Memes aside, what do you think of this game?
I think it's honestly pretty good, considering what kind of game it is. I thought I was just buying into a twitch bait garbage game but when I tried it out I fell in love with it.
Memes aside, what do you think of this game?
I think it's honestly pretty good, considering what kind of game it is. I thought I was just buying into a twitch bait garbage game but when I tried it out I fell in love with it.
I played this game for 20 hours with my friend.
And then I put another 80 hours in basically solo.
Honestly I kind of hate it. I feel like I'm only marginally better at it now than when I first started, despite having 100 hours in it. While the concept is cool, the core gameplay is slow and boring 99% of the time.
I'm mostly looking forward to someone taking the concept and making an actually solid, complete game out of it.
just bought it yesterday and so far been having quite good experience except for the lagg spikes and that I only got into the game when I was thrown out of the plane but I found a way around that.
It does seem quite simple but it's fun, gives you a feeling of suspense.
It's fun and luckily not as broken anymore. I have about 250 hours in it. It's immensely fun in squad with a group of people that speaks English, but that's honestly really hard to come by anymore if you play with randoms.
I just wish the maps weren't as empty.
i love this game but i dont have any friends and everyone in squads or duo is fucking chinese. every single fucking time.
Once you get redpilled about the Chinese cheaters you will have trouble enjoying the game at all.
I keep seeing people complaining about chinese cheaters but I've yet to encounter a single one. For once, being a spic is something I can be thankful for.
since the replays were implemented, ive been killed by one obvious aimbotter
I was against it for a long time, but a buddy gifted it to me over the holidays and I gave it a shot. It's obviously fun with friends because every video game is, and I do like the tension created by looting for a good while and then making it to the end with all of your progress on the line. Not that this is a unique concept, but I haven't played any of the previous early access or mods of games in the genre.
I didn't run into any hackers myself as far as I could tell, but that being said the game is a pretty big piece of shit and the guy who made it is an enormous faggot. Simply because of the state it is still in, even if it's "fully released," it has no business being on anybody's top ten or GOTY lists. I can't wait for a stable, well made AAA to enter the genre and put some edgy retard with a name like PLAYUERUNKNOWN who threatens to sue anybody else who makes a battle royale game out of business.
Sure it's neat and all but devs are some sorry, lazy asshats who can't even make their own assets so I don't feel like playing it anymore because it ain't gonna get any better than this
My only complain is its very inconsistent , major youtuber gamers all complain about the inconsistency of the combat. Close range is so hit and miss, even with beast machines, things just seem wonky. Long range is also retarded, in that you can literally shoot and hit someone with 5-8 times and still not die.
If im not mistaken its made by Koreans?? idk, but i feel like its made by people who dont understand realism. People dont just get shot 5-8 times with a high powered rifle and not go down.
I think this game would be 100% better and improved if the combat wasnt wonky , and if people went down after like 1-3 hits MAX.
You are lucky, you will meet one that makes you question things and start using the replay function. Once you look around your replays you will see how much cheating goes on. Sometimes we get lucky and die before meeting them or they manage to die to the circle.
I like these types of games, but they are all so close to being actually good that it pains me how shit it is half the time. Poor servers, desync, awful hitreg. The visuals are pretty ass for a UE4 game.
I REALLY dislike the new map, I would rather see a smaller map with maybe less players. 4x4 instead of 8x8.
I like the game but its anti-cheat system is bollocks. It will not ban blatant hackers but will ban you for having a ps4 or XBOX controller plugged in. It does get the job done and it has banned a lot of real hackers but a lot of innocent people got banned too and have to sit through a customer service nightmare. So yeah they ban "millions of accounts" but innocent people are included in that number but they don't differentiate.
Fuck battleye. I am mostly salty because I am one of those innocents who is now stuck in customer service with them and its complete ass. going on 3 weeks with no answer.
Agreed. The combat can feel so slick at times and then complete dogshit the very next game. Probably because it runs at like 17hz netcode.
The core mechanics are better than their next peers, but it's still kinda mediocre on almost anything.
Shooting is kinda bad, it's inconsistent, runs better now but still eh, lacks ambience, lacks awesomeness, and it's still slow.
Played for about 9 hours
Two wins
Not worth 30 bucks, maybe more around 10-15. Fun with friends but pretty boring until end game, I suggest dropping into a city that everyone else is dropping into for actual fun. I won't recommend it for any more than 15 bucks.
The desert map feels empty, I think the vanilla map has enough going for it
Fortnite is better
Terrible performance makes me completely uninterested in playing it. If my friends want me in the squad, I'll play, but otherwise I haven't touched it since I bought it.
it's a decent game
it'd be a fantastic game on a better engine with better servers
I think it was hamfisted
A large amount of the criticisms for the game was that it's 30 dollars for only one map
So the devs just threw some shit together and went "YEAH WHAT THE FUCK NOW"
It's pretty bad
Early game and late game is the most interesting parts, shame early game is rubberband fest now
i like the desert map a lot more, but it would have been better as 6x6 instead of 8x8
I tried it, didn't like it
honestly the concept seems cool and all but it's not for me I guess
all of my friends love it though, some even quit most games we used to play together for it
It's pretty terrible
trying to get the player to just pick up the fucking gun in the first 15 seconds is the most frustrating part of the game
>watch death cam
>guy shooting at nothing with uzi
>all bullets hit me
It's bullshit sometimes, but it doesn't frustrate me as much as it used to for some reason
hit tab and just select what you wanna pick up from there, much easier
F is a lost cause but even that still only works half the time
not helpful when you're about to get shot
>Top 10 with a bro
>See a guy running perpendicular to my position
>Less than 100m
>Put 2x scope right over him
>Pull trigger
>Making sure each shot is aimed before firing
>After firing a few rounds, aim just ever so slightly ahead of him
>Still nothing
>He jumps, turns, and fires twice
I swear to fucking Christ this game is terribly inconsistent.
you have to lead your shots by a lot, even at 100m
>hand goes out
>makes the pick up sound
>10 seconds later look in my bag and I never actually picked up the item
>shooting a perpendicular target
>not using the fact u already spotted him and wait the best opportunity
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
I'll never understand why this game is so popular. It seems so plain and vanilla. If I played it without knowing anything about it I'd think it was a free to play steam game.
Tried it, ran like ass, played like ass, refunded
$30 well saved
Really no learning curve and easy to sell in chinese game cafes
it's a decent game in an underserved extremely popular genre full of shit games
Patch 1.0 fixed any and all performance issues it had. Update #1 after that fixed most of the rubberbanding issues.
It can be a fun game with friends, when it works. It supposedly a full release game that runs like it's still in beta and the netcode is absolutely trash. When playing solo it's just "jump into a city get shot or stalk around for thirty minutes to get shot.". Also the combat is the most wonky thing in the game and when the server shits the bed because you're a American playing with almost all Chinese people.
It's a good concept but really poorly executed