Will Sakuri escape hell eventually? Feels bad...
Will Sakuri escape hell eventually? Feels bad
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Nope, she is there until the end of times
Really? I didn't play until the end, but I heard she can escape if another person does the ritual that she did at the beginning to get in hell.
Yeah thats the other way out But lets be honest she will be there for a good Damn time almost eternal
What game?
She's busy fucking shit up with Dante. She'll be fine.
I feel worse for her family.
ugn, this game makes me feel bad...
It's weird people somehow believe this will happen in real life, people being tortured forever, it's so awful.
It's so easy to google it user...
That image is cute, do you have it?
I thought this was a porn game when I was younger. I was sorely disappointed.
Why doesnt she just work out? She has all of eternity to get strong enough to rip hell in half. doomguy can do it, she has no excuse.
I thought it was a porn game too, except I never got disappointed.
It was though.
Wasn't she a total bitch and the events of the game happened because the girls she bullied tried to take revenge?
>It's weird people somehow believe this will happen in real life, people being tortured forever, it's so awful.
Bad guys need to pay somehow but sadly sometimes innocents go there too according to some
Anyone got a link?
it is a porn game. Its just a specific type of porn.
She was the victim of bullying, and tried to take revenge.
But forever? Not even a bad guy deserves that.
There are places on this earth worse than what the human mind can imagine. This stuff doesn't make me feel bad at all. Stuff like in the pic makes me think of what hell could really be.
I'm pretty sure each time she die her body reform to what she was when she got dragged into it. That's how her clothes regenerate
Doomguy saved her.
The idea behind the game makes me feel bad, even if it's not real.
gifs where?
haha lol
need more jap guro games
I think her family was actually not really there, it was all just to torture sakuri mentally.
Dante did too.
Yes, if a mighty warrior's soul was trapped in hell he might escape. But the point is it's the soul of an anime girl.
Moge-ko is my wife.
>the good ending is actually just getting a regular game over
But it is a porn game???
No it's not. The only part that might be considered porn is the first part of the scene where the giant ant thing eats her starting at her pussy.
Seriously, this game´s ending is a mess.
Yeah, flying dude kept reviving her, but its a fucking videogames, dude.
I want a darn special ending if i did a no death run.
Is this an actual game?
>no death run
Haha good fucking luck. That makes me wonder if anyone speedruns Demonophobia.
Well, the flying dude implies Sakuri died at least once and was revived.
But what if you do a no death run, at least a "You were quite skilled by getting this far without dying, girl" would have been enough.
Wow, I stand corrected.
A no death run doesn't count because hundreds of people already played the game and died. It's canon that every playthrough of every person is in the same universe.
Now, i get the whole message of the ending.
Yeah, hell is hell and there is no hope.
But going thru that shit just to get more dispair makes me angry.
Im expecting to WIN when i WIN a videogame.
By that time she'll slowly turn herself into a demon and be friends with them in hell
Hell, it wouldnt even matter after a while.
Sakuri would just get used to the pain.
Now thats a better ending.
But what we got is one of the worst videogame endings per concept alone.
Its like playing a super tough game, but after killing the bad guy, it turns out its an hologram, he shoots you in the head, he rapes your wife and she liked it so much he dumped you for him.
And your dog does too.
What? Nope, the good ending is whennshe escapes and his dad shotgun the abomination girl to death.
>yfw Sakuri for DMC6 DLC.
>tfw smart enough to not take the cursed witch knife so the witch doesn't swap bodies with your loli
>tfw came so hard the first time I watched her peed herself
I'm not even into guro
>everyone stops playing Demonophobia
>no more suffering for Sakuri
Even if it happens, isn't the time scale fucked up anyway? What would be a few minutes to someone else is a couple of lifetimes to her down there. Good thing she's got a lot to spare.
Will the sequel be finished eventually? Feels bad....
I tried looking for a video with all the deaths and could only find a guide describing them, then it described a death that was "too vulgar" to describe when you die to lust. Im curious, does anybody know which death it is?
Fuck, that's meta.
A slug thingy eats you starting by the pussy.
the rest are burning alive, amputation and overall gore, but that is the only one i could describe as "vulgar".
The demons dont even rape the girl, they just kill.
>no commentary
Damn, when will this be in AGDQ?
why do people call this game fucked up when the idea of hell is a belief of millions across the earth
Well, there is an underage girl getting mutilated and eaten alive.
Its guro, you get used to it eventually by curiosity and going to rekt threads.
that’s not even what disturbs people. it’s the fact that these awful things are happening to her endlessly and that endless element is the central aspect of hell
>tfw it doesn't help and witch wins anyway
Wadanohara is better.
Well yeah, but humans adapt.
She would just make a daily routine of it all and stop feeling pain eventually.
the point of the entire game is for her to suffer as much as possible
i'd like to think she eventually accumulates enough magical bullshit to be a demon too eventually so maybe she won't suffer as much. 90% sure that if she dies now she's dead forever though
Isnt that good?
Die = Die for real this time
Live = Come back into the human world
win win
wait, she probably keeps coming back anyway, the flying guy was actually only messing with her memory
Fucking flying guy.
He says he kept reviving her.
but then he fights you.
and after you beat him, he keepts revivng you.
Shit story.
actually, hell is designed where you never get used to it.
There would be a point where she would just go apathic and give up, then.
Stream when?
Think about it like this, every time you "die" in hell the memory of what happen is wiped from your brain, but your soul still remembers. You don't know why you are in constant agony and pain, you just are.
You must be a sociopath. This "eventually" will actually outlive most of us and then some.
New game from the dev when?
Surprisingly fun action game.
Is this game good or just a novelty? I'm sure I have it downloaded already somewhere in my computer but as someone with a long vidya backlog and increasingly busy life I lose nothing by asking. I've heard it was frustrating and even bullshit at times so I am curious.
Also this thread reminded me: Does anyone know where to download Crackle Cradle? I am not a fan of guro but I am a big sucker for side scroller shooting games and it looks fun. However I've been looking for ages and I can't find a download link worth a damn. That and I can't read moonrunes.
Does she spend a lot of time being naked?
>You don't know why you are in constant agony and pain, you just are.
Oh, thats bs.
In christianity, the only thing that exists beyond the physical realm is your soul.
She shouldnt have a physical body at all.
Humanity adapts to circumstances.
She is pretty much inmortal, so it wouldnt be a problem.
Its fucking gore.
lust does an all-the-way-through tentacle thing and i think she starts pissing everywhere
I was being metaphorical about the brain thing
You don't take into account how "creative" they can be with making someone suffer, especially in this game. They had one death where they let her hang just the tip of her vagina onto a blade and leaves her there. Whenever you get used to a certain pain "eventually" they will do something else.
>oh? after 50 years you're used to having your ear pulled off of your head? how about we peel your eyelids off? used to that after 30 years? how about slowly peeling your nails off one by one?
And so on and so on.
well like i said here each time you "die" you "forget" about it thus every time you "die" its always new.
and also not new at the same time*
>It's weird people somehow believe this will happen in real life, people being tortured forever, it's so awful.
Either that, or the people who go to hell eventually become demons. That's a pretty popular view.
Let's face it, a god who tortures his creations for an eternity because they were a bad person for 100 years is extremely malevolent and not a generous, loving god at all.
I always wondered if there were any glitches in this game
Well, that is true.
But with all of those intellectuals thosed in there for stupid things like not believing in a magic grampa and not killing your children for being disobedient, there should be cable and AC in hell by now.
>People believing you can get "used" to hell
While that is up to interpretation and Hell has plenty of different versions I don't think you'll get used to it unless that was the whole point (Pic related for example). If Hell is meant to torture you for all eternity it will make sure to torture you for all eternity. That and hell would be more complex than any torture known to mankind and their torture devices would be more complex than we can comprehend. That alone would make it impossible to get "used" to it.
>tfw the only reason you haven't committed suicide is because you're scared of ending up in eternal hell like in this game
This ending messed me up when I was younger.
They're called sociopaths, user.
That depends on what you are made off.
For example, if your "soul" cannot die, but still has a sensation of pain, a severe amount of pain will always make you pass out or pretty much make you inmune to it.
If your soul can feel pain for eternity and live for eternity, then it would truly be a work of a terrible god.
Yeah, but i would more scared of the endless void of darkness, which is probably the most accurate afterlife youll get.
Or the countless segments where she's completely nude?
>finally die
>feeling of pure horror slowly creeps over you as you realize you're still conscious, with nothing but the eternal darkness with you, forever
>i would more scared of the endless void of darkness
But without a brain, how would you be conscious of it? It honestly annoys me that there are no solid answers to this shit.
IIRC Christians were starting to change their view of Hell because of that.
Well, at least you get to think in peace for all eternity, for whatever that's worth.
Funny how it's all about forgiveness but the big guy himself seems to have a hard time doing so when the chips are down.
You would stop thinking eventually.
Just like Kars.
Its a methafor.
You just pass out and never wake up.
Thats death.
It will just be a flash to darkness.
Like that guy that died while walking the street and a brick that bounced off a car hit him on the back of the skull, you are walking, then a flash, and thats it.
That's what terrifies me about dying. You die, and everything shut offs, but you're still there, captive and engulfed by darkness.
As long as you can think, you can take refuge inside of your own mind and give birth to fantasies and universes of your own. How about it? A grand act of escapism stretched out across an eternity.
If you genuinely repent at the end, you're forgiven. You only go to Hell if you refuse to do so. Blasphemy against the holy spirit or something.
I misread your post, and sorry for mobile posting but I'm just browsing quickly while on the crapper and then gonna read the news.
Oblivion is a blessing
Well if you're a lucid dreamer then you'd basically be living a different life. Who's to say you aren't dead right now and dreaming all of this in your unconscious body?
Like what just said.