Built up courage to use voice chat in a server full of Sup Forums users

>built up courage to use voice chat in a server full of Sup Forums users
>yeah you should go back to not speaking
f-fuck you

what game

Get your bitchass back to splatoon and Mario kart soyboy

>playing with Sup Forums


Literally what did you expect? Every Sup Forums server I've been on has been the worst shit

>he cant handle the bants

were you under socialized growing up?

>playing sven co-op with Sup Forums an hour ago
>faggot tries to get me banned
>Sup Forums votes not to ban me
>Sup Forumsro I just met starts a vote to ban the guy that tried to voteban me
>it goes through
Get fucked faggot, and thanks guy

>know you're gonna get hit
>mentally prepare for the hit
>the hit comes
>you don't hit back
wtf is wrong with you

>Require courage to speak
Is this a form of autism? Just have fun. Stop caring what other think. What does it matter anyway??

I wanna play

too late man, keep an eye out if me or someone else starts another thread in the next few weeks

>entertain the thought of playing current games with Sup Forums
>afraid to realize that Sup Forums is just a bunch of children marauding as adults

this happened a few hours ago in the sven coop server didn't it?


Not him but yes, its why i dont speak at all

>being intimidated by virgin neckbeards

>middle school
>always shy and never talk
>"why don't you ever talk, user?"

>finally start feeling comfortable in one specific class period halfway through the year
>start talking and being sociable
>"why do you talk so much? You're annoying"
>even the teacher chimed in and agreed

Literally scarred me for life. It's about 15 years later now but I'm only sociable on the internet to this day.

> play wow vanilla in a normie guild
> casually flame everyone and get classlead cuz no other warlock dares to speak
> can actually barely speak english, it literally doesnt matter cuz everyone is a cuck

feels greatman

What game? I'd love to play something with my Sup Forums brethren.

Is there anything chiller than playing with a group of people that dont outright say they visit Sup Forums but you can tell just by how they are and how much actual vidya knowledge they have that they come here but they don't spout memes because they aren't associating Sup Forums with the game and arent total spergers?

I enjoy playing with people like this. The majority of current Sup Forums is the group who grew up memespouting and can't disconnect from online in their normal lives though so it doesn't happen much other than people I know irl.

>Not being the silent type that kicks everyone's ass
This used to be a thing, now everyone needs to be talked to or else they'll breakdown, though that'll happen when they get insulted anyway, like you OP

It's better to only talk when you have something worth saying, it's effeminate to ramble on. Stop being a pussy user

it was sven co-op so not like anyone could kick my ass
some faggot got what was coming to him later that game anyways