Objectively, what was Peach's best outfit?

Objectively, what was Peach's best outfit?

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go away dobson

Oh boy! I'm sure this thread will be full of very meaningful, on-topic discussion!


Do people really gift their daughters black baby dolls so they grow up to be more diverse?

I mean, my white sister had black kids, I remember her also have a black cabage patch as a child.

you might be overthinking it a bit there dude

Is it more diverse if I got a Worf TNG action figure as a kid?

>so they grow up to be more diverse?
That's not why, they do it strictly for social brownie points
There are people who will cut their own dicks off if they think it will make someone accept them and care about them

The Cat Suit.

Klingon aren't black.

the gif was part of a joke.
she got a regular doll afterwards.

No, it teaches them to own blacks.

Fuck off.



isnt that thing on the left the "trap" thats actually 40 years old and gets offended when the dude fucking him says something that implies hes young or something by minus 8

He's also a real pedophile.

Dude, minus 8 admitted it but I don't remember where

yeah but is that the trap thats actually 40 years, that animations great, but never knew the character was from anything

On tumblr of all places...

Why does that matter if he is?

So minus8 is apparently 40 now? You idiots need to get your heads examined.

Who's the bitch on the left?

Minus8. I don't know if the OC has a name, it's never shown up in any of the works. I think it's literally just their self insert OC.

birthday suit

>Why does that matter if he is?
He's korean and can probably get thrown in jail for admitting that.

It's supposed to weed out the normies off the boat who think that it's some type of problem. Fags probably don't even know what a usb line is.

You mean him.

Thought it was just dora, but I guess it is an OC

I think it's literally just him self insert OC

Most pedophiles can't keep it to themselves, and he has drawn a comic involving a real child

Damn its probably long gone by now, if him deleting his posts it true

>he has drawn a comic involving a real child


Again, what does it matter? He knows he has a problem and he acknowledges it as a serious problem.
At least he draws it instead of really stealing a child and remaking his comic in real life.

Better here so it to a drawing than to the real thing. Unless you think drawings have feelings and can be hurt too

Tennis outfit, that one is some hot shit.


>he has drawn a comic involving a real child
Is this normalfag babble for "he draws loli" or did he actually do some cm "fanart"?

What if minus8 is a grill and made self-insert rule63 to have a character with a penis to fuck peach?

I don't know about tracing but he admitted he does like little girls.
Most likely a miss-translation but still.
Literally no one here has the moral ground to criticize him though.

The OC is literally named -8. No joke.

Who gives a fuck dumbass, last I checked thought crimes aren't illegal yet.

I wish I could get a dress like that

>What does it matter if he is a paedophile?
>That makes everything ok

Gee user, might want to just put your self in jail before they come get you.

The comic was about a real underage fan who watches his work and he drew a comic about fucking him, Not traced but still involving 3DPD

no, the character on the left, in the animation, says they are 40. in the animation where the character has a dick


If I was that underaged fan I would be honored and show all my friends

We know he's a 30 something Korean male though.
Again, he didn't do anything to the kids himself, so who the fuck cares. I could draw you fucking a character i just made up too, but it doesn't make me a fucking nigger lover.

I thought her kimono was cute af

>lol cp xdd hey guys lets have sink thread pedobear haha xD epic 9000

>this guy admits to releasing his pedophilic tensions by drawing loli pornography instead of harming real children! that bastard will rot in hell, his life deserves to be ruined!

>We know he's a 30 something Korean male though.
Where do we have that info from anyway, might as well be false info to throw off Korean army

He draw a comic of him fapping of the though of an underage fan fapping to his works

Please quote properly.

I recognize that screencap.


Blame normalfags and tumblrites who actually want wrongthinkers to be prosecuted.

Post a link if you really want anyone to believe that crap.

How would it be known that the "underage fan" was actually underage anyway? Then he draws a comic about his child self insert having sex with the "underaged fan"? It's just a complex roleplay thing which is kind of weird and questionable, but no crime was committed and he still felt bad about doing it.

In fact, as much of an emotional mess as the guy is, he's probably pretty normal in public. He has a job as an animator and like time I checked he has a boyfriend who is actually older than him. If he was even serious about his supposed attraction to children, he'd probably commit suicide before actually harming anyone.

Thats a lot of wishful thinking

You'll have a point when he actually does something bad.

Welcome to post-2010 internet. Infested with normalfags and the bad kind of underage.

I recall at some point of him mentioning that one of the reasons he's been drawing loli/shota arts is because he's been fantasizing about his underage viewers fapping away to his art.

Apparently that's his thing. Then a whole lot of self depreciation went along and he deleted his own tumblr or whatever.


This meme died with so much saturation and misuse.

>regular doll

I posted the image knowing the meme is dead

Classic pink dress but with a little breathing room.


Every pornstar and artist has underage fans. That happens all the time. But no one in the right mind makes content jerking off about it. Especially when that someone is an admitted pedophile who goes on a chan board soley created because Moot didn't like pedophilia shit everywhere.

Also its just fucking suspicious that he is jerking off about his underage fans in the first place.


I hear this and see the (apparently) faked post about being a pedophile all the time, but even while watching his tumblr at the time of the supposed posting of the comic never actually saw it and never saw it after the fact when people were talking about it, either. I remember him saying something to the effect of, "Oh man! It's nice to know I'm giving you boners!~" but never drawing a full on comic about it. And I think people jumped down his throat for basically saying he was okay with underage looking at his porn and was happy to be giving people boners in the same breath. Don't get me wrong, I know he likes loli and shota and shit. I'm just saying I think a lot of the stuff people shit on him for is way the fuck overblown.

Its not posted as much. But its out there. He did admit to it on this site too.

>"Oh man! It's nice to know I'm giving you boners!~" but never drawing a full on comic about it. And I think people jumped down his throat for basically saying he was okay with underage looking at his porn and was happy to be giving people boners in the same breath.

Thats not exactly helping his case at all really.

>misusing 3dpd
Leave bitch

You still get the former sometimes. Minus8 just attracts the tumblr type.

>Christopher "CP" Poole
>ever getting tired of pedophilia
Years later retards are still falling for his trolls.

That's an old ass image never tought i'd see again.

Yes, it's really weird and nobody should have those thoughts, but thoughts are still different than actions especially on the internet where it's possible everyone is full of shit.

The guy is such a mental mess it's impossible to really figure how his reasons for doing anything. Like people will say they hate his art and he goes ballistic. People say they like his art too much and he goes ballistic. No doubt he likes attention, but he hates getting too much of it and wants people to hate him. He's just crazy and it's silly to take anything about him seriously.

I think a lot of what I said kinda counts as action. Lowest form, sure. but still shouldn't have done it.

Honestly, had he no said anything and didn't make the comic he would be good.

But its not just him. Its many others who call themselves "harmless" pedophiles that do it. Literally every single example I hear about them involve them interacting or creeping up on children in some way shape or form. Even the "LGBTP" type of people. It also applies to hentai artists who have interest in the real thing. They exist.

Tumblr is the other way, now fuck off.

You put harmless in quotation marks as if they're not actually harmless. If they don't molest a kid, they're harmless. It might gross you out but they can't control it, try to have some empathy.

The whole going ballistic thing is sort of rational in my opinion. I wont claim to know the guy, but I feel like some of his paranoia is justified. I'm going to sail right past the fact that I think he doesn't like that he likes pedo shit and the fact that a lot of artists hate their own art and can be disgusted if they feel like it's reaching the wrong people and go into the fact that he's South Korean, and he's living in S.Korea. The creation and distribution of pornography is illegal in South Korea, so I'm willing to bet he's paranoid as fuck at all times about people outing him to people in authority positions my guess is that he doesn't want to be bigger than a certain level online and doesn't want to run the risk of being made a target by people who hate him who may or may not have the means to try and turn him in. He also works in the art industry in South Korea which kind of means he's probably already got people watching him like hawks. I'm guessing there's some cultural issues sort of breeding mental instability with sexuality in Korea general speaking anyway, because of the anti pornography laws. So it's not that amazing it seems to culminate in this kind of shit.

I don't want to excuse him of any wrong doing or say he's a perfect person or something, but I think he's human at the very least. And I can understand some of his human emotions, I think. As best as someone from the outside could, anyway.

This meme is fucking golden.

Todd Nickerson, I know thats you.

I'm actually Hayao Miyazaki

That's what I'm thinking is most likely. No doubt there's some truth to his behavior, but I'm sure most of it is just an act to not draw too much attention to himself.

>he lives in a country where porn is illegal, effectively making it worse than NK
>doesn't want to be noticed for drawing porn or turned in
>allegedly works in the industry (all of these are just wild claims with no sources to back that up)

>his entire online persona is about doing nothing BUT drawing porn
>even fucking Zone has been drawing more fanart than porn

I'm calling bullshit. If someone were so inclined, they'd find out what animations he was involved with, find out who the common member is, and send his pornography to the SK gov't with proof of identification based on online posts. He's also not doing anything to make people admire him as a person, instead being known for being a fucking meme porn artist who's popular for being popular.

Fuck this pedo discussion ;New rhythm heaven animation WHEN?

tbf minus8 is an absolute cunt, being a pedophile is the least of his problems

Fire Flower Peach in 3D World was cute af

at first glance i thought minus8's avatar was shingo

i gotta lay off the initial meme


Are you saying that the SK no porn law thing is a wild claim? Are you really declaring that?

Also, he's posted stuff he's worked on in the industry in the past. He posted it and then deleted it fast as shit because I'm guessing he realized it could be traced back to him.

And he does draw sfw shit sometimes, but I guess he just likes drawing porn? SK is kind of repressed I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of his only outlets for release. Have you seen SK pop idols? That's why what they do is like a step above stripping. The whole country is massively backed up, they have to have some kind of outlet. Also, let's be real here, he isn't making any money at all off his art, why would he want attention for it? He literally can't make money off it, attention is pointless in his situation. Also, I don't think it's fair to call him a meme artist, he's been doing exactly the same sort of art he does for more than a decade, now. Maybe almost 2 decades, if I'm to be real. He's improved, but his art topics and the way he draws and the stuff he animates is all in the same vein now as it was then. He has a type of stuff he likes to draw and a stylish way to do it and people like it. Most people only really took notice of him lately and started reposting his stuff like crazy, so you can't really blame him for being a "meme artist", he didn't do that. That was other people. Outside of that he posts in draw threads occasionally, and that's really the closest to meme shit he does.

I've always felt like part of it is just, like I keep saying, he's paranoid and it's with good reason. He's not a cunt, he's just distrusting unless he gets to know someone through a friend, and he's critical of people being too harsh against him because I'm guessing he's convinced they're going to turn him in if they hate him even a little bit. Which is a very realistic concern in his position.

i wish i could post the lewd ones

I fap to loli, it's nice.

What's stopping you

Girl you know it's
Girl you know it's
Girl you know it's
Girl you know it's

the banhammer
when the mods actually show they are fickle as fuck

Wait, who’s 40 yars old, the trap or minus8?