First pick an offlaner

>first pick an offlaner
>peruvian picks another offlaner and comes to my lane
>mess up last hits, mess up with XP needed to withstand a trilane, overall fuck everything up
>leave for the jungle
>go to the easy camp near safe lane
>peruvian carry thinks its cute to come and steal the creeps
>intentional feed and end up 0/31
>get 2 games of lpq

First I get offlane stolen, I don't say anything, I just leave the lane and go jungle, then carry tries to be a cutie and last hits the creeps. I would feed again.

I read some time ago that valve was adding more immediate punishment for intentional feeders and whatnot and that's what happened. My question is, how can I grief a game without intentional feeding now? I don't wanna go to LPQ, usually I would just walk down mid over and over but now you get LPQ after ONE game so that's not an option anymore.

So, how else can you grief and avoid LPQ at the same time?

fuck this game honestly


>People are still playing Dota 2 after icefraud listened to reddit
This is a sad state of affairs when LeL is a better game than the OG.

game is good but the toxicity isn't

Fuck me l cant even give you the benefit of the doubt nowadays in this place. How can people bitch about toxicity when there is a mute button?

DotA has been dead since 7
Serves you right for still playing this abortion

>Wanted to play MK roam
>No one picks, i pick first
>We have no support
>Like many games before, i buy some wards
>We win

My mmr is to low but honestly thats what you need to do to win.

>but but muh role

Yeah i won a match with a good team composition but sometimes they are right to not trust other people, other times they are good but having a bad match but people dont understand that.

Except some heroes can't excel in a support role. If you pick Weaver then your team picks another 4 cores, you can't just support as Weaver, the hero just doesn't do anything without farm

Thats true but i remember that they run weaver support with aghs since you can target others with your ult. AM would be a guy that does nothing without farm since im not sure how much you need to support your team and how much you need to not be useless.

Found this

enum EIntentionalFeedingType {
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_None = 0;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_ExcessiveDeaths = 1;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_MultipleCourierPurchases = 2;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_MultipleCourierDeaths = 4;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_LowActivity = 8;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_LowDamage = 16;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_HighUnspentGold = 32;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_SoldTooMuchItemValue = 64;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_TooManyDroppedItems = 128;
k_EIntentionalFeedingType_ExcessiveTowerDamage = 256;

So if you tick any of these and get reported, you're instant low prio. Need to find another way to grief games now

You are mentally weak trash. I'm guessing Archon or lower.

Actually Legend, dipshit

jungle and kill yourself every 8 minutes to not trigger intentioal feed detection

Unrelated. If you want to win you have to play mid and win your lane; it also helps to learn to play without wards since noobs will never buy them after that successfully help another lane eventually you'll get high enough where you'll get occasional ganks mid from supps. Mute retards if you have to theyll play for real usually when they see you're winning or if you help their lane. If you want to play safe, jung, or off its a roll of the dice most of the time unless your pick happens to be very strong vs their lineup.


The fuck? Isn't that how you win the fucking game? Valve are pretty fucking retarded. Also:


Nice job punishing people for saving for buyback and playing support. Bet you could trigger the dropped items one by dropping them to get more mana from mana boots and bottle as well.

it might be the tower damage you get, those strings could be experimental to since you never see a big amount of people complaining about unfair lp

Fuck off you little shit.
If you can't handle a multiplayer game, then go play something else. Everytime I get a griefer on my team I just play as usual and still manages to win at least 1/3 of the time thanks to comeback mechanics.

>install game
>find match
>play for 3 minutes
>see this

You gotta get flagged by that code and then have reports too. So if you get too much tower damage, it wouldn't do anything if you don't get reported. Same goes for that other stuff.

System is not perfect but I guess it does thwart griefers

The mute button doesn't do shit, dude. Anyone can ignore trash talk but you can't do anything about another player on your team intentionally messing you up out of pettiness.

Dont play alone then

Yeah, that works a lot better. I stopped playing when my friends did.


Take the feedpill.

i really enjoy this game but fucking peruvians ruining 4 of 5 games is disgusting.
ive seen some that at least speak eng but man... MAN THIS GAME MADE ME RACIST

I feel your pain brother

goddamn, I wish I was just exaggerating but it really seems like every fucking peruvian is a complete and total shitter. I bet the good peruvians we get are silent and we don't know they are peruvian, that's why it seems they are all bad.
The bad ones are blatant and the good ones stay silent.

But I swear to god, every single time a peruvian opens their mouth, the match ends up being a complete shitfest

I can't even stand up for them or anything. They're rats that plague online games in every way. They've even ruined my games and I'M peruvian.

agg ctm mata carajo

I love Lina!

I love her smelly sis-who the fuck am I kidding

it gets worst when you understand what they're saying. i regret knowing spanish

Play Single Draft for better matches, AP is cancer

>play with a toxic af Axe
>shittalking from minute 0
>demanding wards constantly, even when there are 3 already placed
>can't hit a single call
>buys the greediest items (eg basher) and bitches about other people not having bkb
>says "this team sucks" in allchat when he thinks we're gonna lose
>demands we have buyback gold when he's floating 350 gold
We won the game and it was a really fun game but goddamn so annoying to have someone ON YOUR TEAM determined to not have fun playing video games

no :V

how's tinkerbell and bisexual furry?
haven't played in months

Pretty fun but kind of broken. Reminds me of hon.

this. i play everything but AP.
i had so much fun playing chen in an all random game. it was 50 minutes but man, i would do it again.

but i also hate when i got into CM and theres one bastard spaming just one hero... and if they dont get that hero they ruin the game. FUCK

Tinker is absolute cancer right now

Instawin if you know what you're doing

Tinker is one of the hardest heroes to play well, so there's a good chance you won't know what you're doing. Also warding his jungle is an easy way to beat him.

play hots. players are retarded in wooden ligue but exp is shared.
you will rage quit only 2 times out of 5


>exp is shared

blue lady is better

Shame 'she' looks like an agdq speedrunner.

Weaver support is actually somewhat legit, they've even done it in a few pro games.

Offlane != support

i dont get it speedrunning is too gay to pay attention to.

Why do shitters always post blogshit? Every community I stumble upon, I find these people crying in forums, in comment sections, and in this case, threads.

>gets offlane stolen and doesnt say anything

everyone laugh at this fucking cuck

enjoy your lpq you scrub nerd



I think I puked a little in my mouth.

but the nose ring is on the hero model im pretty sure.


