ITT: God-tier vidya bros

ITT: God-tier vidya bros

When will you post one?

But he hated you.

Junpei was a fucking cunt

I don't know why his cap makes me hungry every time I see it

Oh good I'm not the only who gets weird seeing that cap.

I thought it was only me, mate
I just feel like it would look great with some cheese on top

Would Kenny from TWD count as one?


Okay then lets get this guy out of the way because nobody will ever beat him. He's more original bro in videogames than even Luigi and his best friend has friendzoned a ton of girls just to keep hanging out with him in adventures.

Don't post in my board ever again.

What kind of fucking asshole can't find it in himself to understand and forgive Junpei's aborted envy of the MC?

did you play the game? he feels like hes shit compared to everyone else and thinks hes useless (a.k.a. inner turmoil) and developes as a person

When was Junpei a friend? He doesn't even have a social link. Ryuji outclasses him by miles.

He had a character arc. Which is more than a lot of Persona bros can say.

none of the male SEES members had a social link
Junpei will forever be my nigga though
even if he didn't like MC at the start

Listen mate you don't understand it just has a certain attractiveness to it, I don't really know how to explain it

How did Junpei manage to be 10x the character than Ryuji and Yosuke despite not even having a social link?

I love Ryuji. Everyone misunderstands him, he's super nice and honest, and the way he talks about his mom is heartwarming.


>the height of his character arc is an emotional crisis when he realizes he can't be a perfect bro to you any more
Reyn will forever hold a special place in my heart.

I get thirsty when I see the cap. I think I associate it with buying all those drinks in the game, so to this day whenever I wanna replay p3 I usually grab a soda or energy drink before I sit down to play.

His character was allowed to be developed through the story instead of just through the social link.

Junpei started out the most flawed, not working well as a teammate and going off on his own, but he matured as a character, dealt with his own relationship issues, and grew as a friend.

Ryuji and Yosuke have flaws, but they're mainly played up for laughs outside of a few key moments. So they're mainly just there to be your bro. Outside of their optional social links, there isn't really a sense of development beyond their introductions and they stay the same character throughout the main plot.

Ryuji had potential but ended up being the ultimate form of Persona 5 just making shitty versions of old character

The only worse case was Makoto literally being a shit version of Mitsuru

Are you fucking Australian? Is that where your degeneracy stems from?



Until he ditches you for pussy.


>"It doesn't matter how strong ya get Shulk, ya ain't got eyes in the back of yer head! So that's where I'll be! You can count on me to watch yor back no matter what!"

He is the only guy that genuinely helps you through out the game, and not using you for their own plot. He didn't have to stand up against LaCroix when you were about to be executed. He didn't have to give you anytime to help you out in your new kindred life but he did just because its the right thing to do. Even when you help in the plot to call a blood hunt on him he's not mad at you and tries to help you escape the werewolves.
Too bad there is no way to save him

I don't know, the kind that isn't a complete cunt I guess


H-how do you know I'm australian

>implying this is a bad thing
which Ryuji did you like, the story one or the confidant one?


usage of m8 and being a general shitcunt

Wait. He dies? I don't remember that

Last I checked he was too incompetent to act on it. Worst thing he does is blab he's the leader of a seekrit club to possibly the worst random girl he literally met five minutes ago.

I think I drowned him in Venice once

sadly SL ryuji and main story ryuji are 2 different characters so he dosent come out right.

Ezio murdered hundreds, but not hugging Leonardo is the cruelest choice he can make.

The werewolf just fucking tackles him off the mountain. Even if he survived the fall, he is not surviving that werewolf.

You typed out "mate."



Reminder that he gave up on his childhood friend because he knows she will fall for MC

>Liking Kazuichi "Muh Sonia" Soda

Initiating participation sequence.

>nobody has posted him
Literally there for Snake until the end.

He's alive in the anarch ending, you get to meet him iirc

Ironically he was arguably your best friend except for maybe Pascal and Navarre. He was cynical, self-serving, and manipulative but also brutally honest, respected your choices as long as they didn't endanger his plans (which is actually pretty fair given the deal is to fulfill your part of the bargain in exchange for a second chance at life; at crunch time, he even allows you to choose what to do with the Cosmic Egg, which shows how much he's come to respect you), and makes you a God.

This. His face is all fucked up, but he kills the Werewolf.

Whatever your opinion of Dragon Age, you can't dispute this.


Wrench seemed like a right fucking insufferable cunt from the trailer and early game, but once his plot develops, he's actually alright

You can kill the werewolf yourself as well if memory serves

The Zekenator


>implying that wasn't 4D Chess

The fuck

No it's definitely that kind.

I wanna fuck him

He was a manipulative fuck, but he was my favorite manipulative fuck.

almost everyone in 4 were bro tier. i kind of missed that in 5 you did not get to hang around alot of people.


>which shows how much he's come to respect you
He had no other choice. He did not respect you in any way he just resigned himself to his fate and was prepared for the failure that could end with his death. He did not really give much of a shit about you really other than knowing you had a bit of the great wills power since the PC being a messiah and what not, since he is like the god of knowledge and shit so i guess him knowing that aint to much of an asspull, and just trying to take advantage of that fact, given that no matter the outcome the great will just wants to fuck over YHVH more so that anything else with the messiahs so whatever outcome occurring would satisfy the prerequisite of YHVH being fucked over.

So really Dagda does not care about the PC as a person but more so the potentially power they had inside them and shit. He respect the endowed power in the person but not the person themselves if anything.

Their handshake in MGS2 is so legendary, my friends and I still do it to this day when we part ways

There's something just so comfy about the double back pat

Cata Garrosh was pretty cool. I liked how he seemed to trust you in the Twilight Highlands.

It's easy to forget but the point of Nine is that like everyone else whether or not he's using you is up for debate. Many characters comment on the fact that it seems obvious he spoke up to save you to spite the Prince. When you take into account that Rosa says the only two people you can trust is Beckett and Mercurio it's pretty clear Nine probably has some agenda for you as well.

Eh, well enough. He can be the trees and flowers now, he earned it.

I hope he is the protagonist if they ever make a third one. I love that guy.

I forgave him
But to answer your question with another question.
When did anyone forgive Yosuke, Ryuji or Mishima for almost the exact same thing?

The answer to my question is never, all persona cast are flawed people but that makes them realer than the MC that's usually a perfect guy who everyone loves (except in persona 3)

Well I forgave them all. Yeah they're flawed but I forgive them. The two aren't mutually exclusive. I actually think Yosuke's S. Link is great.

It is, but he's the poster child for P4's biggest writing issue, which is the development characters go through in social links essentially not happening for story bits.

Okay so P4 had some other really big writing issues too but this was probably my biggest gripe purely because it makes the S Link system feel too rigid.

Carth will always be best Tsundere-bro

but tsunderes are cancer and should be gased

Carth is such a whiny pussy about "muh horros of war" he makes Canderous look like a damn saint.

Rivals turned bros are the best kind.