What is the "The Room" of video games and which developer is the Tommy Wiseau of developers?

What is the "The Room" of video games and which developer is the Tommy Wiseau of developers?

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Skyrim and Todd

Lets see, The Room. A movie so ridiculous, over the top and poorly executed everyone who likes it likes it because its hilariously bad. What games fits this description? I cant think of any... Its probably in the JRPG category

im fittin in, right???

A Way Out by Josef Fares

How did this movie even achieve cult status? Yeah, it has a couple of funny lines. Yeah, it's bizarre in a lot of ways. I just don't see how it's entertaining enough for repeated viewings.

The same way rocky horror did. It just weird.


>and which developer is the Tommy Wiseau of developers?

Deadly Premonition and Swery

devils third

no i didnt play it

Heavy Rain and David Cage.

A game so bad it's good? Undertale

Nier Automata

The Room is not a good example of a movie so bad that it's funny and entertaining. It's just plain bad. If you want a movie so bad it's good, watch Hard Ticket to Hawaii.

Halo 5

meme culture echo chamber circlejerking annoying redditors

Randy Pitchford

Silent Hill 4

obviously this one

MDickie games, especially The You Testament and Hard Time.

Unironically sonic 06

Daikatana and Romero are the only right answers

mgs2 and kojima

t. retard

Swery at least accomplished one of his goals, pulling off the weird/creepy small town atmosphere of twin peaks.

it was a cult movie back when reddit wasn't main stream. it just became even more of cult movie ever since the disaster artist came out..

>A movie so ridiculous, over the top and poorly executed everyone who likes it likes it because its hilariously bad. What games fits this description?

Deadly Premonition?


MAYBE deadly premonition
the shit eating grins, strange asides, hilarious voice acting.
keeping in mind i love both the room and deadly premonition


Daikatana/Romero, no doubt.

>Tommy Wiseau did Brother
wtf I love Tommy now

Wiseau's goal was to make a movie about himself.

And DP is a good game, it just required a certain mindset to enjoy.

Motherfucker I really needed this lol, thank you.

>Wiseau's goal was to make a movie about himself.

and yet Disaster Artist did it better

re1 for the playstation would be the best candidate. It has a cult following and shit lines which are entertaining.

dont delude yourself. it was a fantastic experience but dont call it a good game

Deadly Premonition

Apparently there's a The Room flash game on Newgrounds that I only know about because Vinny played it.

If there ever was a game like "the room" it'd probably be that.

Final Fantasy XV

>The Kingdom of Norway

Tommy is the only 100% unique person on this planet he has no equal

Plenty of terrible movies are made and released, but The Room is terrible in very, incredibly specific ways. Tommy Wiseau himself is incredibly weird and it comes across in the movie.

Plus it was being made in LA and he was throwing enough money at it (seriously, his private funding of the movie has to be in the millions, although no one really knows where the hell that money came from beyond the fact that he owned some clothing stores), and he rented out a famous cinema for the premier and did the whole red carpet thing with limos and everything. So even big movie industry folk knew about The Room in a way they simply don't hear about any other straight to video dross that's out there. And word spread.

Should be noted that The Room has been famous in its own circles for longer than the "let's make fun of bad movies" scene has been semi-mainstream on the internet, so it's not just a "reddit picked it up and pushed it" thing.

Appearance wise, Tomonobu Itagaki.
Video game wise, pick almost any PS1/N64 era game with VA.
Overall: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

David Cage and all of his games.
They are hilariously stupid.

>movie unintentionally comic genius
>flash animation trying really hard to be funny


Why is Tommy Wiseau being interviewed by Frankie Foster?

A good game in that it blended gameplay and storytelling well, good characters, and lots of memorable moments.

If you sink 15 hours into a game and immediately restart to play again, that's a mark of a good game.

DP still has an interesting plot/setting/characters though. The characters stand out because they're all just that, characters. Everyone in the room (aside from Tommy himself maybe) plays their roles pretty deadpan straight, they're just really bad at it.

Omikron and David Cage

A Way Out

Or the first xXx.

>You're the senator that's trying to ban rap music and video games!
>I stole your Corvette and am going to drive it off a cliff and parachute out of it while Tony Hawk makes an O face and Let the Bodies Hit the Floor plays!

member the Tommy Wi-Show?

Nah, That is summer blockbuster, that was released in 3D and again for the anniversary addition.

Tomonobu Itagaki is the Tommy Wiseau of game developers. In a very literal sense.

David cage, a lot of his games fall into that category, but probably Indigo Prophecy is the one that fits the best, it's a so weird and confusing game that ends up being amusing just by how absurd and over the top it is


It's more like a marketers pushed it for Franco's new movie thing desu.

If you only count that Wii U game he made you are right on the money


Deadly Premonition and Swery65

I don't know if this counts as a videogame, but it was sold as a videogame, so fuck you.

"Plumbers Don't Wear Ties" for the Panasonic 3DO

rifftrax did it

>a way out

Do you know the way?


Nah, the room had cult status years before the disaster artist was a thing.

I remember watching it in 2010 and it was already pretty big then.

What are it’s “circles” user

fuck you


I change my answer to this, slipped my mind.

Or the original non-HD versions known as Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: Wand of Gamelon


There was a game called Total Distortion that was so bad that it was actually fun to play. I guess that could be the "the room" of vidya. Though Total Distortion was way more fun.


The Room has been a famous thing since way before either the book itself or the movie based on the book were announced. Why do you think the book even exists? Why would a movie based on the book even be made?

It's a lot more famous NOW, granted, because of The Disaster Artist, but it was well known before that too.

That Retribution: Ride to Hell thing is the closest match I can think of that I've seen.

It makes every attempt it can to look like a "proper" game, appears to have had some money thrown at it, but fails at every individual step and the only enjoyment anyone got out of it was laughing at how awful it was.

Shame you can't buy it any more. I'd love to play it. I'd even pay full price for it.

obviously this and Randy

Nah, too many people have seen The Room for this comparison to be fair.

The Tommy of video games is Tommy playing games himself.

Only correct answer ITT.

Ride to Hell Retribution

>but The Room is terrible in very, incredibly specific ways
Yeah, but it's just not that funny or entertaining. But like everyone else said, The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a fucking thing, so there goes all reason..

Drakengard 1 and the guy who interrupted the game awards to rant about loot boxes

Movie nerds

True, but unlike most bad movies, a lot of the backstory was circulating around. People knew about Tommy being a total nutjob along with seeing the film, even back in the early days, because he was just as famous as The Room was.

You see a boring bad movie with shitty effects and bad acting, you don't know anything about the people behind it, you go "eh." But you see The Room with its stupid greenscreened sky on the rooftop and you think "hey I heard that Tommy did that because he wanted it to be a 'real movie' or some shit, can you believe that?" and it becomes entertaining.

To be fair NPC dialogues in Oblivion fit right in with dialogue in The Room.

The third one, return of Xavier Cage is also pretty good in the self aware "we know the xXx movies are fucking stupid" way, a lot of media tries to pull off that self aware cheesiness and fails but xXx 3 did it.
>The opening where they're recruiting fucking Neymar as the next xXx
>some dude tries robbing the restaurant
>Neymar kicks a glass or something into his face and KOs him
> and then in the credits they're showing clips of each xXx doing something badass and neymar is just footage from a soccer game

Yeah, this is a genuine response, anyone posting a game with over an 80 on metacritic is memeing

Return of Xander Cage is the most anticipated movie of 2004

Do you always think outloud like a fucking autist?

Sonic the Hedgehog


We still love them tho

I got banned for making this thread before this is fucking bullshit.

Too Human and the dumbass that made it

Fable 3 and Stefan Molenuex

Mass Effect Andromeda


>I'm uncomfortable having anything in common with other people

You don't know anything, user. Leave your STUPID comments in your pocket!

I bought that game and it's still not even the worst 360 title I own.
God damn that's embarrassing to admit.

How young are you? Room was popular way before Franco ever heard of it. Hate you dumb ass kids always trying to talk like you know shit

Don't know what that's supposed to mean, desu. It just doesn't stand up to repeated viewings.
Ebin reference xD

holy shit that burn ROFL

i forgot about this shit, where he gets abducted by aliens and forced to play videogames