What about speed running attracts this type of """"""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""?

What about speed running attracts this type of """"""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""?

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Men tend to surround themselves with others that share their insecurities

You know it's hit rock bottom when the gays are more tolerable


it's one of two possible gaming events that happen, this or competitve/tournaments/competitions

you have to be good at those, and they come here for attention

Pathetic people have pathetic hobbies

Let's play a game Sup Forums! It's called 'Where's Benjamin Franklin?' Can you find him?

Why did he just wear a wig? He had to know how insane he looked walking around like Mrs Garrison. No one is that delusional.

Id like to make fun of them too. But in the end they are just weirdos trying to live their lives. They want attention even if its bad attention. But it is more the people in charges fault for trying to parade them around as circus entertainment.

How fucking dumb are you there's no way I could live that long.

Man i feel sorry for all of them. They all most likely had depression or some other mental illness. Somehow it got into one of their heads that they are the wrong gender and need to fix that so it will make everything better.

Once one of them did it the rest all started to just follow and do the same thing.

In the long run this is going to end up way worse for them because the core issue was never treated and depending on how far they go with it they will mutilate their perfectly fine bodies.

>that look on his face

if you think Mr Skullet gives two shits what you think then i'm afraid i have some bad news

>No one is that delusional
You're talking about someone who go their dick chopped off

Again, with all the fucking quotation marks. Why do you retards do that?

I'm looking to transition.
Yes, before I get blasted, I have a legitimate reason. I'm 5'5", can't grow a beard, have a very feminine chin and nose, Etc. You have no idea what life is like as a manlet, so I'm finally taking action.

Any tips?

Because they're speed running their lives, too. None of these people will live past 30.

I can imagine hell being filled with Mac books that can only access Sup Forums.

Are you shit posting from hell you fucking degenerate.

it's more the fact that speedrunning doesn't track another kind of people (women) that leads to this.

How about trying /lgbt/, the board dedicated to transitioning and the lgbt lifestyle

>Any tips?

that explains /r9k/

in case of emergency DIAL-8

Could i get a higher quality pic? I wanna see that purple haired cutie

I'm a turbo-manlet. There is literally no better option for me than to transition, aside from suicide, but I'm not killing myself until I'm 34.


*dabs sweat off forehead


Fuck you I'm on the 100 dollar bill for ever bitch. No president will EVER replace ol' Benjamin lmao!

Look at this dude

Someone edit smug pepe hands on this.


are you not even a faggot?

Woman, you mean.

>that timeline where eggman gave up chasing sonic and decided to lose weight and become a tranny

Legit question why do anyone of you care what these people do? If you "hate" people like this like you claim to spending time screaming into the void that is Sup Forums does nothing but give them attention like whats the deal?

No, but I'll force myself.

>spending hours in a videogame purely to shave a few seconds off your time
gee I wonder


White power


Took way too long thank you for getting the right answer.

>Mr Skullet

5/8 bald is beautiful.

>>Sup Forums have great tips on taking it in the ass

>no one is that delusional
ever wear some shit clothing or hairstyle and years later look back and realise it was shit?

I am legitimately sad that the SJWs think it is okay to let these people delve down into madness instead of getting them actual help. You don't enable a schizophrenic person, you treat them

>legitmate reason
>low self esteem and issues with own body

huh what a soyboy faggot. Why dont you start fucking bodybuilding. You gain muscles faster. Go for the tank dworf look. Bitches like it

>someone is taking my picture? better look aloof and confident. That will project an image of a formidable individual
>no one must realise that I'm a crippled mass of complexes oozing weakness out of every pore...


So this is actually what happens when you let manlet hate posters get to you, holy shit


why can’t i identify any of their genders

yeah these people need help not encouragment

gender dysphoria =\= schizophrenia

Wait, fuck, that makes sense. I thought this was a shitpost.

Thanks for ruining my image of America, guess I'm going to the next country on my list for vacation.

This is not funny anymore, I just feel sadness

you’re spending way too much fucking time on the internet


what the fuck

bunch SoH soy loDHom. dilate qoD penis suck!


>mental illness ≠ mental illness
Sure bud, keep reading reddit threads about that one person who totally feels happier after their transition only to find out she killed.herself one year down the line

AGDQ theme

as a manlet, you look worse when you lift

it's actually pathetic to see short men in the gym, especially ones below 5'7"
if you lived even one day in my tiny shoes, you'd neck yourself. HRT is legitimately the only thing that manlets have left.
Height is the number one factor in male attractiveness, next to face. If you're average and 5'5", you're doomed.

Nigger, metrosexuals are a legitimate type of guy chicks are attracted to. Japanese and Korean boybands are full of 5'2" twinks with feminine faces that wear makeup.

Transitioning is the easier path, yes, but it turns you into part of the problem.

>autism causes them to isolate themselves in video games
>autism causes them to get obsessed over something specific: ie speedrunning
>autism makes them feel like they dont fit in with their gender and hence makes them think they're actually a tranny
>autism causes them not to know whats socially acceptable and hence they go outside in a dress when they're balding
I've been around a lot of trannys and its always the autistic ones that are like this. Never shave, wear the most unflattering feminine things they can get at the charity store, don't work on their voice or appearance. Most normal trannys look like femboys at worst

>Any tips?
If you don't have gender dysphoria, don't. Don't do it because you're a pussy and can't accept being your idealized idea of what a man is supposed to be.

Mentally diseased people often are monomaniac.

Which means that they focus heavily one _one_ thing.
It's a bit autistic too.

It only has a 10% success rate and if successful you will be cleaning an open wound every day for the rest of your likely short life
Dont do it

Gender dysphoria is closely linked to autism and speedruning is autistic
Do the math


do HRT but dont cut your dick. You are stuck with it.

They're both mental illnesses. A better example is self-mutilation. You don't let someone with body dysphoria cut off their arms, you fucking heartless bitch. Anyone supporting someone with gender dysphoria and telling them to lop off their dick is equally as monstrous. Literally as bad as Nazis.

Real question here is how do these people make money? They can't possibly get jobs, right?

>Transitioning is the easier path, yes
No, not really. Being a woman is hard, there's much unseen work done to make a woman the pretty Stacy you're used to seeing. It's even worse if you start out as a dude. Not to mention the havoc hormones will reap. Crying for months until they stabilize, if you're in America you have to suffer through being on a diuretic, and more.
>t only has a 10% success rate
Incorrect. But you will have to dilate forever.

will we ever reach a point where creating wojak for everyone is no longer funny? because it hasn't happened yet

>number 1, engage warp 7

this is the correct answer.

I'm not looking to live a long life as a manlet and I'll take the 10% rate and neck myself if it doesn't pan out.
t. 5'10"+
Yeah, no. They're usually taller than 5'9". Japan in particular hates manlets.

Trannies that are unpassable, autistic, and choose to make themselves highly visible often make money off of being an SJW and writing far left ideas for Polygon or some similar site. The ones that can pass just, get a job at McDonalds or whatever they're qualified for.

No man different mental disorders have different causes and cures its like saying depression and that crazy bitch that ate toilet paper on Maury are the same thing

Gender Dysphoria literally isn't Schizophrenia it's completely different parts of the brain your not making Dysphoria more of an illness your making Schizophrenia less by comparing them.

Thats bullshit. Look at Danny. He is a massive Chad, I bet fucked at least 200 women

this is a god awful look for a man, let alone a woman, I don't fucking get it

It’s almost scary how close this is to the real guy

It has nothing to do with actual gender dysphoria. These people are just so unhappy and have so much time to think and rethink bad thoughts that it drives them a little crazy and they just decide to go with what the persons close to them are doing. There's a reason why it's the only community that does that: it's a contagion. I'd even go as far as to say there might be a bit of a sexual fetish going on here, since they're all "lesbians" anyways after their transition

Manlets at the gym aren't pathetic though, they're making themselves stronger like everyone else.
I can GUARANTEE you will be even less attractive to women when you are a monstrosity than a short guy

Oh hey godwins law that was fast.

But you will /never/ be a woman if you were born as a man. It's impossible, even if you lop off your dick and pretend. Sure, you still have to put on makeup to even somewhat look passable, but no one will ever fuck you still, and you don't have to deal with the actual hard parts of being a woman. Like, y'know, periods, lower bone density, harder time building muscle, harder time burning calories, getting pregnant, etc.

>rich manlet that knows he's a disgusting sea monster fucks a lot of women
pic related also slays pussy, that doesn't mean I want to be him.

That's not what Godwin's law means you imbecile. Godwin's law is when you use Nazis as an argument, not when you use their name as an adhom.

I'm 5'4'', so fuck you. Your height doesn't matter, just how you can be confident in yourself. You need real therapy.

we need a skullet pepe

wojak is the best meme created

Can I be a cute grill?

No. Its people act like you the pathetic faggots. Respect my midgetbros in the gym

Is that Benjamin Franklin?

>t. 5'10"+
Actually, a 5'6" transwoman.
He has a magnum dong, yknow, he slays in bed.
>lower bone density, harder time building muscle, harder time burning calories
You face all of these on HRT, actually. The impact estrogen has on your body is far reaching. An example of something I wasn't expecting was my body heat distribution changed around 6 months in, I'm fucking cold all the time, man. I thought feminists were just being whiny when they complained about air conditioning.
You're right, I'll never be a woman, but I'm happy with whatever I am.

Only if you were born female. If you were born as a dude, you're shit out of luck.

why not, you see crazy looking people in jobs all the time

Not xer but
>but no one will ever fuck you still
I wish, even if I tell people I'm a boy they try to get in my pants
>no periods, no pregnancy
Thats a good thing desu
>harder time building muscle, harder time burning calories
We DEFINITELY have a hard time with those, since its based off hormones, guys don't realise how easy they have it

That dude is a gross lazy pervert, not to mention a cuck who raised his gf's son.