Explain yourselves without mentioning exclusives. Literally has nothing to do with the experience. Just the business side that you tribal minded monkeys fall for.
2018 and still people exist that think console is better than PC gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
We're allies now pcbro.
PCgaming is basically MMOs, other assorted online games, playing ports of 5 year old console games and shitty indie games.
Just look at this. What a joke.
t. PC owner.
PC needs excessive maintenance compared to consoles.
And by maintenance, I refer to both hardware and software.
Why do you care about what other people play, does it really bother you that much?
No, we're not. You play the same games we do, only worse. You're an imitator, not an ally.
>Not needing to use Windows 10 ever
Congrats, you have reached fucking normie level.
>so[n]ybro badly falseflagging
I main PC but I do go for handheld options whenever they're available, even then I have owned all Nintendo and Sony handhelds. I do think exclusives can matter though, I don't think Nintendo games would be as polished if they weren't developed for their own hardware etc.
>explain yourself
I literally do not own a PC at all. Have not done since 2013. Don’t miss it at all.
Post pic where PC kicks sony and tells him to "fuck off"
Oh but paying for online twice, Same games twice, paying to change your name, and an entirely new system every couple years is much smarter right?
PC gaming 2017-2018
got em
I liked playing finished games, not early access kickstarter alpha v0.01
Cool, so your IQ has dropped since 2013. Thanks for sharing user.
Not right now. Prices are fucked. And I almost exclusively play on PC, sometimes PS4.
PC has the worst userbase by far. Even worse than nintenbabies.nothing but ironic weebs and ADHD kids.
Yeah we should all play on consoles where the most played games are either PUBG with garbage framerate and controls, or a game that people only play because their platform doesn't have PUBG
I don't even care that much about what people play on but this fucking retarded most played games argument every single time
>being this upset about the literal non-purchases of others
Feels good not to have too many possessions user. To not own too many screens.
wtf how the fuck do you know what is better
>chiefag is a total plebeian
imagine my shock
The average PCfag is good for a deathcamp. For them only csgo, MMOs and ASSFAGGOTS exist.
You sound a bit obsessed with pubg user. Even if my PS4 had it i would not play it. The only multiplayer game i play is Tekken 7.
>wanting to play the most played games
Masterdisgrace is so casual.
>ironic weebs
People keep saying this. My enjoyment of japanese games is genuine. Just because I don't hot glue figurines and have literal waifus I'm being ironic?
Research. Something that goes right over the rainbow for brainlets like you:)
pc is overpriced these days thanks to crypto miners I'm a pc fag and I can't recommend it unless you have money to burn.
The fact that the prices are inflated by $500 over MSRP is the problem
>have everything but PC
>not missing anything
you can play anything worthwile with a PS4+Switch
some of you have a PC+Switch combo to play everything, but you still need at least one console
I don't play PUBG though. Why do consolefags constantly bring up most played on PC, then go apeshit anytime someone points right back at most played on console?
Did you just not consider that someone could possibly do that?
He's 100 percent right though.
The most played Xbox game is pubg and the most played PS4 game is a crap rip off people are only playing since they can't play pubg.
Got any actual arguments for me to own a PC? I don’t need one for work.
>PC "gaming"
nice meme
You have just proven that Pee Cee has the worst fanbase.
The most played PS4 game is what? Do you have a source?
you can pirate indies and AAA shovelware and also play MOBAs that ban you for not being tumblr. All at a resolutions you can't appreciate because you are so close to the screen.
PC will always win hands down.
We eventually can play natively or emulate anything.
Consoles are only necessary if you don't want to wait.
Also, you can't even play last gen's games so you are reduced to remastered games from last gen at a premium.
Why would you enjoy possibly not being able to run a game?
its the most steamed on the PS4 app and BY FAR the most talked about irl. I think you already think it is desu
This is why PC gaming is shit.
Well i don’t like the sound of that at all...
You look at benchmarks on different games and tests.
Higher numbers always means more money and power.
But the return on your investment is minimal at times.
It's best to watch a bunch of reviewers and read the benchmarks on websites.
Probably fortnite
Console gaming is naturally simpler, more comfortable, more direct, and actually less reliant on the internet. You can eventually achieve similar results in those aspects with PC, but like most things involving a PC, you have to work for it. And no matter how much you deny it, PC gaming will never be as comfy as console gaming.
Why are PC gamers so obsessed?
It's a pretty common answer, but console gaming seriously is way more straight forward and to the point. I've had PC parts shit out on me way more often than I have had problems with consoles. Being able to upgrade is nice but only gets you so far. Most recently I've had to replace nearly my whole computer because past the hard drives, GPU and case nothing was compatible with newer shit anymore. Now my fucking speakers just keep disconnecting and reconnecting because I apparently picked a motherboard I shouldn't have.
I love that when shit works it works wonders, but god damn. I should think by now all this stupid crap would be ironed out and shit would be more stable but you keep getting bad PC ports that crash or other shitty hardware specific errors. Nothing feels shittier than getting home after a bad day, sitting down to play a new game and instead having to spend the whole fucking evening troubleshooting problems.
If console devs would prioritize a stable frame rate over being able to take pretty screen shots I wouldn't even bother with PC.
I suppose this is one of those “given an infinite timeline and variables everything occurs” type of thing huh?
are you a starbucks worker lol
to start with the most obvious ones
1. getting to play games at your screen's native resolution, at 60 frames per second. or if you're a poorfag, getting to choose between shit grafix and a shit framerate
2. piracy
You got one thing right.
why do I need to put so much effort, why can't the product communicate what it does effectively? I know the PS4 plays PS4 games exactly as they are intended to be played. IDK wtf these things do and how they differ in doing them.
Seems like awful marketing.
a big thing for me is price and convenience. PC gaming is expensive as hell and lots of things can get in the way.
With a console, just plug it up, turn it on, and boom, games.
>own pic related
>still play more on my PS4 and Switch because I don't like League of Legends or CSGO
My PC is a Siege and shitposting machine.
>Explain yourselves without mentioning exclusives.
I'm not poor and can afford multiple consoles and a good pc
get fucked op
Sorry i asked about a source on that i believe
You must be underaged if you dont remember shit like RROD
Switch exclusive
That's nice but I'm not a dumb cuckold who's content with playing games 5 years after they come out, hence why I go PC + consoles + handhelds, so I have access to everything.
Stop being poor you Brazilian shitface.
only casuals bought a 360.
>Expensive as hell
You pay for online twice, As well as games twice when a new gen comes out.
You pay for endless controllers cause your A button eventually flattens.
You pay to even change your god damn gamertag.
When will console drones learn that PC gaming is cheaper in the long run?
Nope office worker, i just get my job done at work, so no homework for me.
Oh I remember it. I just have never owned a microsoft console. I'd hardly say one exceptionally shitty console is enough to discredit all of them.
With the sudden spike in the cost of PC hardware, our competitive edge is diminishing.
Imagine being so delusional to believe that controllers somehow break faster than computer mices.
Prebuilts will just gain popularity till the prices drop again. It's a seasonal thing bud.
>Explain yourselves without mentioning exclusives
I've had a razor mouse for 5 years now and literally just as good from when I bought it.
Gr8 B8 M8
>pay for online
Keeps poorfag non westerns out
>controller compatability
prevents cheating
>name changes
prevents reddit meme names like on steam. Makes better game culture overall by not attracting peacocks.
Not him but open your friends list
It was definitely the most played on Xbox until pubg got ported
Easy, I'm not an annoying asshole, I can coexist with other consoles and I don't need to fall for a meme superiority complex to play my games.
>Spends more time telling people to "just get a PC for 4K 60fps" than actually playing games
Being PC is like being the US in North America, like being Argentina in South America, like being Spain in Europe, like being India in Asia. They just should not be allowed to interact with people other than themselves.
T. Sony + Nintendo owner.
>My individual experience means that everything is the same everywhere
t. fucking retard
and i've had my genesis controller for 30.
The Xbox version is so trash
>I'm a moron who justifies getting fucked in the ass but me no retard because I get 1 or 2 exclusives.
well i pay for online once, ive never bought the same game twice in my 24 years of being alive. Ive had the same controllers of my systems because i know how to take care of my shit.
Ive never changed my Gamer name sign on any online system ive owned.
although recently, I've spend a lot of money on ram, CPU, Motherboards, A new Hard Drive, a new monitor, and other PC related things...
only thing I play is indie free ware games and the occasional Raid with Friends on FFXIV
Like I said, PC is nice and all, but i get along just fine with my consoles.
Literally name one (1) game on PC
>admitting to buying razor
fucking soy pounder
>Muh LoL!
>Muh Overwatch
>Muh indies
That's all there is to it.
I just know the community=quality of games. PC is full of shitters, so devs make shit for them to eat. I seriously can't imagine being a PC gamer. Nothing but indies, mobas and AAA shovelware. It's so terrible. Games are garbage in general but you have to actually be dumb to enjoy the hobby on PC unless you actually do nothing but emulate stuff, which is better on a modded console.
>1080 ti and 1080/70 are almost the same price
Why do PC fags want in on the console war so bad? You pretend to just be sitting and watching but every thread like this or any comment that says "just get a PC" is just you fags seeking attention and (you)s because you'll never convince anybody to join your shitty community . If it werent true DFs most watched recent videos wouldn't be Pro vs X videos.
Online fees are stupid, sure, but $50 or whatever for a whole year of access is really easy to budget. Replacement parts costing $200 or more is a bit harder to deal with.
I've had all of like two controllers die on me in my lifetime and I started with the NES. One of those controllers had shit spilt on it so it wasn't exactly a fault of the hardware. Who the fuck needs to change their online name? Ever?
whats a prebuilt PC where I can play modern games at over 60FPS on high settings? Preferably something with lots of slots for expansion. Obviously as cheap as possible.
>open friends list as suggested
>dissidia final fantasy NT open beta test
>dragon ball fighter z open beta
>Metal Gear Solid V: the phantom pain
>Tekken Tag Tournament 2
>Dark Souls III
Okay now what?
they want to kill consoles thinking they will get all the exclusives as everyone will just makes games for PC
In reality they just won't make those games anymore. It will be nothing but indies and mobile.
anyone with a bit of brain buys their ps+ year sub when it's 30 bucks during e3.
fucking cryptocuks, REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
PC users are literal mutts waiting for leftover at the console table.
>paying $900+ for a GPU to play garbage indie games, shitposting, installing mods you never use, and claiming you have an unlimited library of games when you haven't beaten a game in three years
>buy prebuilt
>get cheap HDD/SDD, PSU, and mobo
>also get a hideous case you end up trashing
I know nothing about PCs. Like I know what Ram is but not really what is does to any meaningful extent. Same goes for a CPU and GPU and whatever else you need.
>Nothing but indies and AAA shovelware
What the fuck does that even mean? Every single type of game then? Either it's indie or if it's AAA then you just call it shovelware?
This is just bait, but that's thanks to the buttcoin miners.
What's so worthwhile on PS4 that you can't get on PC? Bloodborne? Meh.
PC + Switch here. On PC I can play Civ, Dark Souls, StarCraft and a shitton of other games, because the thing is almost entirely backwards compatible, and I don't have to pay extra for multiplayer. And I can always alt+tab to shitpost on Sup Forums.
On Switch I can play Zelda while in bed or some more casual games with normie friends and family at their house, as the thing is easily portable.
Garbage like what what you get as free PS+ games=indie shit and AAA shovelware. AAA shovelware is any multiplat or exclusive that sells a lot. Indieshit is 99.999999% of indies.
Talk to normals
Not saying they're the best games but the most popular PS4 ones are clearly fortnite, followed by FIFA, GTA, cod
Xbox is extremely similar and the sales reflect this (although obviously fortnite doesn't show up since it's free)
>*Has best graphics in the industry*
PCfat tears are so delish.
You can only dream of having a developer this talented work on a project for your platform.
Are you just pretending to be retarded?