The Great Debate continues

We had a good thread last night, time for round 2. Which Lara is best Lara?


AKA generic 24 year old whiny Starbucks barista bitch #10445?

>TR1 Lara is pulling TR2/3/4/C Lara hair
How rude.

I like Legend Lara design a lot.
I just wish the game was longer.

>not liking painsluts with daddy issues

Gee, user, how much of a pleb can you possibly be?

What Starbucks are you going to? I wish the ones at mine were that pretty. Just a bunch failed liberal arts majors at mine.

>Nu-Lara fan actually frequents Star Bucks

I was making a joke but thanks for confirming your numale status for me


>I got called on stupid comment, better attack their masculinity

Is yours that fragile that you can't have coffee at certain places?

If you're getting your coffee at Starbucks then yeah, I think I'm well within my rights to "attack your masculinity"

imagine being this cucked

So yes, your answer is yes. Thanks.


>being this upset over someone criticizing Starbucks

Just chop your dicks off now

Haha, you totally exposed him as being a customer at one of the biggest chain stores in the world! Got 'em!

one of these things is not like the others.

Loli Lara

>lara's ass in anniversary


>that image

And people call Old Lara a "bimbo"

Nulara. At least she looks like she's been tomb raiding, unlike old lara.
Old lara just looks like some high quality whore on a photoshoot.

Anniversary lara is just perfect. Not too skimpy, not too boring (nulara).

NuLara literally says "I hate tombs" at one point in the games. You are just blinded by generic ass shots.

Your point being:

>making the same shit thread over and over again
Just kill yourself to already.


Which one looks like a more seasoned tomb raider?

It's a joke that she starts to love them later on, you idiot.

If you go tomb raiding, you are going to get dirty.

I won't say NuLara is dressed the part, but Old Lara is begging for cuts on her tummy and her legs. You cover yourself when you're going adventuring, not wear some slutty shorts and an even sluttier tube top.

Old. Attitude + sexy clothes

left, the right looks like a rape vicitm in lou

>she will eventually become the same character as she was in the old games!

They already had multiple flashbacks to when Lara was young in the older ones, and she was never a whiny bitch like she is in the new ones. The 2013 was not a reboot, it was a completely deconstruction of an iconic character


Feminism is dead , isn't it?


>muh realism

Fuck off and go shit up another franchise

I don't see why anyone would like the newest lara croft. Her outfit isn't iconic and she doesn't eve duel wield pistols. She just looks like a plain Jane. I'm also pretty sure there are many girls that don't like her that much either and prefer the old look because it has more style.

don't wanna

Nu Lara. New technology does fucking wonders. Old Lara looks aged really fucking bad, except for maybe Lara from Underworld but that game kinda sucked. Underwater sequences were nice though.

There were 2 nu-lara games. Did they make any changes to her model between them?

I'm sure you're one of those faggots who's perfectly okay with the 25 Dark Souls/BotW threads being repeatedly re-posted every day

Nah I'm here to stay. Seeing Sup Forums being salty is the best thing in the world.

>Admitting to shitting up a beloved franchise

It all makes sense now, you guys don't actually like NuLara. You're just bad trolls

Yes. In fact, she's had three different models - Tomb Raider 2013, the Definitive Edition and Rise all have a different model (face included). The Rise one is literal perfection though, so I'm glad they changed it.

I'm not admitting to shitting it up. The new games are good and NuLara is great.
I just said that to make you angry and it's working like a charm.

They did.

>The new games are good

Okay now it's obvious that you're just baiting

This. She looks hot in a very conventional and plausible way.


lel o lel. Now you're going to say Duke Nukem was a beloved franchise. Shit like this was only liked by unironic 90s kids who by now are ashamed of themselves or working as bagger boys like Patt.

>progressively more covered up
Legit question; are we all sure we don't want hijab?

No one actually believes that though, that's the thing.

Are either of the new games worth playing?

Holy god damn shit, how fucking old are you? The least you could do is try and act like you're not underaged

Keep crying oldfag. WE are the new generation and your kind will die soon enough.

Plenty of people do get over yourself

>She looks hot in a very conventional and plausible way.

So that's why Nu-Lara fags obsess over her, in their minds they feel like they have more of a chance with her than Old Lara. Pretty damn pathetic.

Bad bait, unless you're really that retarded

No, they are bad Uncharted ripoffs with pointless pseudo-survival elements thrown in

Which tomb raider should I play instead? Is underworld good?

Sorry but the STD whore look gets old when you become older than 14. For a woman to be sexy she needs a hint of plausability yes. NuLara looks like an extremely beautiful girl you could meet anywhere while old Lara belongs on the cover of some porn magazine.

>Gamers are dead.. Gamers don't have to be your audience.

Year four and counting , bitches!

I would say start with TR1, but if you don't wanna play the PS1 gen games then start with TR Legend and Anniversary. If you like those then play Underworld

This Lara is best Lara.

What if I was just to look for the definitive tomb raider experience on the PC? I don't necessarily plan on playing every game in the series.

Have you seen any Cosmopolitan covers in your life?

No. As much shit as the new ones get it's not Underworld bad. I still think the reboot games are good once you clear the initial hour of handholding. Optional tombs are always there if you want to challenge yourself more.

However the Legends-Anniversary-Underworld trilogy might still be worth playing. But Underworld is the last and weakest game in that trilogy.

>For a woman to be sexy she needs a hint of plausability yes

You think there isn't women on Earth who look like Old Lara? You live an extremely sad life, my friend

what is the equivalent of numale in women?

If you're gonna play 1 game, play Anniversary. It runs really well on PC and it's the closest you're gonna get to the definitive TR experience

>tube top
Not even once.

There are. The strippers and whores do. It's not the look I'm attracted to. If you like that be my guest.

Ok cool, thanks.
Sorry about being so particular, but I prefer to start with the best game in the series over release order. This is an opinion that gets me quite a few (You)s.

Are there any mods for rise of the tomb raider to make lara more fappable? I don't know why I bought it, but now that I have it I may as well make the most of it.

Angelina Jolie does and she looks disgusting. The only good thing about her is her voice, which the same could be said about Old Lara because Keeley Hawes is much better voice actress than Camilla Ludington.

There is no one true "definitive" Tomb Raider games. The closest you have are TR1-2-4 and Anniversary. Also, try the demo of Dagger of Xian, which is a remake of 2 with modern controls.

>Big breasts automatically mean you're a stripper/whore

It's not even funny how obvious it is that you're not old enough to be posting here. And if you actually are, then you need to get out more

She wears skintight clothing for much of the game and looks amazing. The myth that she's now a chestlet is just that as well.

Just put on the blue top outfit. When she gets wet it looks like she has leather pants which makes her ass look really nice.


What is it like being a homosexual, user?

No, because she looks even weirder in any outfit revealing more skin

Nu-Lara looks like plain Jane while Old Lara looks cartoony/stylized.

Not so much the breasts as the blown up lips and make-up face coupled with ridiculous thigh-stomach-breast proportions. It borders on complete fantasy. Compare with NuLara's body ratio that is both realistic and hot.

>Sorry but the STD whore look gets old when you become older than 14.
I really hope you're not implying what I think you're implying...

Dude she looks grose.
Gemma Arterton is a much hotter woman, which coincidentally is the closest woman who can play NuLara irl besides her VA.

>It borders on complete fantasy

Confirmed for having never played an old Tomb Raider game. Her whole character is built on fantasty, she is supposed to be over-done, larger than life.

Watch any of the old documentaries with the original creators and you'll realize why making a "more realistic" looking Lara goes against her entire character

What city do you live in where this would be considered a Plain Jane? Because I want to move there.


Since you are focusing only on her face and ironing the rest on purpose, you won't find specific answer to your question.

I love Gemma and would have much rather had her play Lara than the man they have playing her now. But how the fuck can you say Angelina looks gross playing Lara?

That's because old Lara is a relic from the PSX era where everything had to look cartoonish to bypass hardware limitations. We're not in 1995 anymore though.

There's nothing iconic about nuLaura.
Anyone can probably recognize the classic ones.
Strictly visually speaking

Go fuck yourself, "technical limitations" isn't the reason they made her look that way. You have no clue what you're talking about

Is nulara still a rich asshole or does she just magically end up in situations where she has to raid tombs?

Characters don't need to be icon , crybaby

Sure but that's also because she had the benefit of being one of the first 3D female models in a major game. It came with the times. But as time went on and other female characters started to appear everywhere old Lara faded from public consciousness.

She's still rich as fuck.

t. fag

>She doesn't need her iconic look that she's had for 10+ games!

What dumbass argument will Nu-Lara fags come up with next?

If you showed that picture to anyone who didn't know the NuRaider games existed, they would never know it was Lara Croft. Hence, she's generic looking as fuck

Iconic didn't save Underworld from being trash that nobody bought. She and Duke Nukem had a lot in common. Fun 90's icons but not compatible with 2010's.

OldLara doesn't even have a face that looks like it belongs to a human.

Fuck off you animefaggots