"Wind Waker was such an innovat--

>"Wind Waker was such an innovat--

>implying anyone actually liked wind waker anyways

C'mon, dance for me.

Of course Sega did it first. Sega needs to come back for real.

Dreamcast 2 when?
They honestly own so many fucking great IPs they could push one of the big 3 out of the market
But they're probably making more than they would in the console industry now.

remake on the canvas engine wheeeeeeeeen

Didn't the director or someone say they haven't made a sequel because they don't want to disappoint the fans?


your eyes working?

I was just asking a tangential question user :

This is one of the few 3d rpgs I've really loved

I tried playing this I wasn't really into it
Must be one of those "gets good X hours in" games.

shit man at least get it right

This is the latest game that ripped off SoA

if you aren't okay with turn based combat or "excessive" random encounters then yeah you probably won't enjoy it. Shame though because the ship fights later on in the game are fun

They tone down the encounter rate in the GameCube release, right?

yea, theres also an item that reduces it futher

Obvious Bate

No, Rieko Kodama wants to badly make a sequel but Sega won't let her.

Why not? The original sold fairly well, if I recall

Until Persona 5 SoA Legends was my favorite game of all time, now it's my 2nd favorite game of all time, which is still not bad at all.

I definitively should play it again before summer ends, such a great experience.

Also I would love a remake, as long as they only improve the music, the graphics and some QoL stuff, nothing too big, a sequel just no because current Sega can't handle it, at all.

She even has a portfolio full of ideas and art for a sequel...she was so happy to see the SoA scene in sega all stars racing, and hell, even I was fucking happy too I admit.

>>"Wind Waker was such an innovat--

Innovative? Yes, because wind waker and Skies of Arcadia have any mechanics in common beside the pirate thing.

Why are you comparing these two games, they're not even the fucking same genre

Because JRPGs are a dead genre. Because want offline MMO's or action-RPG's now.

Because Sega is retarded. All Stars Racing Transformed was a runaway success too by their own admission, and they still haven't greenlit a sequel for that either.

Fuck you I loved the HD version

>the virgin sailor
>the chad sky pirate

This legit makes me feel sad for her.

If they won't greenlight a sequel at least do an HD remake. Fuck.

Sega competely fucked over All Stars Racing Transformed by making a deal with an e-celeb group that had no interest whatsoever with that game. I still remember the responses on the Steam Discussion page when that happened; people were fuming and raging all over.