's still not wrong though
I don't know user, have you been reading japanese revisionist history of denying war crimes?
Read about Comfort women issue. Japs apologized and even gave reparations but those fucking gooks won't let it go.
Which ones?
Honestly all these just show how anime characters are modeled after asian + european mix, pretty much hapas
Asians almost never have noses like anime characters, neither do Whites, but they are a mix
Same with pointed chins and big eyes
Cause the japanese (government) denies what they did.
People on Sup Forums don't play videogames
perhaps stubbornness and homogeneous attitudes
anime characters are japanese unless stated otherwise.
Explain what is being denied and provide proof that it actually happened, nigger.
No shit you stupid fuck, but making a character with blonde hair and blue eyes doesn't mean they are Japanese or based off of one.
wasn't there a japanese guy who got deported for admitting to japan's warcrimes during ww2? Or am I crazy
Hold on I have the documents in my bag somewhere.
You're right, Nanking was invaded by aliens.
How can White women compete ?????
there are characters with green hair and purple eyes too. That's completely irrelevant. The point is they are such simplistic designs you could say they are anything. But since most anime is set in japan and have japanese names, it's safe to assume they are japanese.
What else will you put your pent-up frustration towards in an oppressive feminist society?
Actually bud wonder woman is v cute in that pic
Don't need to when they want to be men and the men want to be women
How can any other women compete, really.
If they have blonde hair they are identified with being white because white people usually have natural blonde hair.
If An author draws a dolphin and insists its a shark, does that mean the drawing is actually a shark just because he says it is?
What the fuck is that him? I didn't know he was a nigger.
Nice try gook. Subhuman scum.
What does that have to do with korea?
why do people who have yellow fever always happen to be creepy beta white males
Cause they have no life
Shut the fuck up nigger.
Fuck you.
This video was a perfect example though. White people tend to think all anime characters are white whereas the average japanese can tell what ethnicity they are based on.
Only the koreans that aren't businessman and student have lives, which is to say very little of them have lives at all.
>toenail pullers
nigga what
>White people tend to think all anime characters are white whereas the average japanese can tell what ethnicity they are based on
Nice strawman nigger. I said only characters with blonde hair are usually associated with being white.
>whereas the average japanese can tell what ethnicity they are based on
Damn didn't know most were Korean and the Major is Egyptian.
Rural america has plenty of whites and spics, and both reject beta white males. There aren't many blacks or asians. Beta white males often wrap themselves in basic-bitch white supremacismto feel better about themselves, so they hate niggers. Thus, the only remaining women who they are attracted to and haven't felt rejected by are asian women.
Throw in the meme that you can be a 4/10 white guy (spoiler: total bullshit, asian chicks only care about money and you figurine-buying faggots sure as fuck don't have enough) and get crazy pussy over in anime-land and you've got a recipe for a whole subculture.
I dunno man.
Asians love white dudes. I've seen a lot of cute koreans walk in with a bunch of pasty looking boyfriends.
OR are you sure it's not just that...
white men are waking up and realizing asian women are just more feminine and make for better partners?
>asian women are just more feminine and make for better partners?
stop watching anime
Confirmed for never dating an asian chick. Bossy and demanding as fuck, the moment they're comfortable that you won't leave right away.
I'd wager a good half of this board has never dated/had sex though, so maybe that sounds good to you.
Only anime I watch is mostly old Gundam and that doesn't have many asian women in it.