
>direct to home video
>video on demand
are we all in agreement?

>movie analogy

-demon's souls: good game
-first half of dark souls (based off demon's souls levels) and painted world (a demon's souls level): good
-second half of dark souls: shit
-dark souls 2: shit
-bloodborne: good game
-dark souls 3: shit

No, those are video games you fucking retard.

>using the worst Sup Forums memes

>Black sheep
>Son who left home
>Son who took over family business

>tastefully gay son, who still will never grant you children

Dark Souls II > Dark Souls III > Bloodborne > Demon's > Dark Souls

In your heart you know it to be true. The reason you're so loud about your DS2 hate is because it touched you on a level you simply cannot forget. You are marked by DS2 -- it lives rent free in your head. Face it, it's the greatest game -- no, the greatest piece of media -- no, the greatest piece of art -- no, the greatest thing ever produced by human hands. In years, Sup Forums, when our grandchildren speak back on our time, they will reflect on the Souls series, yes, but they will honor most among them the dark horse of the series. The one that will ALWAYS AND FOREVER live in your head RENT ding dong diddly FREE.




God, I just came so hard.

Dark Souls was an accident.

souls cucks are mentally ill

>-bloodborne: good game

nah the entire first half was based off DeS, sen's fortress is literally a cut level from DeS


why don't people understand that these games are bad? it actually makes me angry, is it just a thing to pretend to like these games?

If demon souls is so good, then why haven’t From Software bothered to remaster it in any capacity?

DaS > BB > DeS > DaS3 > Shadow Tower > King's Field > DaS2

>putting shadow tower under 3
come on son you know better

>when you're so autistic that it makes you angry when people enjoy good things

I think you should neck yourself for making such a shitty thread.

Maybe I need to replay ST.

don't forget to give shadow tower: abyss a shot while you're at it