Alright then lads, can we have a filename thread?
Alright then lads, can we have a filename thread?
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Cut that safety. Jeezus Fuck.
I approve of this filename.
it was crazy to watch
fucking hell my sides
I think he was trying to dodge a PI call which would have stopped the clock and gave them a clear shot at the field goal, but yeah he really fucked it up.
watching it almost made me feel better about being a steelers fan today
I don't play Xcom. Can someone explain the file name?
99% shot chance is a guaranteed miss, which will then lead to that fucker turning around and somehow killing everyone and everything.
It'll lead to your character killing everyone or an enemy character?
what the hell am i looking at here?
The enemy will wipe your team. The game is scripted like that.
Yes, but for what purpose?
yeah, almost
Meanwhile, I'm spending all day JAGGIN OFF!
Well done.
Jags played fantastic, no argue about that.
Our coaches are absolutely fucking retarded and need to be fired, but they know they won't be.
After Shazier went down earlier in the season we all knew that the odds were long
Just gotta hope the jags can stop the pats
Fuck bellicheat
How do you think they remove rods implanted in people's legs?
Once they've been in there for months/years, it takes some real oomph to get them out.
That onside kick was stupid. Easily the dumbest move I've seen in pro football in years. It turned the most exciting game I've ever seen into anticlimax.
That said, the Steelers had a better chance at beating the Pats, which is more important than anything else.
What did exactly go down there?
Your mum.
exactly. The NFL basically handed the Pats a superbowl ring on a silver platter. Jags/Eagles/Vikings, it doesn't matter, not one of them will even come close to the goddamn pats in yet ANOTHER Patriots super bowl
wut japanime is dis
That guy died.
It's different. It was about a 2k force vs 4k-6k force.
>king was killed
>they routed
>Montfort proceeded to slaughter the fleeing enemies.
needs a name
Hey, you saved my oc!
Orthopediatrics is the carpentry of medicine.
Could've been. That's where I get most of these.
it's NON you fuckin idiot, NON-vidya, as in has nothing to do with, NONE IS NONE LIKE ZERO AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
This is a none-post.
>Dr. Doom goes for it.
that's pretty damn cool
best in this thread
Very topical and good
Thanks senpai
its a meme you dip
This is so god damned spot on
I'm so sorry.
Here you go senpai.
whats that from?
Bretty gud
>hug Leonardo
Sorry for what?
This is the most magical thing I think I've ever seen.
But steel is heavier than feathers?
i don't get it
Fargo season 2.
Trans people like this kill me.
put a fucking wig on, attempt, ATTEMPT to look female here, a fucking disgrace to both genders by mere attempted association.
PCfags love to take screenshots of unimportant shit like floors and walls all of the time and obsess about texture quality, specular mapping, and other technical issues instead of actually playing the games.
Thanks. I always felt like that clip was underexploited.
thank you user