Monster Hunter World

What weapon are you going to main and why? I'm thinking longsword so I can be pic related

So you can die before the hunt's even started?


guilty kek

I just want to see Deviljho just pummel Anjanath or something. can you guys imagine?

I too want to see him pound his anjinah with his devilkhock

Is Longsword good this time around? It's new counter and helm breaker seem neat.


Dual swords look style as fuck
what gives me the most swords possible though

Well chosen, the true virgin's weapon.

>that move where you roll across the monster's back autistically swinging your swords


Always the Hunting Horn.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, it's fun

Stand aside ladies I'm about to do REAL damage

Are they going to buff Insect Glaive? It looks cool but it doesn't look like it does the damage compared to other weapons.

LBG, that scene from the opening cinematic from the old MH always hyped me up when the chick was preparing her bullets

>LBG, that scene from the opening cinematic from the old MH always hyped me up when the chick was preparing her bullets

Oh shit, wrong pic

>asking for sauce on fucking TTGL of all things
i've been here too long i gots to be going, fuck this

Might go for IG, that always looked neat in the other ones.

One of the best scenes in TTGL tbqh

What are the predictions for the top tier meme weapons? For example, in MH4U the charge blade was broken as hell.

my favorite scene will always be when kamina whacks the pistol yoko gave him against the door of the robot and then holds it upside down to threaten the pilot

CB will be unga bunga tier now that its most optimal flowchart is to SAED as much as you can

I was thinking of going to basics and Great Swording. Never actually mained it before.
Long Sword is also possibility.
Gun Lance is sexy as hell, but I lack the IQ for it's movement and shield focused play.

No. It has to be bait.

Lance and Hunting Horn.

Lance because the controls are finally not complete ass, which has always held me back from enjoying the weapon.

HH Because it's always been my main, and the new song queuing is great. I don't even miss double notes now that I've tried it.

>"you know ho to use one of these?"
>"who the hell do you think I am?"
>completely oblivious to the fact he would have shot himself in the face

Now I have to rewatch. Thanks, nerd.

Is hammer a good starting weapon? I've always been a hammerbro at heart.

Charge Blade because it's broken as fuck again after being useless in Generations


Hammer is middle ground. It's kind of like greatswoding in the way you need to know monster openings so you can crank out as much damage as possible to the right parts the head.

It's not a bad pick to start with, and the only reason I've avoided it in the past was the crazy material requirements for upgrades.

>Begin so bad at Monster Hunter to use op weapons instead of what's most fun.

probably use every weapon, but mostly HBG, GS and SnS. I don't know if weapons with play better in world or not. It seems like lance and gun lance will be more fun along with guns and bow

Never used it, but my issue with the GL is it lacks any form of fluidity. It's cool as hell but I like weapons that feel like they have a flow to them.

I"m guessing dual swords. The speed on those things is ridiculous.

well geez sorry... my first anime was kill la kill and i figured anything made before it sucked.

Charge Blade is a contender, it tops a lot of popularity polls, and people are gonna spam SAED since it's apparently optimal now.

Gunlance actually can deal damage now too, and jumped HIGH on populairty

Gunner weapons are way more fun now thanks to lmao two sticks.

I want to pet him.

He looks like a derp.
That's why I like him

But it's broken and fun to use. Especially when you have a 4 man Charge Blade group that turns the hunt into a clusterfuck of being unable to see shit because the screen is nothing but particle effects because of nonstop AED spam.

Tetsucabra's retarded cousin?

This'll be my first time playin a MH game, any tips for a lil nooblet


pls do not bully my tetsucabra. He can't help that he has autism.

dont get hit

Hit it till it dies

In that order

this is going to be my first mh game and i am going to use the insect glaive
convince me otherwise

sounds identical to dark souls

best advice you can give honestly

Glaive users are cancer. Fucking die.

sounds identical to every game where you have an HP bar, and so do enemies

HBG + Bow. Long range is cool

Seems like he'd make happy noises if you fed him stuff.

well you're right
anything before it, during it and after it sucked

I've watched the first few episodes and it bored the fuck out of me


Did he just toss aside a Kushala Daora?

As a different yet equally new MH player, why are glaives bad? They look cool

>What weapon are you going to main and why?

Gunlance for male character because male armors tend to be bulkier, 'cooler', and tanky looking to fit the aesthetic of a lancer.
Duel Blades for female character because female armors are often sleeker, skimpier, and 'cute', which fits the aesthetic or theme of a bouncy, anime, duel blader.

I will, though, be trying out all the weapons at least once since they changed all the weapons and the general pacing of the game is noticeably different movement wise.

please fuck off back to crunchyroll then

The counter is super busted, properly timed and you don't even get damaged.

You're gonna get beat the fuck up. As a rule, try to keep it that from happening.

Don't be afraid to chug a potion or something stronger if it keeps you from dying.

>Mfw playing with CB users in the demo
>Mfw it's the most popular weapon
I hope you people are ready to get kicked from every single lobby you join. You fuckers are a worse tripping hazard than longswords with your "optimal" bullshit SAED spam. At least with LSfags you're not getting knocked around from the other end of the bloody monster.

God dammit we have to hunt this thing you assholes stop humanizing it.

Sword n Shield / Hunting Horn are in more dire need of a dps buff. SnS is especially trash so far from the clear times.

Yeah. Kush is confirmed for being a giant windy dickhead again.

They have a reputation from 4 where they were introduced. Basically, players would spam the aerial attacks to mount (also a new mechanic), at which point you pretty much had to stop attacking and wait for the fucker to get knocked off or topple the monster. Also they were french an alarming amount of the time.

It's a solid weapon, and a good glaive user is rare.

Charge blade is gonna be top reddit weapon for sure.


How about you watch where you're going faggot. How about you stay out of the path of the ubermensch.


He used it like once
>tfw still no fist weapons

If you want to fight the monster by yourself, just play singleplayer.

>top reddit

iirc it was pretty damn high, if not top, on the Sup Forums strawpoll.

It's gonna be a popular weapon regardless.

I have a raging erection for mechanical transforming weapons, so I'm falling back on SA to be slightly less of a raging fag

the patrician way to play CB is exactly how it played in 4U, non disruptive, optimal fun.

HBG because I'm shit at dodging and wanna play with my friends without being a burden.

>je sius monté!

I hate this new flagship

>mfw my girlfriend played stories
>mfw I bully her about being a rider and not a Hunter


>Shit at dodging

Same can be said for you. If you can't stand the actual players doing actual damage to the monster then you can fuck off with your dinky little twig.

Two things
1. The new flagship looks wicked

2. Kushy boy is back, which means it's time to go HBG again.

Its a lot easier than being melee and i don't hafta worry about bow positioning or lbg bad dmg.

>so I can be pic related
kill yourself weeb faggot cunt

Yes, the fucker throws dragons at you.

HBG has to position just like anything else. Different shots have different effective ranges, along with needing to actually hit the weak parts of the monster, or having the proper angle if you're using pierce shots.

Where do you think you're

>This'll be my first time playin a MH game, any tips for a lil nooblet

Don't get hit. It's the same as Dark Souls: prioritize not getting hit over or instead of blocking.
Prioritize learning a Monsters move set and behaviors; I don't practice this enough, but whenever you fight a monster for the first time don't just mindlessly run at it, but spend some time just observing and learning what it does, how it does it, and how it reacts to things so you'll be able to read it's movement in the future.
Elemental Damage is better than 'raw' damage. Always pay attention to elemental weaknesses, they can shave off minutes of time.
Decide whether you're going to HUNT or HARVEST before you set out to do a quest. You will not have room for scavenged raw materials AND monster parts.
Pay attention to blood smears: they indicate how much damage or how vulnerable a certain section of a monster is to damage.
There are basically two types of 'raw' damage: cutting and impact.
Capturing vs Killing gives similar loot tables, but prioritizes different parts sort to speak.
Breaking parks can make fights easier by stunting or inhibiting a monsters ability to do certain moves effectively or at all, I.E: cutting off a creatures tail will lower the range of it's sweeps.
It's okay to main just 'one' weapon, don't feel obligated or pressured to branch out if you don't want to or feel comfortable, but you SHOULD try every weapon at least once.

That's everything I can think of in terms of 'good basic advice'.

Looks like a Gila Monster, I love it.

>Elemental Damage is better than 'raw' damage.
Not in the case of slow weapons. If I'm going GS and my choice is an elemental weakness or higher raw I am going with the raw every time.

the only difference between them is that a rider is underage and retarded enough to believe that you can be friends with a monster.
they both kill monsters.

Kill la kill is TTGL for little girls. The fuck you doin user?

>Elemental Damage is better than 'raw' damage. Always pay attention to elemental weaknesses, they can shave off minutes of time.

hang on, this one largely varies on weapon.

I know Greatswords usually just want huge fucking raw, while dual blades love high elemental damage

The big difference is that she wants me to be her rider.

>kirin confirmed for MHW
oh thank god, I was worried there wouldn't be any good slut armor

You got me, I've seen TTGL. What a weeb am I

Elemental damage is always an advantage, but quick weapons greatly favor status effects like poison or stun. Having a fire elemental GS is fine, but a sleep hammer is fucking stupid.

Well, I doubt I'm going to buy a ps4 or xbone because fuck paying online to play and for one game. I'm wondering how it will play with mouse and keyboard. Gunner would be pretty trivial with a mouse

>he doesn't use a sleep GS for solo hunts
smdh familia

Got an image? Im unfamiliar with this armor.

This gonna be fun.