Am I the only one who thinks there is TOO much Mario on the Switch already?

Am I the only one who thinks there is TOO much Mario on the Switch already?
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Mario Bros. Arcade Archives
>And soon Mario Tennis Aces
Like fuck Nintendo it hasn't even been a year, please bring some other shit to the system

It's not like the Switch has any third party games

yeah but don't expect nintendo to change. the only thing they have being doing for more than a decade now is milking old franchises that sell to manchildren that will buy the game as long as they stamp some shitty brand that nitendrones like it. And it's not even really their fault since anything else they try just flops.

Are you fucking stupid?

You mean stuff like DK, Yoshi Kirby and Metroid?

>make arms with lots of unique and cool characters
>doesn't catch on due to lack of content and also not being the same shit people are used to
and you wonder why they tend to stick with mario

But they have other games that aren't Mario related. Both already on the system and coming in the future.

>Wii U's leftovers
>Garbage crossover

I think you just want something to complain about.

They are trying to get as many people to buy the switch in the first 3 years to completely drop support and release one game a year after like they always do

Is this your first Nintendo platform?

I don't think it's a problem when Nintendo generally only makes 2D Mario, 3D Mario, and Mario Kart and the rest are made by other developers, but I wish they got more developers to produce games for their other franchises more frequently. High budget games.

>DK and Yoshi
>Not more Mario
Like the Clinton show isn't Family Guy

I don't care as long as the games are good.

Not enough Mario desu, paper done correctly would be rad.

It could be problematic if all games listed were "actual Mario games" as in platformers.

2 platformers, a racing game, a X-Com clone lite and a tennis game is fine.


You're right! We need:
Ultra Mario Fighter V Arcade Edition Turbo!
Bust A Mario!
Wild MARIOs 6!
MarioQuest MMO!
Shin Mario Tensei V!
Gran Mario VII!
Resident Mario VIII!
Mario Fantasy XVI!
Horizon Mario Dawn!
Grand Wario Auto VI!
Uncharted: A Mario's End!
The Last of Mario!
Mario: Automata!
Mario's Creed!
Mario Gear Solid V: Complete
MARIO (2016)
Call of Wario!
The Last Mario!
Shadow of the Mario Raider!
Mario Souls IV!
Mario Wars Battlefront II!
The Mario Scrolls I-VI collection!
Mario: Mushroom Knight!

I would unironically buy all of these.

It has plenty

You know... I wrote that, and a few of those I would buy, too. Huh. So. with Mario: Automata, should Mario take the place of 2B or 9S? Because he would NOT look good in a panty-flashing skirt...

Those are literally all different genres. And if the games are good (which they are) i don't see the issue.

waay more than WiiU, though I guess that's not saying too much.

If you compare their first years WiiU actually had a lot more and a lot more current. It's just that it didn't sell so that support instantly fell off.

>First year
>Lots of games with high quality
>but fuck this shit, because i hate mario
>even though i bought and i'm playing mario: the console
>and this is a known fact to the point that they made it one of the jokes in that robot chicken direct were they said they wouldn't announce any new mario games and mario was angry at this

The publishers got wiser since WiiU

They release games that make sense on the Nintendo system now. Games like Dragon Quest Builders and Disgaea rather than Massa Effect 3.