Xenoblade Chronicles 2

What if the story DLC is you playing through various chapters of Vandham's life in the past while Cole is presenting the play he made about his life to the party in the present? To unlock it you need to have finished the game once and have completed the sidequest where you heal Cole.

I always found it odd that you never got to actually see that play he's been working on basically all game.

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I guess Xenoblade threads just can't live if there's no bait, waifus or ebin MINGE memes in the OP, huh.

>Make a thread with a stupid idea
>Surprised your thread dies
Make a more general thread, cunt.

I started the thread with something to start a conversation, if you think it's trash, tell me why and what you think the DLC will be about, or change the topic entirely and say something else about the game you'd rather be discussing, where you're at, what you're doing, what you thought of it, what you liked, disliked, would like to see in a sequel or whatever else strikes your fancy.

It's a free form anonymous imageboard user, one faggot OP shouldn't discourage you from posting altogether.

DLC is probably going to be shit, I mean this is Monolithsoft we’re talking about here. I just hope that we get some more of the minge thats all.

It's probably too much to ask but I want a new Titan to explore, new rare blades and new side stories.

>I mean this is Monolithsoft
I don't know, for having experienced it in the game itself with the US release, the XCX DLC was actually pretty good. I know I would have been pissed if cosmetic gear hadn't been part of the base game like with the Japanese release.

Vandham isn't really all that important in the grand scheme of the game to warrant a whole $30 DLC being dedicated to him

This game any good? Looking for a new Switch game to play and this is the one of the few that looked kind of interesting. Never played a game in the series before, but I usually like RPGs like DQ if it's similar.

Vandham was a shitty fucking character that only existed as a plot device to give some sort of poor reason as to why a child would own a mercenary group.

he also served as a way to drive home the whole "blades don't remember their old drivers" thing.

Do it for her

I have never played a game so determined to waste my time.
>the entire mercenary group system
>trust increases at a snail's pace
>only some affinity chart requirements count previous instances
>rare blades get even rarer the more you have
>these fucking drop rates on the master role cores on tiger tiger 5
I really want to like this game, but jesus christ.

How long is this fucking game?

I am at 60 hours and I just finished CH4. I am not complaining, I am in love with the game, hands down one of the best rpgs I've played in years, just honestly curious if the chapters will be getting shorter, or longer, or about the same

I finished the story at 160 hours. I'm at 240 hours and still playing though.

What the fuck have you been doing?? It took me 70 hours to beat the game and I wasnt even rushing. I fucking swear you autists just walk around aimlessly grinding at a snails pace for hours

the game timer doesn't stop when the switch is in sleep mode

Too bad, this place is just /vg/-lite. Circlejerk like all of the rest or they'll just ignore you.

It does if you go to the home screen before sleeping.

if the autumn DLC is anything but 500 years ago torna or eons ago morytha it's gonna be disappointing. Best case scenario would be 500 years ago torna as DLC and morytha as XC3 to cap off the "blade" sub series along with XCX2

Are the waifus good in this?

If you enter sleep mode directly from the game rather than backing out to the switch dashboard with the home button first then it continues to count your "play time" during sleep. I really doubt you legitimately have 60 hours just starting chapter 5. Most people probably take like 80-100 hours to finish assuming you do like half of the sidequests and explore every area thoroughly.

Saving Zeke's kingdom now, how much longer is left? Kinda burned myself out.

there's a waifu for pretty much any taste
they got a bunch of famous manga and anime artists to draw the rare blades

I shut down the game completely. I have 60 hours in at chapter 4, yes.

I generally try to do all the "affinity challenges" for blades I am using (the rare ones, never common) and do all side quests I come across. Side quests take a lot of my time, especially those which have you gather stuff.

beat the game about 60 hours in with minimal side questing/exploration, at 150 hours now with most everything done except blade quests so about 165-170 should net you 100% ignoring Ursula autism

What should they call the sequel to XCX? XCX2 sounds a bit confusing now that XC2 exist.

How does waifu shit in this game work? Do characters have routes or something, or are they just cute faces?

Yes, the basic waifus you get through story progression are all excellent, and then there's the different flavors of guess artist waifus you can roll through RNG on top of that

Also this guy. My party is currently level 48. Am I too low or good enough for the next Titan? I think it's called Leftheria Archipelago

Why do I hear about Ursula's questline all the time? What does it have you do? I am honestly curious.

If anything you're too high. Thankfully Leftheria offers two roads to your main objective, one with level 33 enemies and one with level 45, so take the hard route if you even want anything to aggro.

I have 80 hours and just started chapter 6.

This implies X gets a sequel. Next game monolith is working on is a medieval themed game

Xenoblade Chronicles XI

Hours upon hours upon hours of merc missions

are blades questlines even worth doing? whats the reward? it's just needed for affinity grid right?

I am at chapter 5 myself. Is it normal that I can't seem to get a single rare blade? I've opened total of what is now around 200 common cores, and around 20 rares.


>it's just needed for affinity grid right?
Yes. Some unlock nods, some unlock whole rows, depends on the Blade. Each also give affinity to every Blade currently equipped so they're generally worth your time even if you don't particularly care about that Blade

You have to listen to "We are, Ursula's new groove, and we'll do what we can!" and "We got back, somehow." around 150 times

rare blades each have a sidequest
There's canon romance for the main characters though

Not counting Wulfric, Praxis and Vess, I have 7 rare blades at 80 hours in chapter 6.

I want to murder the developers for not shipping Rex with Nia

I want a Nia dlc

Yes, I am that pathetic, but she's the only female character with some actual development and personality

Nigga I opened 30 legendary cores in one sitting and got nothing. RNG is shit.

Brigid and poppi though

Did you max your merc level to take commons out of the pool? Got kos mos almost instantly when I hit level 5 merc

>game with a cast of boring uninspired characters and story
>only thing that interested people was waifus

I want to enter the Praxis!

Nothing sounds more boring and like a waste of money than prequel DLC.

I don't give a fuck about Torna or some prequel DLC shit. I just want an epilogue DLC. It doesn't need to be a world ending evil or anything just another continent to dick around in and have one last adventure on. It could be about Bana's revenge or some shit and that'd be fine.

>Blunderfag and Nigger OP
>Surprised no one wants to post in this shit thread


What am I supposed to do while I wait for the DLC in august?

it's not going to be an epilogue, Takahashi already said you don't need to finish the story to do the DLC episode

>low res

This game is a gem stuck on a shitty handheld. It makes me very upset. Just try to imagine what could have been if it was on actual consoles or PC.

We know it's not going to be epilogue content which is why it'll be shit. You're an actual sperg if the narrative of XC2 is what captivated you and compelled you to pay $30 for prequel DLC.

>Just try to imagine what could have been if it was on actual consoles or PC.
It would be exactly the same, but look better.

Max out the affinity grid of every Rare and farm enough Overdrives out of level 4 commons so everyone has all the appropriate Blades in their roster.

>Nips game
Nigga, its gonna look like shit no matter the console.

It would have taken another year to release, to get graphical parity with the games on those platforms, or it would have looked exactly the same, but run better.

Can someone post the pop team epic comic of xc2 with Nia and Pyra?

Thanks in advance

It would have never been made

the third AI processor or whatever that was lost is Alvis right?

you mean this?

Yeah it is, ontos is just Alvis

My dreams for the DLC

>Confirms the harem ending

I would enjoy seeing the Pyra-only Autists BTFO

>Deconfirming Mythra and Addam

I don't particularly care if they got together or not, but given that he spams every single thread I would enjoy seeing that particular autist BTFO.

Best would be

If they confirm the Foursome ending. But I doubt they've got the guts for that.

It's by far the best JRPG of modern era, possibly competing with Persona depending on your taste.

Fantastic cast, great world and very heavily layered/involved combat system that rewards you for learning how to play and getting good.

It's kinda like a cross between Final Fantasy's epic scope and Persona's direct character moments. So if that sounds up your alley, I heavily recommend it.

Be prepared to put 60-100hrs into it though.

I honestly don't really care much about the Aegis was war. We already know what happened, seeing it play out sounds pointless.

I'd rather postgame content.

You're heading to the final arc. You've got quite a lot to go, but the story is going to just start wrapping everything up and barreling towards an ending.

No more humor or sidetracks, it's a race to the finish.

You send her away to something like 140 Merc Missions that all last 10 mins. The short time is what makes it frustrating since it's just a huge amount of messing around in the menus.

It's a complete joke especially because there's 0 payoff. The actual end to her story is pathetic and having her maxed out as a Blade is useless because by the time you've done so, Nia makes her obsolete.

>tfw getting to Morytha and the inside of the tree
>all these obvious design homages to xenogears, even the scale of the hallways made to look like mechs could walk down them
>deep down knowing it will never be

>masked figure from x is ontos
>brings lao to rex's universe
>overarching plot to unite the 3 universes on xenoblade, x and x2

my dick will impolde if this is the case

all the artifice designs in the world tree are fucking great

I just got Electra from a common core on Nia

>On AliExpress looking for clothes for a sexdoll
>First cosplay outfit to pop up is one someone made based on Dahlia's appearance.

That didnt take long

anyone have gifs of any of the other Poppi forms?

>that final battle
>shulk fighting zanza at the same time
I'm shedding a damn tear that shit was awesome

>Finally looking at the art book now that I've finished the game
>Notice Zeke's eyepatch has a turtle on it

I'm on chapter 4 or so. Just unlocked 3 blades per character
When am I able to get these other Poppi forms?

I somehow rolled every single rare hammer on Nia. Her moveset with it is easily the worst in the game too. Pretty infuriating.

One form is unlocked through story at the end of chapter 4, the third form is unlocked through a sidequest in chapter 8

>Sidequest for poppi's final form only unlocks after you've already reached a point in the story where they're on a gauntlet to the final battle and there's no feasible way for them to even leave


Realistically, what are the chances of Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 1 ports?
I'm jonesing for more Xenoblade and I have friends who haven't even played 1 yet but dont want to pick up a 3DS or Wii U for it.

Because she's too OP so they figured they'd unlock it at a point where most players not knowing about her would only find her post-game

>Implying we'll go straight from XC2 to XCX
>Implying we're not getting XBC3-9 first

"No, they're not connected at all :^)"

X is likely since the Switch keeps on getting more and more Wii U ports and Takahashi himself said he'd like to play X on Switch. XC1, who knows, maybe it'll be on Virtual Console WHEN THEY FUCKING RELEASE IT.

I posted this in /vg/ already since I didn't see a thread up here, but I translated CHOCO's entry in the official site's production notes section. I'm pretty confident in the accuracy but let me know if I fucked up anywhere.


I got Zenobia from my second common core ever.

Didn't use her much because of her crap design and personality until way later in like chapter 6 where I saw people talking about how good she is.

She's fucking busted. She hits so bloody hard that Tora has trouble holding aggro.

Its probably a special episode controlling the villain party in the past. You heard it first

Xenoblade 1 is reasonably likely given the virtual console will inevitably be coming. But given how fast nintendo actually releases shit on the VC it could take them 5 years.

Play XBX if you haven't.
Play Ys VIII
Freeze yourself

>One of the side images is someone grabbing Praxis's breast


Welcome to "How it feels when Mythra decides she likes you."

Doesn't X rely on the Gamepad? Kinda hard to port that.

>Doesn't X rely on the Gamepad? Kinda hard to port that.
Not really, it's got nice QoL features using the gamepad for easy map access, probe placement and fast travel, but XC2 proves Monolith doesn't give a FUCK about QoL so they could easily just make the map accessible through a submenu and have probe placement and fast travel tied to a cursor moved with the joystick

>wanting a port of X

I want a fucking sequel with new environments. I could barely play it second time after exploring everything. The magic only works once. It's the same with xc1 and xc2

The gamepad is just the map for fast travel and setting up nodes. They could easily just map that to a button. It'd be less convenient for sure but considering how shit the map is in this game its obviously not the end of the world.

>it's another 'user doesnt understand the basic financials of game development' episode
So it's basically as said. Any exclusive currently made for Switch is only made at all because the developer/publisher is handling part of the cost and Nintendo is covering the rest.
Obviously games cost a lot to make, and the risk-reward, cost-benefit analysis that a developer does as they determine whether to make a game is affected, in large part, by the cost of the game. Hence, if you have a game that costs $20 million to make but you don't know if the chances of selling enough copies to at least break even are good enough, you may not make it at all.
Thus, Hardware Manufacturers like Nintendo and Sony will often go to developers and say they'll cover some large portion of the cost to develop the game, but only if it's exclusive for their hardware.
This isn't the case with every exclusive, sometimes you only have enough dosh to produce it and optimize it for one system but generally that's how most exclusives are made nowadays.

who has the biggest boobies

Dahlia, though the real question is who has the most firm breasts of reasonable size?

I've seen lots of complaints about the map and the compass being to hard to navigate but I never got lost even one time in this entire game. Anyone else?

Great read, I didn't know he created KOSMOS too

Dahlia, easily.