Wario Nintendo Direct On The Way

Within the next 2 months, expect to see a Super Mario Direct announcement to "reveal Mario's bright future on the Nintendo Switch!"

The direct will start normally, with Bill and Reggie talking about their love for Mario and his bright future and gives the first presentation
>A trailer for New Super Mario All Stars, collecting all of the New Super Mario Bros games for the Nintendo Switch
Suddenly the announcement is interrupted by Wario, who comes out from behind the trailer screen and speaks in "wah"s. Bill Trinnen offers to translate and explains that Wario is sick of being out of the public's eye for so long. Wario jumps into the trailer and is revealed to be playable in each of the All Stars games.

Having taken over Mario's direct, he then proceeds to announce a lineup of his OWN games with Bill translating the whole time.

>Wario Ware Switch
>Wario Land: Panini Curse
>Waluigi's Apartment: Dark Moon (download title only. For both 3ds and switch)

Reggie retakes control of the direct and apologizes saying that "Mario's big announcement is going to have to wait until E3".

Surprisingly, Warios portion of the direct is all storyboarded. I don't know the specifics, but it seems like he will be hand drawn as opposed to a 3d model.

That's all I have to say. March at the very latest.

>Wario land
I won't get my hopes up, nice fanfic OP


Why can't Wario be a villain again?

Steamed hams!?!?

>Waluigi's Apartment

I honestly wish this was real

Nintendo Direct fakers seem to have a very strong fixation on Wario.

It's because Wario is Nintendos best property and they only use him when they absolutely have to

I want to believe

>Wario is Nintendo's best property

Warioware, maybe. The platformers never sold that great.

>>Waluigi's Apartment: Dark Moon (download title only. For both 3ds and switch)
Not gonna lie though, I'd love to see Nintendo make some Wario and Waluigi games for the Switch

a New Super Mario Bros collection would be so redundant

Had me until Walugi’s apartment

They'll dig up Wario's corpse for free e-peen some day. But no today.

>Wario speaking in wahs sounds retarded as hell and Nintendo would do some stupid shit like that
>a needless NMB collection
Alright, you've got me-
>A Waluigi game
And you lost me.

I want to believe

You lost me there. He's never coming back, user.

Because that would be anti-semitic.

>Suddenly the announcement is interrupted by Wario, who comes out from behind the trailer screen and speaks in "wah"s. Bill Trinnen offers to translate
Wario can speak English you fucknut

It sounds stupid enough to be something Nintendo would do to him.

>Year of Donkey Kong
>Thinking this is Wario's year
The official announcement is in 2 months. Stay salty.

>>Year of Donkey Kong
>Kirby and Yoshi are getting new games in their series before DK

nice fan fic

>Just got into the Wario Land series
>Suddenly get a little sad when I see this copypasta "leak" when I didn't particularly feel anything previous times I've seen it posted
Wario Land is such a good series.

In terms of quality, not sales.

Unfortunately, Nintendo hasn't made a good platformer since 6th gen.

Sunshine is an awful platformer you dumb gamecube fag. In terms of platformers, the 6th gen is easily one of the weakest with only a few standout titles like Wario Land 4, fuck off dumbass.

Give me, the fuck, WARIO WARE GAME YOU FUCKS, with separate collectable shit like in Touched.

every year is a year closer to death, but not a good wario game.
this fucking sucks

no way...
that's so deep, man


>Nintendo hasn't made a good platformer since 6th gen
didn't play tropical freeze

yeah I fucking wish.

Things would be different if people actually bought his game.

>speaks in "wah"s
Wario can speak just fine.

That was Retro, not internal Nintendo. And it wasn't even that good.

>waluigi's apartment


>People actually think Nintendo would ever pull a bait & switch when it comes to fucking Mario
You're delusional. Also Wario games are all fucking dookie and all his games since Wario Land 4 didn't sell so now he is le epic fart man.

wow...that comment was so insightful...you are so much deeper than him...

WL4 is better than anything Nintendo's done since then. Also 6th gen was the last time Metroid was good. And Sunshine is the second best 3D Mario after 64. I bet you are an Odysseyfag, kek.

My dick

is it possible to emulate wario ware: twisted

Yes. Pretty comfortably too

Waluigi's Apartment
>Waluigi manages a local dollar general
>he doesn't make much money
>He lives in the projects
>his 95 ford taurus is about to get repo'd
>Waluigi has to figure out a way to get money for rent or else he will get evicted.

The struggle is real.

It will never happen. Which kinda sucks honestly.

I fucking want all of this