Can we get a troll appreciation thread going. Also why the fuck did vol'jin make elf girl warchief

who else?


Island Trolls aren't trolls. Real trolls come from the Jungle.


Because Vol'jin is a moron.

Glory to Khaz modan.

Dey spirits told him to, mon. Retarded as fuck and I'm still assmad he went out like a bitch.

>Real trolls come from the Jungle.
Zul'jin was a forest troll, dipshit.

Vol'jin like da mojo? the mojo of a smelling rotting corpse, hahaha glory to the alliance

why is the horde such a clusterfuck?

Because Blizzard is shit at writing, and close to 50% of the player base is elves.

Trolls best race. Too bad Blizzard can't write for shit.

Btw why are napalm batriders from WC3 not a thing anymore? I want to see trolls doing some crazy shit.

Because Blizzard wanted.

Well first they were objectively evil, then they became good guys, but with some of the leaders from when they were evil, then they added another evil faction while pretending to still be good guys. Then they added another faction that used to be good guys, then turned bad, and now they're good guys again.

Everything about them has been mixed signals from Warcraft III onward.

I can't fucking wait for Zandalari trolls.

holy shit I am so hype.

>be the might warchief
>Be undead queen
>Be worst shit elf race
>Loose a lamp
>get lost in undercity for the rest of the expansion because she can't get out


Okay guys im confused. Im playing as a troll in the free edition and i just fucked up azeroth(I think thats the name?) and Durotar.

But i just realized something. Where the fuck is the main story?

Personally I fucking hate Thrall and Blizzard for killing off Garrosh he was gonna make the Horde great again.

Naga being behinde every bad thing that happens at sea or on a shore line

>literally niggers
>lost literally every way but 1

literally DUDE WEED LMAO meme race

This. Darkspear is shit. I'm sorry but it's true. Zandalari are gonna be the real trolls from bfa on.

>Where the fuck is the main story?
Story? What's this story thing you are talking about?
t. Blizzard

how do i get the cutscenes?

>built a massive empire that was withstood millenia of war
Wait a fucking minute I thought zandalar was destroyed during cata and that's why a bunch of zandalari set sail to pandaria during mop.

the 'main story' is largely told in the current expacs content. so you being on a low level character aren't really near it, your quest by in large deal with stuff that happened riot leading up to current events.

though I have no idea what you mean by
>and i just fucked up azeroth (I think thats the name?) and Durotar.

Azerioth is the name of the planet WoW is on and Durotar is a beginning zone, you can't really 'fuck it up'

>captcha Black Rock

retconn, now only 'part' of Zandalar was sunk during the cataclysm. and nothing important

forsaken are not evil

trolls might have made a bad deal with a guy at the bottom of the sea to save Zandalar

reminder that alternative universe arthas exists and it's coming back lads

the place next to Durotar then, to the north.

I meant that i finished those areas entirely. And now Im in the Northern barrens, but everything is under lvled for me there now

Didnt blizzard say we'd face Azshara before BfA was over?

>Can we get a troll appreciation thread going.

WoW isn't a game that's really focused on the story, especially low level content

Thinking about resubing, just cant say no to playable zandalari, problem is none of my friends play anymore.

What is the current state of Enh Shammy in PvP?

Azshara is the boss of the second raid.

Enh shaman isn't that good in pvp but it's top tier in pve, ele shaman is one of the better pvp specs right now though

Garrosh is the edgy kid's choice for a warchief.
Horde just doesn't have good characters fampai.

doubt it. however, there was an area that was once a lush jungle, but after the cataclysm something was supposedly awakened, and the land has turned into an uninhabitable swamp.

more sources after blizzcon have said that there was a titan facility that was made to hold a failed experiment by the titans, so its believed that its corrupting the land.

Whats the appeal then? Im really only in it for the WoW porn, and the fem goblins

Raiding and high level dungeons

horde characters are 2x as interesting as alliances

Tell me 1 (one) interesting horde character

Right. It's only a couple of bad apples that happen to be present in every conflict the Forsaken take part in indiscriminately murdering everything alive with weaponized magical plagues.

all of them except baine.

I said name, not be vague

if the zandalari requires exalted and completing their questline with them meaning I gotta level another 120 first I'm gon' be pissed because the only reason for these timegates are just to make you sub more but ultimately just fucking wasting my time, if this turns out to be true we're talking 40 hours

Edgy kid? He literally wanted to fuck up the Alliance and didn't like them.
Blizzard kills him off for trying to destroy the Alliance and now the next expansion is focusing on Horde vs Alliance. What a waste of a character.


use your brain.

I am, this is in fact a brain exercise for you, because you are seeing interesting characters where there are absolutely none.


Accelerationism. He wants the horde to collapse.

You're a new player who is playing WoW for the first time. You log in and begin creating your character. You hover over Void Elves, who are greyed out for some reason and see the following text


How do you react to this?

'Island Trolls' are Jungle Trolls, dummy.

I would never pick something so gay lmao.

No race has failed as much as the trolls in WC lore other than elves which are just troll mutations. Throughout WoW's they've been utterly obliterated. Desert trolls extinguished by leveling PCs, jungle trolls and their god killed, twice, forest trolls near if not exterminated, frost trolls rekt by Arthas and scraps cleaned up by PCs, dark trolls haven't been a thing at all, their grand moment to come back and rule only made it easier to sweep up the remains and snuff them out for good. Only the Darkspear had any sort of prevalence and they were chased out of their home islands until only recently, which they can thank the Horde for.

Trolls are great to kill, but otherwise they just suck.

>dark trolls haven't been a thing at all
The twilight hammer wipe them out during the invasion on hyjal in cata.

Nope, humans are still the ultimate jobbers in WC lore

I don't care the new races barely change much and is more for fans of the lore and vets. Shit, they could lock me into pandas for all I care as long as I can play demon hunter (I know it's elf only).

Zandalari are cool but
>tfw playable beefcake forest trolls never ever

>What is the current state of Enh Shammy in PvP?
Really, really bad.
You do good damage for a couple of seconds when you pop all your cooldowns, afterwards you do tickle damage and have 0 means of defending yourself or fleeing.

They're all dead. The only interesting Horde character left is Sylvanas.

>what is model editing
darkspear gangly skeletons go home

Only Dark Iron and Zandalari will be cared about by lore vets because they ARE somebody. The rest are just shitty reskins. Well, Dark Iron and Zandalari are also reskins but at least they have long established lore.

Personally I really just want Undead Elves for the Forsaken like the Dark Rangers.

>Introducing "allied" races means there's open dialogue for more unique playable races

Brown orcs too

I know it would really be opening the floodgates but I think they should go all out and make every single currently existing subrace playable, or at least add cosmetic options to resemble them.
There are a lot of possibilities.

>I really just want Undead Elves for the Forsaken like the Dark Rangers.
fucking this jesus christ
i just want to play as real high elves, even if they are dead

>brown orcs
we need fel orcs, and not the shitty wod ones.

the fel orcs and hellfire citadel was really badass.
i wouldn't mind playing the horde if all of the races actually looked evil.

Seeing them added as a non-Elf alternative for Demon Hunters would be great, especially since there were plenty of them loyal to Illidan.
Dunno what the Alliance equivalent would be, Eredar maybe?

For the Alliance!

Daily reminder that your war chief died like a bitch and your new war chief ran with her tail between her legs.

Victory or Death my ass!

Zandalar Paladins will make me play BfA, nothing else.

Did somebody say Goblins?

Nature's fleshlight.

>muh faction pride
Blizzard is too scared to ever let one faction come out on top over the other, even at times when it would be absolutely logical to do so.
Its pretty inevitable at this rate that WoW is gonna just end with both factions holding hands and singing kumbayah.

no I said Gnome

I hope DK shenanigans keep on the rise.
I want to oppress the living.

Best race. Always will be. Shortstacks will rule the world.

The only thing that made me consider horde but I rather deal with humans than orcs and huts.

Kinda funny that bfa is an old god expansion not a horde/alliance expansion.

Gobbos are cool. I like rocket jumping.

This is some terribad artwork son

>I like rocket jumping.
too fucking bad! Blizzard said they are going to nerf it along with arcane torrent.

Why not both?

there can't be none when there are more than the alliance.

>nerfing a racial of the least played race in the game
For what purpose?
I can understand arcane torrent but I didn't see any fotm rerollers going gobbo.

It's because people, specifically DK's, were forced to reroll Goblins to deal with Mythic KJ. Arcane Torrent is glaringly OP in their mythic+ tournies.

God Bless.
Man of culture.

because Gnomes are better and don't look like shit ingame

>why the fuck did vol'jin make elf girl warchief

Lorthremar doesn't like leading, Saurfang is too old for this shit, Baine is half the Tauren Cairne was and has done nothing, still can't control Grimtotems. Gallywix is a Goblin.

He also likely saw Sylvanas was heading into a dark place and wanted to pull her out of it by shining a spotlight on her and making her act like a true leader with real people and not half-brain zombies who keep turning on her.

Thrall's fault. He filled Garry's head with thoughts of Orc Only Pride.

Should I go gobbo when the leveling changes drop next tuesday?
Making a warrior and I'm not really interested in either of the "new" allied races.

No, you must choose.

maybe they should learn to desing encounters instead but that sound like too much work for them.

then gobbos

That that on tuesday? I forgot

The lvling changes are confirmed but the allied races are not confirmed for sure unless the open the expansion preorder tomorrow.

Could be.

I guess if I have to...

>Arcane torrent nerfed
>Suramar racials are worthless
>Void elf racials the best in game
>Upright orcs
>Upright troll paladins
>Highmountain racials crazy good
I for one welcome our new, elf-free Horde.
Now if they could just make UD racials not hot garbage.

why would I not pick Gnome

>another thread ruined by waifufags

please contract cancer

>He doesn't play Alliance