Crash Bandicoot thread pic related is best game

Crash Bandicoot thread pic related is best game.

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I never actually played the games but I do like Woah with Hats so I'll post a few Woah with Hats.


"Crash 2 would be a MUCH better game than Crash 1. I would even argue that Crash 2 would end up being as good, if not better, than Mario 64."
- Jason Rubin, Naughty Dog, co-founder

ok im done

In the remake I say that crash 1 is easily better than 2 but yeah 2 is best in the originals.

What the hell is that?


How did he know?

go emulate faggot


Indeed it is. No other entry had such unique and intelligent level design, this is especially apparent in the way that many of the levels interconnect. Coloured gems also felt uniquely hidden compared to CB1's all being locked behind box challenges and basically all of 3's being locked behind generic death routes.

Is cortex a Jew? Has crash been secretly redpilled this whole time?

The second game has so much replay value and level variety and creativity. When I played the third one I was just bored by the whole thing.

What do you think is coming next? CTR Remake or a new Crash platformer?

I still enjoy the third but yes, 2 feels like the game they probably had the most fun making. When you see things like the red gem taunt, you can tell they must've revelled in the thought of the player wanting to get that gem so badly and being so curious about it. Or not, The game was made in like a year. Maybe all these secrets were just a happy accident.

CTR remake since it's easier and everyone is already asking for it, then a new platformer. Maybe a Spyro Trilogy remake too.


Don't remind me of this horse shit

By likelihood:
>Spyro trilogy remaster
>CTR remaster (maybe with Bash and Nitro Kart thrown in or something)
>Twinsanity remake
>new Crash game

By what I want:
>Spyro remaster
>Twinsanity remake
>CTR remaster tied with new Crash game

Time for cocoposting?

Jump on the bounce crate? Can't be that hard.

It isn't, but it's one of those "fuck why didn't I think of that" moments.




>mfw i just bought n-sane trilogy
>this thread

mah niggas, the nostalgia hit me hard earlier today

I just got the N-Sane Trilogy. It's very hard. I died like 20 times on the level where he's riding a warthog.

Crash Bandicoot reply you are correct.

>Hog Wild

Just you wait senpai

So, what would happen if Acitvision announced Xbox, Switch and/or PC ports of the N Sane Trilogy for release on June 30, 2018?

I hope you're enjoying the challenge. It always felt good to get through a level.

A mass of console war posting not seen since the release of Horizon.
I'd be happy.

It just wouldn't feel right.

oh, fuck off

I be up for it. More options are always good.

he's from Illinois

he also did chernobyl with brio

I don't see crash coming to Xbox or Switch. PC is likely though

2 is good and all but I still prefer Warped.

I think Sony definitely interfered with those plans after N. Sane sold as well as it did. We know an Xbone version was in development and it was expected to have released by now but I think Sony stepped in, most likely to fund another Crash project and keep it on Playstation.

There is no Xbox version. Stop spreading misinformation

Could easily be a leftover from before Sony threw money at console exclusivity. We don't know yet.

>everytime brio and cortex left an area, the place is bombed/destoryed
>last island was burning to the ground at the finale of crash 1, with the zeppelin being the escape vehicle, even though crash wasn't breaking anything during the game

That's not really proof of anything sorry

how good are you at ctr

Good enough to have beaten the story 100%
Not good enough to have beaten every N. Tropy time

It shocks me how so little people actually know about drift boosting. Knowing how to do that guarantees that you'll win 90% of matches against other people.

how badly do i need to play this game? PS1 platformers do have a cozy place in my heart

is that just pressing L1 with the black smoke?

Pretty badly if you haven't already.


how do people not know how to do it
aku aku tells you about it like 20 minutes into the single player

shit, cause i'm pretty sure the physical copy is a rarity around here since my local non-GameStop was asking for around $40

Most people only give a shit about multiplayer in karting games. And I guess a ton of folk paid no attention to Aku Aku when they were kids or have since forgotten.

>tfw driftboost spamming as N. Gin

1 was actually better for me in the re master trilogy

Tiny main here



Post more Crash 2 screenshots. I always enjoy them.




I want to be the shirt.

Just a few more to go.


kemp is too good for us

He's great

Good enough to have beaten all of the N. Tropy time trials, and a good handful of the Oxide ones. Also good enough to know where all of the unintentional shortcuts are and how to execute them.

don't fall for this

you can spin the shrink ray and not die

i know i just avoid it anyway

The platforms have no bottom textures.

Help, police, murder.

rip motherfucker

they gave her brown eyes cuz they thought the japs would confuse her for tawna



and im still scared of the dark

when you see it

for me it was CTR, Crash Bash and Warped. I still remember playing crash bash with 4 friends with boomerang extension. Good times

Beaten all oxide time trial times without using penta penguin (hes op in pal versions)

>There will never be a remaster of CTR
>Plebs will never understand that CTR was the pinnacle of kart racers

Activision loves money too much for there not to be one

Why is 3 such bullshit compared to 1 and 2? It has like zero good platforming sections and is full of lame gimmick levels. It feels so shallow and tame in comparison.

I feel like 3 has some really , really good platforming levels. (Tomb Wader, Bug Lite, Dino Might, both Future levels.) But it is dragged down because of the vehicle levels.



Post songs that got better in the remake

What is your favorite level in Crash 2? For me, it's Road to Ruin.

>Cool night-time atmosphere
>Cool music

>want a Twinsanity remake just to see how a finished product of this would look like
>but also think the glitches and unpolishness were part of the game's charm and they wouldn't be able to make the remake just as funny

not good enough for time trials.

How long till Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy will be on PC, year since PS4 release right?

I would kill for a remastered Mecha Bandicoot song.
Does Spiralmouth still do work?


thoughts on insane trilogy? do you want a new crash game?

you seen nothing yet

walk on the rope

crash 2 and 3 are easier and more forgiving.

even when i 100% the old game, i still died alot beacuse of the new physics. also i think i have goten worse at playing games in general.

Well, it doesn't have Only on PS4 logo, so yes