>Doom is better on a controller
Doom is better on a controller
He’s right, PCbro.
What did you expect from somebody who actually thought Getting Over It had difficult controls?
The originals didn't have freelook and had auto aim out the ass so maybe.
He was referring to d44m. I haven't played it, but I'm assuming M+KB was better. Different strokes I guess?
I have a friend who insists TF2 is better on a controller. I can't say he's wrong, just has a horribly unpopular opinion.
The game was intentionally designed to have difficult controls though. Doesn't it have bullshit like mouse acceleration, and a delay built it?
>I can't say he's wrong
I can.
Dunkey is actually bad at games
How the fuck does he rocket jump? Hell even sticky jump past one chain.
>Youtuber says stupid shit
no, it's meant to punish people who flail with its physics and the hammerhead flinging you places, no delay or acceleration, just a sensitivity slider
The originals were built for keyboards only and only had mouse support as an extra
He's not wrong if he's talking about the campaign. Multiplayer maybe but who plays that?
Sounds like it's just a shit game, but I'm not spending 9 bucks for some glorified flash bullshit
Am I the only one that laughed and closed his shitty meme video when he said he died 8 times to fucking Iudex Gundyr?
Yes, the hammer does have inertia, how astute of you to notice that.
Might just not play Soldier. I know for sure Pyro with a controller is actually pretty good.
Playing all of that LoL gave him brain damage
My mouse broke last semester while I was at school, and I was too lazy to get another one, so I played day of infamy using a controller. I had to play as the flamethrower because it required zero aiming. Good times.
I had to get used to the hammer. I struggled more than my console friends did just because I was expecting the controls to be more fluid.
Yeah I'm sure that's what it is, and not artificially inserted pretentious ass bullshit
>Retarded faggot says retard faggot shit
Who would've thought?
A controller is fine for it but in absolutely no way is it better than KB+M unless you've never touched a mouse in your life
he only thinks so because he's shit at aiming and prefers auto-aim being a thing
Have you ever swung a sledgehammer user? If nothing else the game does an extremely accurate portrayal of what doing that feels like.
Nu doom has ben balanced around a controller, completely understandable opinion.
Daily reminder.
the fuck is wrong with chad daddy?
>wah im part of the hi/v/emind
Looooool you must be fun at parties
>enough upper body strength to launch yourself in the air and over a tree
>an extremely accurate portrayal of what (swinging a sledgehammer) feels like
His top games of 2017:
1. Mario Odyssey
2. BotW
3. Sonic Mania
4. Cuphead
5. Doom
6. Hollow Knight
7. Dark Souls III
8. Superhot
9. Furi
10. Shovel Knight
He might be funny but he has absolutely shit taste.
---The Joke--->
>guy who got famous for playing league has shit taste
Woah really??
Every youtuber does his fucking list and almost everyone's is the same list but in different order. I just feel like those people don't actually care about vidya and just play whatever is popular and will get views for the channel. Oh wait, thats what work is. The passion is dead.
are you so fucking retarded you can't use google?
I have no idea what he sees in Superhot, the idea is a lot of fun but there's not enough variety to keep the game interesting for more than three hours max.
>He might be funny
Used to be*
I said accurate portrayal of what swining a sledgehammer FEELS like, not an accurate portrayal of the human physique
Die degenerate anti-e-celebfag
>this meme again
romero and petersen used mouse and keyboard
and therefore built the levels with their use in mind
die you degenerate barneyfag
>Sup Forums still buttmad because based Dunk said he doesn't like anime or JRPGs
You know I'm not saying I agree with someone for thinking this but I hate moving with wasd. If there's different speeds for the character you have to press an extra button. I also dislike not have the range of movement an analog stick has. If you could take the movement control of an analog and the keyboard button functions for your left hand and mouse aiming on your right, that'd be perfect first person controls for me.
>it's a serious dunkey video
He is so fucking pedestrian.
Should just stick to being a funnyman
>"I play PC games with a controller! Just feels more tactile lol :D"
>Doom is better on Wii-mote
>I can't say he's wrong
You can objectively say that he's wrong
>chad there at all
I someone post this before. I'm going to tell you right now crop in someone else to save yourself the embarrassment of letting everyone know you're an underage who doesn't know who chad daddy is.
All americans think this
They even think gamepads are better for fighting games than keyboards
The game itself was built for keyboard players first and mouse players second. That's the exact reason there is auto-aim
I know Romero used a mouse, but Carmack used keyboard and built first for it.
Even Quake still had Keyboard in mind during development.
>Dunkey uploads another video of the flavor of the month
I really wish I understood why people liked this guy.
>list names a hundred people, reposted in every thread
>But I le like one of them he is le our guy, what a le tryhard reddit list
Is there an easier way to spot newboys?
>keyboards for fighting games
Its like you're mental retardation made into a person.
He talk funny
>he thinks DS3 is the best FROM game
Why is he so retarded and bad at video games?
It does have mouse acceleration, you can turn it off by using turning on trackpad in options
It was unironically the best game I have played over the past couple of months. Graphics =/= a quality game, retard.
He is like a friend you never had
>All americans think this
I don't.
Dumb fucking youtuber says something
Chad daddy is literally our guy tho, he's the absolute king of console wars shitposting
>Keyboards are bad
>Oh my god everyone knows they are bad shut the fuck up!
On a gamepad or even a fighting stick there is a delay between pressing right to left, there is 0 delay on a keyboard
There is a reason when they came up with a "fighting stick" that was a glorified keyboard everyone got super mad and had to ban it, because it was that good
I used to be able to rocket jump with a controller. Couldn't chain more than 2 though. Scout and Sniper are what I had the most trouble with.
I dont think theres been a single thread ive seen recently that doesnt have some assmad euro mentioning America in one way or another
after the first row i agree with you
Chad is a fucking beaner little kid who made one single video like 10 years ago and now just lives a regular life. He's not a youtube personality or anything at all, he's a person people reference because his video is a fucking 10 year old meme.
I'm sick of you fucking niggers. No one lurks anymore no one learns board culture, people come in here and act like its edgy reddit.
Dunkey is the least attention whore of anyone. Have you seen how he acts in real life, for example on the H3 podcast? He's super shy and quiet and got his even shyer and quieter wife to talk for him most of the time.
Pretty sure it was only banned for shit games that had no checks for if you were holding left/right simultaneously and thus allowed you to negate cross-ups. Which would also have banned a keyboard.
But hey, if we're wanting to use the full power of a keyboard, why not gaming macro keyboards that just do your combos for you at a press - clearly this is the easiest way to play fighting games.
Marrying a white woman, typical nigger
dunkee iz BLACK xDxDxD
Dunkey's top 10 lists aren't strictly top 10 games of that year
They're the top 10 games he PLAYED that year. It's his personal year in review. People need to stop picking it apart like it's an objective truth. The dude even went out of his way to point out that reviewers are bias and subjective. He just liked those games and played them in 2017. That's all you can pull and SHOULD pull from that video.
But that isn't conducive to anonymous imageboard whining so nobody's gonna rub two brain cells together and do that.
>tfw want to face fuck his wife and hear her high pitched voice catch her breath
she has that kind of voice you just want to violate.
He lists fucking Chris-chan as an eceleb, it's bait or legitimate and undeniable mental retardation, bordering on lobotomy
I know someone who actually does this. Don't know why he doesn't have a controller
Its more cinematic on the Switch
His wife is cute. I want to cum all over her glasses.
just find a girl who's obsessed with ddlg
Chris chan makes plenty of public appearances though and even keeps his FB profile public.
>first tried out Doom multiplayer years ago
>Friend had some multiplayer on some hacked PS3 or something
>Have lots of fun
The correct answer is that Doom is best played on the first controller you use because that's where your nostalgic memories come from
i wonder what leah sounds like angry
Do you think dunkey beats Leah?
I mean he looks and sounds like a guy who'd force a blowjob out of his girlfriend when she refuses to have sex with him
That video was such a non video. All he did was just say the opinion that every one had for ever game listed. He just went and mentioned popular games that came out this year, or games that were good from the past.
He literally just mentioned nier automata for a second just so the nier fans would be happy, as he did with every other game he just brushed over without giving any attention.
Everything else, as said earlier, was just regurgitated trash. It was such a shit video.
So if you leave the basement or have a Facebook account, you're an e-celeb?
Yes there is, responses like that one you nigger.
ok try a 360 on a keyboard
Board culture died when mods went apeshit on Sup Forums. Frankly user, this place has been edgy reddit for years now.
>anyone who isn't a Sup Forums user is a cancer that needs to be exterminated
Sounds about right
yes newfags
YOU ARE almost e-celeb
we call u STUPID normie trash
>OP literally just used a quote from an e-celeb to start a discussion about a game's gameplay
In this case it is video games, you illiterate wastes of your fathers semen.
Chris chan doesn't try to make his life public, if anything he almost intentionally lays everything out for everyone to see.
Who are you quoting?
But I don't understand how that makes him an e-celeb when all his fame is sourced in laughing at him or being disgusted by his antics. Lolcow sure, but e-celeb strikes me as reaching or running out of things to pad out a "not vidya gtfo my Sup Forums" image with.
If he wanted to start a discussion about a topic he shouldn't have used a fucking e-celeb as the topic starter, half of the posts in this thread are circlejerking the faggot and his gf.
>half of the posts in this thread are circlejerking the faggot and his gf.
user it's unbecoming to lie about a thread's contents while still in the thread.