Tfw there are no ethical hacker gurls, there's not even any girls who can program arduinos or raspberry pis...

tfw there are no ethical hacker gurls, there's not even any girls who can program arduinos or raspberry pis, because the majority of females have zero interest in tech and electronics...

and this is the closest you'll get to finding one.

>I'm gonna reform society!!
Why was this game so fucking cringe?

Because society is a fucking joke

Would you sniff the chair she sits on?

as someone who leaves their room on a regular basis i assure you they exist and they're all very autistic and uncomfortable to be around

I'd rather it be Ann or Haru, but yeah sure.

It would smell like sweat, cheetos, mountain dew, and farts

This game was so stupid. The game is about how society gets you down and you gotta reform it, but the Phantom Thieves never do anything outside of their own self interest. The main characters aren't even put down by society, only like two of them are. The main character literally dindu nothin'. The story would make more sense if the main character made a mistake or hung out with a bad crowd and sold drugs or something then wanted to get a second chance but society got him down, or the story overall would make more sense if they were all black and lived in America or something I dunno, fuck me

2D is always better than reality


because tech is fucking boring
the products are good, learning how they work is a total snooze

Is this the Futaba thread?

An social sperg teenager like her reasonably would sound pretty cringey to be fair.

Literally what is wrong with this

>if you can program then you are an ebin hacker XD
Kill yourself, OP

Who the fuck wears that "Get Smoked" hat? Im 50 hours into P5 and never seen it

Kid in the arcades that you don't meet until a fair bit into the game, he's one of the Confidants.


Creator Commentary:
"We want to hammer in how nerdy this girl is by making her wear nerdy clothing and accessories with internet and computer slang because this is how all nerds act. We're really good at developing characters in Persona games."

Shinya Oda is the boy who wears that hat. he is the Tower Confidant.

You also have to do a Request about a cheater to unlock him

>dark hair could present a negative image
But everyone in Japan has dark hair?

>we didn't want black hair because darkness isolation blah blah
>read: we had too many black haired characters already

this. I wish you guys could grow up and move on from shitty waifubait weebshit.

>tfw there are no ethical hacker gurls

>we didn't want people to think she's lazy
>That's why her room is a fucking mess

There probably are... just not attractive ones