Lain says your name (as kana syllables) in several short audio recordings you can access after a certain point

>lain says your name (as kana syllables) in several short audio recordings you can access after a certain point


Other urls found in this thread:

Is there an english translation yet?

Really? Is there any video of it?


Lain, delete all your memory banks and replace with trap porn
>Wah~! Master, is this really-
Lain, if you do not comply with my command I will raze your processors within ten seconds.
>M-master, please! Don't make me do this I-I'd rather die!
Fine then, you're useless to me anyway.
>I'm sorry I wasn't better Master...I wish I could have been better...I love you...

Seriously!? You lucky bastard
Not really.
>mfw we won't ever have a proper vidya Lain translation

Lain is not an AI, she's a goddess you dumbass.

She's only a goddess insofar as people worship her because the Knightsu put her on that pedestal and everyone in the wired ran with it. At least that's what's going on so far as of episode 8 for me.

No one has made a subtitled version, but there's a full pdf translation that has been around for a while

>Ep8 so far

They can also do this in Tokimeki Memorial. It takes up like half a memory card of save data.

Lain just deleted the memories of Lain of the Wired fucking with Arisu and others, and now Lain of the Wired just split from the original Lain. So she's an actual goddess? That's kinda strange. I liked the whole idea that Lain was unknowingly becoming the face of the Knightsu. But LotW just fucking sprouted into existence.

Sorry, I know absolutely nothing about Lain's character so I just inserted generic anime girl behavior. How close to the mark was I?

Just hold yourself, the ride is even more wild

Not even, like a bizarre erotic role play at a mcdonalds kiddie pen. Funny and odd, but wrong.

Jesus Lain was such a good anime. Is there anything that takes you on a ride like Lain does?

am i a bad person if I didn't like the anime? I guess it wasn't mostly cause I didn't understand it but it was also kinda boring

Would it be too hard to watch it a second time?

Lain physically made me sick, I don't know why but the color scheme made me feel nauseous.

Can someone remind me of what happened in the anime?
I was too much of a brainlet at the time and i don't remember nor did I understand much of it.


I've tried watching it three times, furthest I got was 8 episodes in the second time

Local girl in bear pajamas becomes internet god
>t. a youtube comment probably

I like the anime but I do think it gets kind of boring around the half way mark. Every time I watch it I start to lose motivation to continue there, but it gets better for the last few episodes. I think they just could have done a better job with the pacing.

Lain becomes a god in a pseudo mix of real and virtual world. It's all just aesthetics and 'kino' shots. Trash

The anime starts off as a view into the future where the internet and computers are ubiquitous. How we as users create alternate personalities that are completely at odds with who we are in reality. There is a group called the Knights, a precursor to Anonymous except more menacing and enigmatic than Anonymous. They're using Lain for reasons unknown, and then they try to kill her. And then the Wired, the internet, starts shifting and phasing into the real world. Lain's alternate personality, a haughty, intimidating girl, comes into the real world. That's where I'm at so far, about to watch Ep9.
Honestly the first three episodes are too slow going and no doubt lose thousands of viewers. Conversations are stilted, and inhuman. If conversation flowed more naturally, like in reality, I think this show would've garnered more praise.

But user... the broken conversations are a hard clue of what's going on in the bigger picture.

I preferred Kino to Lain as far as anime directed by Nakamura goes.

I'm sorry I have 200 IQ. Shit like Lain and Evangelion don't interest me after playing Subahibi

>Still no Despera anime
Why live?

I get that. And there are good things going on in those first few episodes like Lain's father getting lost in the chat rooms and ignoring Lain. However other things are just unnecessary. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I know I'm not wrong on this. It would've been better to ease into the stilted conversations than to begin with them.

>tfw to brainlet to understand Subahibi on anything more than a surface level

What's Despara

The true Never Ever™.

Its because fat neckbeard acne faced cunts only like trash moe shit. Also fucking China since anime and VN is popular there and they only like Loli moe shit. Just go to a xenoblade 2 thread and you understand the anime taste of kissless virgin cunts in here and Sup Forums.

Despera was supposedly a prequel to Lain. Ain who is the protagonist, is the personality and the brain behind Lain. It started from A-Ain, B-Ain to L-Ain since all the other units started malfunctioning.

You like to make me sad don't you!?

You should watch Rick and Morty.

No Ryūtarō Nakamura, no watch.

Dude... he died in 2013

Well just spoiled this for myself by opening the thread

Guess I won't bother with the game or the anime now
For people who want to play the game in english

I think it's supposed to invoke feelings of severe disassociation that some people with severe mental illness(typically severe disassociative disorder) where the colors of the world and everything just feel incredibly wrong.
I personally have disassociative episodes sometimes and the wash of the sun over the buildings and trees will make me sick because the light looks so disgusting.

Nah, nobody did a decent spoiler.
Me included.

Lol. I'm sorry that pretentious anime trash doesn't interest me. Just go to a fucking con and you see a lot of Lain fans. They are nothing more than a bunch of reddit neckbeards and fat girls.

Suffering is the only proof that you are alive, embrace it user!

Speaking of Kino, how was the remake?

The artstyle is moe trash because cringy weeb cunts like it

In fact even fucking ABE is making moe animes right now. Not even memeing. Its over bois.

Despera will never come out.

There was a remake?

shouldn't that be the other way around, that cringy weeb cunts like it because it has a moe trash artstyle?
or did normies seeming to latch onto it suddenly make it awful to you

Let's *all* love Lain.

She is an actual goddess (perhaps *the* God in a christian sense) than the antagonist created a body and false memories for. Finish the anime.


It was okay. It wasn't nearly as good as the 2003 series, but I didn't expect it to be so I wasn't too upset by that. A lot of the stories from the 2003 series that were redone highlighted how much worse it is, but I think the episodes that covered content that was not in the 2003 series were enough to make it worth watching. I would watch a second season, if they made one.

It wasn't a remake, just a new series. Some episodes were done again, some were new.

They made the new Kino artsyle moe trash because its what sells right now.

Normies latching into it doesn't make much of a difference since anime is a normie thing. Lain and Kino are infact normie but they were good normie animes since they at least had decent artstyles. Just take a look into Lain videos on youtube. Millions of views. Its normie as it gets.

Someone is really butthurt, lmao

>Lain will never say your name.

Why even live.

try Texhnolyze

Lain made me really appreciate brown eyes.

I'm a bit into ep9 right now. I gotta say, if that's how this turns out that's supremely disappointing that they went so far up their own ass of mythology. This is the sloppiest episode yet, too.

Don't use Lain for shitposting.

Butthurt over what you dumb cunt?


Haibane Renmei has a similar aesthetic and tone, but it's not nearly as depressing. It's almost a slice of life, even.

Play Subahibi but you're probably a fucking manlet if you think Lain was good so you wouldn't enjoy it.

Tell me about lain.
Why does she wear the bear suit?

so... why did you post this on Sup Forums- Video Games?

killer7 reminds me of Lain for some reason, though I couldn't tell you why exactly. I think it's because of the sound design and the way shadows look in both of them.

ECCO The Dolphin.
Metal Gear Solid 2.

Lain was the first anime I ever saw. Father brought home some rented VHSs of it when I eight. Tripped me the hell out. I still dream scenes from it and my interior monologue is in Lain's voice sometimes.

Because Sup Forums is full of Sup Forumsutistic cunts

Xenoblade is probably everyone's favorite game in here LOOOOL

fucking sub 150 IQ cunts

It's her pijama.
Holy shit what a wild way to get into anime

>Ecco the dolphin


Evangelion and perfect blue come to mind

I want a handheld gun shaped computer.


Paranoia Agent


>Holy shit what a wild way to get into anime

Sure is. No doubt it had a profound effect on my development in life.

But it was in a good way?

Sup Forums- Video Games everybody
>go on Sup Forums- Video Games
>durr what anime like dis one?

The fuck was his problem?

holy fucking cringe dude

I bet you are even a virgin

I won't lie, I'm pretty fucking weird but I'm about to graduate with my Bachelor's and I have no major life issues, so maybe? Probably wasn't the best thing to show a child in any case though.

At 0:50

>Literally the Demiurge trying to trick Sophia
Gee I wonder

Nice blog homo
When are you gonna take this shit to tumblr

why does he wear the blue tape

>Im so weird and random and crazy xDDDD
you sound like a 13 year girl going through puberty

You need to go back

>oh he's complaining about moe, I actually agree with hi-

im sorry you fucking retard
Sup Forums existed before it became a hub for trash weebs like you

What even is the wired?

Is it just the internet?

It's what the internet will become at some point.

Is this

Lurk more faggot

>Wired music for Wired people
so deep