Reminder that pic related is literally the only 10/10 masterpiece made by an American company in the past ten years

Reminder that pic related is literally the only 10/10 masterpiece made by an American company in the past ten years

Doubtful. The porn it has spawn is though.

IGN's review scores don't count

I won't say something semi-controversial like "HL2 Episode 2 and Undertale are also 10/10s" but I will mention Portal. Portal is a masterpiece.

pick one

I beat Portal. If I can beat it that means it's a bad puzzle game.

oh wait, it would seem I have not consulted my calendar.

We're past the 10 year mark on Portal.

i honestly think the multiplayer was the best ive ever played, yet no one knows about it

TLOU dropped from 9/10 to 7/10 because of the shit tier ending.

It was ok

It would be god tier if it didn't have listen mode enabled, dlc weapons and had some more maps

Just got it, kind of bored already

Its just uncharted. 90% of it is just walking and placing down planks and ladders and walking to open a door


This is why I stick to GTA

I made it about 2 hours. I was willing to deal with the nonstop talking, but it's absolutely unplayable with that

Agreed but only in the multiplayer side, they better not fuck with it too much in Part 2.

undertale is almost a 10/10 though, just has ugly graphics and is too linear for an rpg

The ending wasn't very exciting but the whole story wasn't exciting. What were you expecting?

I wouldn’t call it a 10/10 but I do think the gameplay of this (and Uncharted) are underappreciated. The good design of the encounters/AI only really tears its head on the high difficulty settings though.

>see closed door
>current room is completely empty
>open door
>cutscene plays showing enemy appear behind you
You literally cannot defend this

If by American you mean "North or South American" I would submit AM2R and Skate 2 as contenders for 10/10.

Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden. Though it turns 10 years old in a week.
Project M. It's a mod, so some will argue it don't count. The game it's built on, Smash Bros Brawl, turns 10 by the end of the month.
Undertale is already mentioned. I don't think the art is bad enough to throw it away from the score. Nothing wrong with linearity.

Well... I can name some 10/10 Nordic games at least!

>made by an American company
That's not much of a bar

Naw, the gameplay is the weakest part. The production values are god tier. Gameplay is subpar. Same with Uncharted. Very polished, but gameplay is so-so.