Hollow Knight

These little pookies are so cute, that I am forced to save all of them. Thoughts?

They are indeed cute and must be saved.

there's a lot of them in deepnest, save those if you can

Lol xD ebin troll

Yeah they're very cute and I feel bad for their dad/grandpa, he looks so sad. Every time I get a new ability I go back and explore every area again looking for the ones I couldn't save before.

Spoilers for collecting them all: Do we have a canon theory about happens to them yet? I don't think my heart can take it.

they live happy full lives and multiply

He doesn't actually eat them. It's how his species reproduces. You can still hear them while inside the big guy and the achievement you get is "Chrysalis" so it implies they're going to burst out of their host once mature. The circle of life in Hallownest I suppose.

Thank you anons. God bless.

I hate cuteness. It makes me depressed.

yeah sure, you "save" them


Did people actually have trouble with them?
They were pretty easy right alongside Mantis Lords.

I beat Mantis Lords on my first try and I've died like 10 times to the watcher knights so far

2 words


I switched tactics of trying to beat them with the nail and switched to the ground pound magic. That seemed to do a bunch more damage and gave me a bunch of invincibility frames as well.

>he doesn't the how to make the fight easier

>mfw i did that

i get wrecked before i even hit the 4th knight. i’m bad at this game

I went full damage/jodi's blessing for the fight and beat it after a try or two. If you hit them while they're spawning and figure out how to bait their melee attack you can get them really low before they bounce around too much and become a nuisance.

What charm loadout are you running? Also have you upgraded your nail and got the shadow version of vengeful spirit? When multiple ones spawn just focus one down at a time. Also I feel like a lot of people play way too defensively against bosses when I find that being as aggressive as possible, short of eating damage, often works far better. I've had several bosses I died to with only a couple hits left because I kept getting stuck in a heal/damage loop where if I'd just gone ham they'd have died.

>tfw no cloth gf

and the one which extends your invincibility window after getting hit.

i haven’t gotten the shadow version of vengeful spirit yet, where do i get that?

not grubsong i mean the one you get from flukemarm

>Going through the colossus
>Did fine on the first two rounds
>Third round is fucking me up
>realize I'd have a piss easy time by restarting the game and getting the white mask again

I should go back and enjoy the DLC they released, but I've heard there's two more coming. Should i bother?

I only missing one from the Hive. I wanna finish the White Palace before rescuing him.

Hidden Dreams is ok but Grimm Troupe is kino. You play it.

It's in Soul Sanctum by the shortcut at the elevator that takes you to the bench in city of tears. You need the ornate (?) key from the merchant dude in DIrtmouth after unlocked his storeroom and expanded his inventory. Nailmaster's badge (or whatever its called) but you need to have gotten all the nail arts for it. It's really good.
Also I'm super excited for the Hornet campaign dlc. I really hope she gets some cool different movement options from HK's.

Well then, I'll just go do everything again, thanks user

My little brother's trying for a Steel Soul Speedrun and has lost to them at least 6 times now. Bless his soul.

Anyone do Steel Soul mode? Just finished the main game and it didn't quite sate my addiction for the game but I'm a little wary of hardcore modes.

You get one life and pretty much an infinite amount of money. Dying immediately ends your run.

Just know that if you get 8 hours into the game, are on a hotstreak and doing fucking great, then die to the fucking crystal laser bug because you're a fucking idiot, know that you may never enjoy the game again.
I speak from experience.

>and pretty much an infinite amount of money.

How so?

That's what I'm wary of. While I didn't many (any?) bullshit deaths there's a few bosses and areas that I had so much trouble with that going into it in Steel Soul and losing a 10+ hour file might sour me on the game a bit. I still have flashbacks to dying to hardcore moonlord in terraria (fuck you moonlord).

Steel Soul Jinn will buy your rotten eggs, which can be bought for cheaper from the dude in the sewers. They're an infinite resource than can be sold infinitely to Steel Soul Jinn.

>which can be bought for cheaper from the dude in the sewers.
Ain't that bug specifically dead in Steel Soul mode?

I've never actually been to the sewers in Steel Soul mode. I just assumed he was still alive

Either way, Steel Soul Mode is meant to be speedran, since if you take your time, that's just more progress you lose when you fuck up.

Indiebox has a thing for it. Here is the image.

Or that the big guy has eaten enough to safely undergo metamorphosis, just like caterpillars in real life.

Hollow Knight is probably my top metroidvania but I have a real love/hate feeling about how open ended the world is. It makes for really diverse first playthroughs but I find that since they couldn't know what movement options you had at various parts of the game they couldn't really tailor heavy movement tech zones which kind of lead to bland-ish zones movement wise. Really wish you had more zones like white palace or the areas behind shadow dodge walls because those areas really shine since they tailored them around having all of your movement items. Hopefully Hornet's campaign fixes this.