Post characters that were just awful but they weren't the antagonist of the game.
The worst without the worst
Excuse me?
I miss javiposting
>Was right about literally everything
The only thing awful about his character is that the hacks at Telltale couldn't give him the honorable death he deserved.
>t. fagoth ur
I felt like kenny was a bro's bro.
but at times it feels like Telltale was like "lol he's crazy now for some reason" during important moments.
And i'm not just refering to kenny only, sometimes other characters are like that as well.
>kenny only, sometimes other characters are like that as well.
This was super bad in the 3rd season.
And i get the fact that Clementine is supposed to jaded with the shit around her, but the whole shooting someone over crap ammo shit was so stupidly executed. They couldve written that a little better.
This was so fucking frustrating. It was such a stupid situation.
Op couldn't be more of a giant faggot
Is he back in 3? I sided with him over the cunt in 2
Yeah but he's get it bad.
>Yeah but he's get it bad.
He dies like a bitch in the first five minutes
doesn't have personality in first two seasons. Exists in 3rd installment only as fan service. Mary Sue
He gets paralyzed in a car accident while teaching Clem to drive, and gets munched by zombies to buy Clem and AJ time to get away
Kenny was a great character. The fact that so many people hate him proves it. Kenny is a barometer of the player's choices. He's friendly to players who choose what he sees as right, and he's hostile to players who go against him. He doesn't play favorites with the player character. That's good character writing. Kenny is in it for himself and his family as a real person would be. It is 100% understandable why Kenny gets mad or happy with the player's choices. Kenny's motivations and character are 100% consistent throughout the entire game. It's really good writing. It forces to the player to decide what is more important to them, Kenny's opinion of them, or what they think is right. The fact that the player is often in conflict with Kenny is great. It's hard to play the total Kenny side of things. But that's Kenny. You know who he is, what he stands for, what is important to him and what he hates. Kenny is a very well written character.
If it's any consolation, Jane gets a well deserved death scene if she survived S2.
I love the fact that this thread has been turned into the walking dead thread.
please explain.
Your mom's a walking dead thread.
bitch an hero'd cause she got pregnant.
OP is confirmed a soyboy
Is this the Reddit thread? How much a beta cuck would you need to be to pick Jane over Kenny?
found the newfag
How terrible is Season 3? I thought 2 was fucking awful and Kenny was the only good part, but even he ended up being a piece of shit for most of it. I don't give a single fuck about Shaniqua's baby, and I'm lead to believe he's still in the 3rd game.
What was the point of saving Nick if they weren't gonna let him do shit in the episodes that follow after 2? He might as well be dead given the amount of time he gets
I see you got it backwards user.
Remember how Clementine was really awesome cause even though she was just a little girl, she some persevered through a lot of shit despite having all the odds against her? and in that sense it made her kinda awesome?
Yeah throw all that away cause now she's a gun toting psychopath who happens to solve or ruin everything cause she a mary sue now.
>dickhead for literally hundreds of years. forgets that hes a dickhead. becomes a dickhead again
But I didn't. You'd need to be a huge cuck to choose the worthless and retarded cunt Jane over Kenny. The only "logical" explanation for choosing a glass eater over Kenny is because she has a vagina. These are the same people who choose Chloe over Arcadia Bay in Life is Strange.
The wrting turns to shit after epsiode 2.
Javier goes rouge at times when making your choices.
Controlls at times don't work during QTE.
smart, level headed
Hawkish and mentaly unstable.
No I'm pretty sure the choice was super easy.
>smart, level headed
>accidentally got pregnant and kills herself over it
>"Janefags" still trolling after all these years
>play season 2
>kenny is just sitting in a tent alone
>that guy is fucking insane! you need to go talk to him clem
>not a single person other than luke nick and black guy interact with kenny or speak to him directly
>somehow they all know he's insane and losing it
>jane hates him even though she's never once talked to him before the end
Contrived bullshit get out of here.
Sure shows which is the correct option, does it? Kenny is starting to get his shit back together because he has a pretend family and even though it's Clem's fault he dies, he still sacrifices himself so Clem and AJ can get away. Meanwhile, Jane selfishly necks herself while Clem is out doing shit.
homones inblance is a thing
Don't forget Jane necks herself because she was pregnant and she didn't want to deal with having a baby, which completely nullifies everything bad she said about Kenny and AJ
>Clem's fault he dies,
no I'm pretty sure it was an accident.
>smart, level headed
>leaving a literal newborn, which are prone to crying and making noise to attract walkers, alone and unprotected in a car during a fucking blizzard just to try prove that Kenny is the crazy one
This meme will never stop making me laugh.
>could've just punched herself in the stomach or fell down some stairs
Jeez it's like this bitch doesn't know how to get rid of a kid lol.
I literally didn't wanted to pick both them. If anything i just wanted to fuck off away from both of them at that point.
Jane and Kenny were perfectly fine until both of them decided to flip the psycho switch.
Jane was level headed, but she's fucking stupid for trying to instigate shit in the first place.
Kenny was family. but it's not helping that he's proving jane's point (which btw was fucking pointless). Like anybody wouldve been so suspicious of that shit.
If anything i wish there was an option to just shoot both of them.
But you can choose to kill Kenny and leave Jane behind, and just walk off by yourself with AJ
That dude was cool as hell and could survive til the end but they had to give him that shitty choice that resulted in 80% of people killing him in the second episode, how lame
The whole conflict with hundreds of casualties was set in motion by stolen pudding lol
Is this bait? He was a total bro on both season 1 and 2
Rename the thread to 'Characters that soyboys will never understand'.
See. that's the closest choice, I still wouldnt feel comfortable knowing that i betrayed/abandoned some psycho to take care of a baby.
If anything in her mentality she'd be like "oh gee, i better kill that kid before she kills herself and the baby."
So imo it's better to side with one of them at least i'll get on their good side or whatever.
Flipped a coin, got jane and she done killed herself like a dumbass.
New detected.
again, i agree. he's like the best pick. But telltale has this weird "turn anybody into an autistic psycho" switch during key moments.
Javier found an abandoned looking place decided to take the pudding from it.
Turns out it was the enemies and they come and attack.
Fucking puddings man.
Also i laughed my ass off when they found out one of their own men killed the daughter of one of their bosses (javier's brother)
Shut up retard
didn't Kenny murder a bunch of people between that for the most part did it for no reason?
That's the "turn anybody into an autistic psycho" switch i was talking about.
The fucking Jane thing at the end was bullshit. It felt like Borderlands The Presequel ending.
>Let's do bad things to this good guy and be surprised when he's angry about. I know that they tried to do all situations morally ambiguous, but Kenny was the right choice at all times.
I know he was scared and shit, but he pretty much dropped a salt lick on a guy's head just as he was reviving.
Shoulda stuck with Kenny to get one of the two endings in any Telltale game with any actual emotion in it
I'm pretty sure Lee did it in my playthrough.
Here is a list of people kenny has killed.
Ben {if you save him in the clocktower}
Ben {if you side with kenny on letting him fall}
you could also count him in killing that guy from the first episode in season one.
Yea and that same guy punched lee in the face and was going to leave him to get eaten by zombies before kenny came in and saved him.
I'll never forget the golden days of Big Boat.
Then why both Mat and Pat hate Kenny?
I was looking forward to Season 3 for more kenny, i fucking regret preordering that shit so much
Cause dey h8rs
>If you go alone or go to wellington jane/kenny are left as unknown and those loose ends will never be tied just like that girl in season one stealing the van
fuck these games
Kenny had lost everything horribly multiple times and was broken because he couldn't and didn't give up on love and loyalty as the only reasons to keep breathing. Jane was a self-centered dumb basic bitch dyke who tried to rub his face in the dirt and got fucking necked for it. Don't even compare the two.
Canadians can't handle a man acting masculine
>Kenny still fucking talking about getting to Florida and boating, years later
RIP in Peace Boatmaster, you'll be missed.
Because they're faggots that hated him for making a couple rash decisions not realizing the irony in their vendetta against him while defending a selfish whore baby killer
You guys remember all those cut stranger lines where it sounds like he could've actually reacted to you not choosing to steal from him?
it's called being a faggot, it is the curse of manlets and canadians
>Playing season 1
>No option to hug troughout the whole game.
It's not fair.
>baby killer
Why is it every time that someone post either Jane or Kenny there's a massive flame war?
>get into a fight with him
>just block his punches and never attack him back
Feels good.
>that part where molly {the original jane} sneaks up on you and if you have really good reaction timing you can knock the wrench out of her hand and hit her to the ground
Left AJ in a broken down car in the middle of a blizzard, he could easily have died and she basically expected him to. Talked constantly about how having a baby with them was dead weight and they'd be better off without him
You can kill them both. Don't do anything while they fight and Jane dies then you can shoot Kenny
Hey guys, remember 40 Days? I'm sure glad all those characters ended up being super integral to season 2.
Don't talk shit about my boy Kenny
that gang was literally better than everyone from season 2 or 3
She also killed the baby inside her
>all those great characters
>all of them dropped for main character potential for bonnie the annoying crack head