Playing ocarina of time for the first time.
What is this cunt problem?
Playing ocarina of time for the first time
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literally C U C K E D by Link, both when it comes to Saria and the Tree.
>Playing ocarina of time for the first time.
Lucky you.
>playing for the first time
You have to be 18 plus to post here
Are you mentally retarded?
Not OP, but I was 25 when I played OoT for the first time. In 2010. On real deal N64.
And it was great.
Yeah, I still haven't played it yet either. The graphics look too shitty for me. Wish my pc could emulate the 3ds version at high resolution.
What took you so long?
>the graphics look shitty
I forgot there are people born literally when the 360 came out posting here
>What took you so long?
I was a Sonykid, and my interest in games kinda died during the 00s.
the graphics are fine, and the 3DS port is fucked up.
The forest kids are tasked with protecting you while hiding from you that they are actually protecting you, and the fact that they are a different race than you. So this one keeps you from doing the things that it is important you do not do, and he does so by pretending to be a bully who is keeping you from doing it for no good reason at all, because if he tried explaining everything to you, you would quickly realize you were a hylian being trapped by forest kids.
Once you prove your determination and will, he reluctantly lets you pass, knowing that this event marks you have matured you will be forced to leave and not be allowed to return.
>The graphics look too shitty for me
The graphics are fine for a game that's older than most of the Sup Forums's users these days. Plus the OST and atmosphere are top-notch.
Mido didn't do anything wrong, he did what he thought was best for the Kokiri.
He represents (you) the player in the game world.
The game is a literal 10/10 I play it at least 3 times a year the game is perfect it doesn't need any improvements
seconded, though I limit myself to only one annual replay. Often partial.
>playing waiting simulator
Wow I sure do like standing still waiting for this spider to turn around.
Shit combat. Totally overrated. Go play Link to the past or something.
Holy shit OoT fanboys are sickening. It's hot garbage next to LttP.
I like a lot of the effects of the N64 version for what they are. The transparency and sheen make it a style of it's own.
Mad jelly of Sarria liking Link more than him.
>waiting simulator
What did he mean by this?
No, only the Deku Tree knew you were a Hylian.
Mido is just an asshole who is jealous of the attention you get from both the Deku Tree and Saria. He only regrets treating you like shit when Link disappears during the timeskip, when the Kokiri assume he dies (the Kokiri in the Child Link world say shit like "I guess you never left the forest after all"). Only Saria knows you would leave and come back. All the other Kokiri just think you're dead.
Underage faggot
I just like replaying old games
>Underage for liking an older game
Kill yourself you braindead piece of shit.
It's the best PS4 game ever, wait for a good game to come out
LttP is unironically one of the worst games in the entire series.
>oh look it's an enemy I wonder what I should do?
>oh just stand here and wait for it to show it's weak point
Repeat one thousand times and that's ocarina for you.
Yet the game you literally cream yourself over is nothing more than a failed rehash of LttP brought to butt ugly 3D. Nice logic there shitape.
I'm also playing it for the first time.
Tried it years ago but the graphics put me off. Now however I am impressed on what they achieved back then.
I'm currently stuck at the water temple boss, help
Ocarina Of Time was an all around improvement from LttP, in practically every single way. Not only that, but it was also one of the few early 2d-to-3d transition titles that nailed many nowadays taken-for-granted game design ideas. The graphics were great for its time, and thanks to the mostly cartoony art-style, do hold up fairly well compared to many other titles of the era.
Use your Map screen.
Why do LttP fans always accuse every other Zelda of being an LttP rehash? Obviously all the Zelda games follow the same basic formula.
What do you mean? It was like that at the very beginning but after getting the hookshot they never posed a problem again.
>Use your Map screen.
I don't quite get whats that supposed to do but I'll do that next time I play it again.
LttP kids have THE tightest sitting, most rose-tinted nostalgia-goggles of them all.
it means that you should be able to solve this on your own.
Got to the castle, redhead loli is my waifu now. Such a cute laugh.
ITT: user couldn't get past the beginning
Ocarina of Time was released 20 years ago.
Are you retarded?
Shit was confusing back in the day. Getting the shit was easy, knowing how to equip it was the problem
Okay fine, I'll do just that.
Changed my mind, loli Zelda is better.
emulate the n64 version with texture mods.
Hookshot the blob. Once you get it targeted it is all about timing.
Yes, and he's playing it for the first time today instead of 20 years ago
vanilla or bust.
if it wasnt for the retarded wolf segments i would have liked twilight princess more
I fail to see your point.
I played System Shock 2 for the first time in 2012, and I'm soon 30.
>I'm currently stuck at the water temple boss, help
Use the edge platforms rather than the center ones when waiting it out. Then when it decides to try to attack you you can easily evade its attack and then get somewhat close to it and use your hook shot on it to yank it out and slash it. Rinse and repeat.
TP has totally forgettable temples, too much single-use items, broken and bland open world, and totally underdeveloped cast and plot.
It's good only for Midna r34.
>broken and bland open world
The open world in TP was actually better than in OoT
That's different nobody but losers played games on PC
>The open world in TP was actually better than in OoT
OoT did not have openworld, but just one hub field. Meanwhile, TP has like 3 or 4 of those.
>moving goalposts
>being underaged moron
Take it easy, you have a long way to go and a fuckton of waifus to meet and greet.
i like TP but the opening in that game is so fucking slow, its gotta establish who i am not that it wasnt charming and all it just takes so long to get going
Are you the guy from a few threads ago that I recommended the GC version of OoT to?
Also here's the full map of Hyrule from a magazine
everything in the game takes ages and feels soulless. I'm almost certain that a lot of the original ideas were cut out before release.
Nah I just borrowed n64 with it.
Also, fucking 80 for a shield? How do you make money here?
Chiisaiigo’s, meet us at the Ryerson lobby with a laptop and Melty for a real FGC money match.
Don't forget his incurable rickets.
>he doesn't have 80 already
You know the drawbridge entrance to Castle Town? Right before leaving to Hyrule Field, go in the door at the top. There's a room filled with pots to break that give a lot of rupees
There's a graveyard in Kakariko Town....explore.....
Nah, fuck that
Funny enough, as far as just completing the game goes you actually never have to collect any rupees beyond the intial 40 needed for the Deku Shield. The game will, in one way or another, hand you a free version of every other important item
Ocarina of Time actually has pretty deep lore. Mido is assblasted Link is revered and treated like a Kokiri even though he's not one. That and Saria has a crush on Link which has him pissed off.
Jesus I can't imagine someone playing OOT for the first time right now. It just seems like one of those games that everyone has played at some point.
Instead, climb the drawbridge chains
>my interest in games kinda died during the 00s
But you're here?
Mido dosen't know Link is not a Kokiri, he is just mad he gets preferential treatment by Saria and the Deku tree. Also Saria sees Link as a little brother.
>a fuckton of waifus
This, waifus for days.
ya know
i wonder how Saria felt about Link just TOSSING AWAY her ocarina for Zelda's...
Fuck off Arin.
>Link cucks Mido
>Link cucks Saria
He can't keep getting away with it
Mango said Ganondorf broke it while on his horse.
I never interpreted it that way. I always thought Sarias feelings went deeper for Link then in just a brotherly way.
Eh, I chalk that up to game logic. If the game made you hold onto both, the player would think they have different uses. Link still keeps her ocarina its' just in his pocket.
You need to be at least 5ft to ride the Link.
>a ReDead is featured as a gag but Nabooru gets zero representation.
Fuck this
>3ds port is fucked up
pleb taste
hes a cuck lord
>W-we can play some music with my ocarina in the forest
>Let's go to the Ranch! Don't you want to play with Epona?
>Hey pay attention to me! You said you would marry me!
>Let's got to the castle, I will suck your cock
Zelda caused all of your gf to die and become sages than sent 14 year old Link back to the past to suffer in a 7 year olds body where he was never seen as a hero.
Cute until last line
>the graphics put me off
uwot? the graphics on the n64 are half the charm of the game
This is all fundamentally false, your fanboyism is blinding you.
The time traveling to a darker, future world in OoT totally didn't rehash LttP's dark world, not at all.
Get the 3DS version
I guess Nabooru is good to go then.
Right back at ya.
>This is all fundamentally false, your fanboyism is blinding you.
Says an obvious LttP fangirl, who thinks that timetravel trope was coined by LttP. Not to mention that alone would not make OoT a rehash by any stretch of imagination.
>who thinks that timetravel trope was coined by LttP.
Where did I say that? There was no time travel in LttP retard. If you're going to argue at least pay attention. LttP was switching to an alternate world, OoT was time travel, still a blatant rehash of LttP though.
LttP was only the third game in the series and the most put together. Obviously when doing a 3d iteration, you're going to want to use your best game as the template. OOT took the foundation of all the previous Zelda's and really perfected it. Too bad it released on a console with one control stick.
OoT feels much more like Zelda II to me.
> Where did I say that? There was no time travel in LttP retard
You literally implied so by comparing the adult timeline and the dark worlds. Basic human conversation skills, sonny.
>still a blatant rehash of LttP though.
Yeah, and every Mario game was a blatant rehash because you collect coins and mushrooms.
You're just grasping at straws here, clearly butt devastated by the fact that Ocarina did everything better than your favorite yet ultimately very flawed SNES game.
>Obviously when doing a 3d iteration, you're going to want to use your best game as the template
Nothing to do with what's best or not, it's just a matter of using the most up to date and recent data at your disposal.
You just confirmed you never played LttP by thinking there was time travel in it, too scared to touch a SNES game because your first console was an N64, underage shitter.
>Nothing to do with what's best or not, it's just a matter of using the most up to date and recent data at your disposal.
Ideally your latest should be your strongest step forward. "Best" is subjective.
Even if you have been playing OoT since 98 and don't mind the graphics, the flipped world mode in the 3DS version makes the game feel fresh.
>You just confirmed you never played LttP by thinking there was time travel in it
Sonny Jim, I own three copies of LttP. I bet I played it long before you were even born.
You are the one bringing in the time travel argument, apparently not even realizing it.
I must be getting old for falling for such a blatant strawmanning.
>Ideally your latest should be your strongest step forward
Ideally, but as our modern day world constantly reminds us, this is seldom the case.
Either you're a retarded fuck, or senile. Pretty sure it's the former. I said OoT had time travel, never did I say LttP had it.
god i wish i could play oot again for the first time
it must feel so good
laughed harder than I should have
OK, I'm going to say this as simple as I can:
You compared two "world switching" mechanics to each other, in this case the normal/dark world VS young/old Link timelines, calling it a "rehash".
Whether or not you meant to state that both are infact forms of time travel does not matter. The wordings you utilized in your post created the mental connection.
Finally, two worlds / timelines was not invented by LttP. In fact, the original pitch for Zelda 1 was all about traveling between futuristic and medieval style Hyrules.
You are so right. She even blatantly talks about if she knew Link would have become such a man she'd have acted differently.
Does anyone care about that big nosed sand-kike though?
I still haven't finished it, despite starting a playthrough around five years ago. I was at the Shadow Temple from memory, and my interest waned after having to deal with the slippery controls with a shitty Gamecube controller.
Uhh yes. Why do you think the Gerdu get all the love in BotW?
>tfw 26
>owned an n64 as a kid
>never played either zelda on it
I was too busy playing killer instinct, wwf games, golden eye, dk64, clayfighter, and other crap I rented from blockbuster. I wasn't even aware of them being a thing. The only zelda I played at that point was the original on nes, which was too cryptic for kid me.