Save the humble peasant using your videogame knowledge

Save the humble peasant using your videogame knowledge

inb4 paying microtransaction


Either triple jump dive to the peasant or the peasant can long jump to you


guardrail magic


What do I win?


Why do all these recent princesses look so generic?
I need an incentive to rescue them, you know.


I'm too tired to make a Knuckles one

Which one is the peasant?

If you make them too good looking no one will make OC because the template is too complex to manipulate for the average gamer

she's not a princess she's a humble peasant

sorry peasants can't afford to doll themselves up for your snobbish approval

do you seriously want traps, gays and furfags to infest princess threads? are you fucking mental?

Cat princess.



We already rescued a cat a today. And that one had HUGE TATS



>no bing bing wahoo yet

I was going to but decided against it since they're overused.



>Not using Girders to box the peasant in while moving to the high ground

Reminds of those cat slimes that appear on Epic Battle Fantasy


A few perspective shifts later...
Speaking of,
>5 is almost 80% done


How's this op

kek, I understand the reference

>saving peasants
The only thing they are good for is being slaves, and they are extremely disposable, why would i risk my perfect run for it?


that was creative


What game
I'm intrested

the source engine

Its funny you think that way mariel, seeing how you are a fucking filthy peasant.

Of course

How many times do I have to asay "Ignore the tripfaggot" before people actually do it.

Idk I've been doing it too but poeple just won't learn

Say whatever you want, cant hide the truth.


He's replying to himself. He does it when nobody responds to him fast enough for his liking. He's been doing it for years. There's a reason someone ALWAYS replies to him.

I couldn't figure it out, so I just loaded an old save file from when I did this before.

>when you reach a level of denial that you start spamming what you try to believe

>not filtering any any all tripfags

When will you fucks learn


If the Filter made their posts literally vanish, I'd agree.
But they're still fucking there no matter what.

It does though, also any posts replying to them

Bros move gone wrong?


>I need an incentive to rescue them
Now the princess is your mom.




Heh, that's cute

ewww short hair
who would even rescue that

I can get behind this

Best in the thread so far

get 4chanx you fool


>hates short hair
I think fucking not laddy

This thread winner is...

>Not nagging me for just being
Immersion ruined

yesh, i am a Trish guy





Where is the angry brows? That's not the Kirby I know.


thread becomes cute as soon as im going to bed
now i'm sad

>the virgin hero
>the chad damsel in distress


Can I fuck that pointy end of the mountain that woman is standing on?



you can fuck anything user.






save the peasant user



It's a Mario game on the switch that's not Odyssey.

Get the fuck out, you petit barbare.

Don't feel bad. A game with Rabbids in it has not right to be as good as it is.

Go on...?


Decided to skimp the writing this time

I'm looking forward to Donkey Kong and his bananarang antics. I just hope the boss of his chapter isn't a fucking rehash of rabbid kong.



What if..
2 Rabbid Kongs?


giant friendly crab

It always end up as this, doesn't it?