What video game are you guys playing right now?

What video game are you guys playing right now?

Donkey Kong Country, I'm on the factory world right now

I used to have that same exact rug


>xbox360 controller

This isn't Japan.

>raising your daughter on anime
you are a monster

charging up my 3ds so i can play my wifes game

Beat the 3DS version of DKCR today and a bit of Starcraft.

Been playing Runescape 3 recently, fighting ankous to try and get cremation

Bout to boot up some civ 6.

sirveme un capuCHINO bien caliente por favor.

how is runescape these days?

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

The 360 had a insane amount of japanese exclusive shmups, if you lived in japan and loved the genre, you had one

Pretty good imo although I played only a tiny bit back in old days and I only started rs3 like a few months ago

Wait... you’re right. But it sort of had to be.

Maybe they are fans of Cave? A Deathsmiles family stays together.

Hey overalls
you suck

>playing famicom on an lcd RERREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

would be fine if it wasn't garbage moeblob

post her face

eww nasty brown loli

A hat in time. I tried playing battle chasers but its so shallow and boring and same with hob. I really wish I had a good new pc exclusive fps game to play.

If it exists I don't have it. Have some cute art instead.

Poor child.

It shouldn't be allowed for weeaboos to raise children.

You really shouldn't be turning your own daughter into a introverted weeb.

This is good advice.

Why not? Raise her as a weeb and an artist so she can live easily for the rest of her life whoring out her voice and some drawings. Imagine how many Patreonbux she could make by voicing, drawing, and animating her own Zone-tier flash animations. Easily 30k a year.

Got bored of PoE so just turned on Kingdom Hearts II

Pedo thread reported

I'm back in class now that the quarter started so I can't play as much.

I play Rainbow Six Siege casually with a friend sometimes, and I'm playing through Underrail on my own. I was playing through Dragon Age Origins during the break. Great game. I randomly stopped half way through though since classes started. I gotta finish it sometime.

Shit phone game Valkyrie Connect.

It's his wife's son.

Trying to make myself finish Fallout 4 because it's been so long since I've finished a game. But it's just so boring and shitty I don't know if I can do it.

>properly dressed girl watching tv
I bet you assume dads out shopping with their daughters fuck them when they get home. What game are you playing?

Bouncing between EDF 4.1, New Style Boutique 3, Mario Odyssey and Assassins Creed Unity

Tell it to gookmoot

cuddling is like fucking for kids

Just finished the Higurashi VNs currently on Steam and i have absolutely no will left to play anything.

Backstory: It's a doll

Modern Warfare 2
Give her a headpat for me OP.

What does weeaboo mean?

I don't think so, Tim.

>30 k a year
that is literally below minimum wage, but if its zone tier i would expect far more anyways so you have a point

We’re supposed to be playing Game of War, but this one player keeps kicking my ass!

Means you're a pretty cool guy

I thought those were thepenguins of madasgar from the thumbnail.

>that is literally below minimum wage
Where the hell do you live where minimum wage is that high?

What makes western animation different?

30k a year makes you elligable for foodstamps in america

Calarts so no different but just worse quality.

It's way more intelligent. A child who grows up watching western animation will grow up to be truly enlightened and with an enormous iq.


I was playing Prey, but got too horny so I had to take a break and masturbate to my mom.


Look at the remote tho

I'm """playing""" SFV and grinding FM before they take all that shit away.


*runs outside*

The main problem is one that plagues all mmos currently in that everyone focuses on efficiency and is mostly anti-social excluding guild. Find a fun clan and it improves enjoyment by 10x.

Woah, haha, nice dude! It's so cool to meet a fellow Ricky Morty connoisseur on The Chan. Send me your email so we can chat about the latest scientific advanced-ments.

is it really this bad? every kind of enviroment has its downsides and upsides

i bet this little girl will one day become rebellious and tell her father that anime is shit. that would be hilarious

>tiny bottom barely on the seat

I've been so bored of everything I have at the moment, ended up buying Final Fantasy 12 zodiac age to tide me over til monster hunter comes out.
I wish I had known that you can't change the character jobs at any point, it fucking sucked having to decide on the spot which way I want to develop each character and having no trial with each class. Honestly feels a little counter productive to take out the ability to build every character any way you see fit.


It's still more than minimum wage in some states. Where I live minimum wage is $7.25/hr. Assuming someone works full time (and if their wage is that low they probably work part time so that's being generous) that's only $16,000 a year before taxes.

My email is IAmAnAtheistRichardDawkinsGodDelusionFan

Sorry, I am an anti social faggot. I went there to play the game not to shitpost with some retards.

>that is literally below minimum wage
I live in a country that doesn't get their money from Hasbro


currently dissinterested in games senpai. dont know why, just happened like yesterday

Beat tomb raider 2013 two days ago, been playing a bit of god eater burst and just downloaded Nier Automata

>You really shouldn't be turning your own daughter into a introverted weeb.
Introversion has very little to do with child-rearing. It's mostly genetic.

Doesn't madthad get out this year?

Tell me how.

This image is bullshit, no one even stays in the same room long enough with Max Landis for him to assault them.

Yup, in October.

Death of the Outsider
its good

Sarah is cute

my shitty desk job, PC exclusive

I remember buying the orange box 9~10 years ago. I think I still have the case


>Allison Rapp
Man I wished I /ss/ with her