Sci-Fi Souls

When FromSoft makes the eventual Sci-Fi Souls game, the "Chosen Undead" better be mechanical. I want my custom character to look as gynoid as I want, pic related.

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So a Nier Automata rip off.

Oh please, 2B doesn't look robotic at all and the combat isn't challenging.

>the combat isn't challenging
Like the entire souls series.

I know what you're trying to do, and I appreciate it.

No thanks, I'd rather have sf.

So Sci-Fi?

Maybe he means Sci-Fa

Super Fly. Dark Chocolate Souls. Everyone runs around as a pimp and slaps cops.

>caring about the character
The only thing I would want from a sci-fi souls game is a superstructure setting like Blame!

>not caring about the character
Looks like somebody doesn't partake in Fashion Souls, fuck min-maxing.

Sci-Fi is corporate bullshit produced in Hollywood.
It's basically "whoa dude, robots and space and shit!"

Sf has actual artistic and academic merit, and uses magic disguised as science, or actual magic, to discuss philosophical themes.

>what is The Surge

>wants robotic MC
>here user have a game where you play as a human

>Sci-Fi is corporate bullshit produced in Hollywood
Doesn't make me want this any less though.

We'll it's the closest you'll be getting to a sci-fi souls game.

Unsurprising. Shit taste has no cure.

FromSoft made Armored Core, and Bloodborne introduced guns and more technology. It's only a matter of time.

Well if your attempt of a "cure" is shoving a tower of text at someone, then you're the problem.


more like stredelizia am I right?



Why are game developers afraid of making an exclusive robo game with no sign of humans whatsoever?

For the same reason you don't often see developers making alien/monster protagonists. If it is a human or has notable human features people will feel empathy towards the character and will relate more. The same can't be said about characters missing said features.

Well that shit needs to stop, especially with games featuring avatar characters. Most games with avatar MCs add nothing to the story so this whole empathy bullshit shouldn't even apply. Fucking wake up developers.

Tell me this wouldn't be cool.

And here's your INT build.

>there will be never a BB-like Medabots game from From Software

There will, don't lose hope user.