Adventure quest Thread

adventure quest Thread

Post build


why not man?



Most of us forgot our account numbers. Besides, Dragonfable was always the better game.

Flash is not safe

Nobody is safe online.

Hot game.

>Post build
Sure. Here is mine.

Nice build.

everybody knows AQW: 3D is the superior game

Literally no one played besides you. Adventure quest is the Father of flash RPG games.

everybody knows that the father of flash RPG games is actually the most popular 3D MMORPG of all time, AdventureQuest 3D

that game actually on mobile.

I had no idea what I was doing. Anytime I got a new vocation I was ecstatic. The only one I can remember getting was something like Dragon Knight. Yeah, that shit was the coolest to 10 year old me.


wtf you last played 3.8 years ago? I haven't played in like 10 years

post build

I only logged on out of curiosity. The account is over 10 years old

here's my stats i guess

>skelly bro

Quite jelly.

wew lad

>Still getting updates with no plans of stopping

Is artix the ultimate autist?

I never did become a skelly myself sadly

nice glasses breh

ayy, similar name my guy

>woodland pack

I still can't decide if this game was legitimately good or not. Seems P2W as fuck to me these days.

It's always been P2W was fuck with the guardian shit

Is this game still good or was it always shit?

AQ worlds was the shit.

truly mindless grind
it was more fun to follow the meta/updates than actually play

t. level 115 character

>all those hours playing flash games
>this is one of the few ones that would save your progress

It truly pioneered the way for mobile P2W games though. Levelling was so fucking slow too. It was shit but my 12 year old brain had fun.

Why the fuck did you make your END so high

because I was a retarded 12 year old

I didnt know shit when i played

Pps elaborate on OP meta shit for me, and also how the fuck, i was level 43, was there a broken grind spot somewhere?


The guardian shit was actually worth it, it was a one time payment of like $16 (AUD) and you got access to a lot of content. That being said though, logging into it now is pretty overwhelming. There's just too much shit

I remember when I first made the Blade of Awe. It was the coolest thing that ever happened to me back then.

>wanted Guardian on AQ back in the day
>mom wouldnt do it
>eventually she gives in and comes up with a bead system, meaning i get special beads for doing chores and being an overall good boy, a literal GBP system
>makes a list of things i can get with the beads
>Guardian on AQ is the last, highest thing on the list and it was the equivalent of grinding for a cosmetic in a F2P korean MMO instead of paying for it

My young self quickly noped the fuck out, i wanted Guardian but i aint busting my ass when ive gotten an entire videogame for less work before

>8358 Players Online

Really?.. Guessing these are third worlders or something

i haven't played in years. Don't remember my login and not at my computer so i can't figure it out and screenshot my build

lmao all these poorfag adventurers bet you don't even have DoomKnight armor in DF haha

Looks like chad to me tbqh

mfw Im fucking max level with billions of gold and last login is less than 3 weeks ago

Im not that autistic I swear

I just remember being so hyped when I got that dragonslayer armor leveled up all the way. I can't even remember how many times I ran that dragon mountain shit

Its like a chad was also a nerd.

Fuck Trump!

>all those memories flooding in

keep them in the nostalgia of your memories where they belong. Don't go back and try to "relive" the game in present day. Trust me.

what happened?

life happened

>forgot my pw for guardian account
>email support

Weren't there supposed to be playable Drakel in the 3D game?


>sub 99s in my presence

>Most of us forgot our account numbers
It hurts. I even had the membership for dragonfable. Had a dark green dragon.

My memory is fuzzy but wasn't it a one time fee thing?
I am perfectly ok with that system.

>trying to log into my account from forever ago
>the password that I used for fucking EVERYTHING at the time isn't working
>don't even remember being asked for an email when I made it
Sorry bros, I can't

I thought I was alone with not knowing my passwords for this shit.
Well I think I know my password, my username is the problem.

these games have to be dead in the next couple years, no way can they still have players

watch out bois fukin pure mage right here

>wanting to play as Drakel

>tfw got to lvl 60 with a shitty build and shitty equipment and couldn't do anything anymore

>tfw want to have a big number again but it always gets reset when we have these threads

who else discovered the wonders of cheat engine before they stopped playing?

Mech Quest was better

>that pet
Christ that screams early 2000s. I am genuinely considering playing now.

If you didnt pick the sasuke hair remove yourself

Reminds me of how I got really far in mario rabbids and then hit a wall where I was way too underleveled from the coin draining bug.

That was a fun game.
I think I joined the nerd house. The mechs for that house ran on magic I think.

The minigames on the website were the best part.
That punting one and deady with when you're evil playing in the background.

House Wolfblade bros where you at

I always liked AQ's armor aesthetic. It was stylized without ever looking too impractical or gaudy most of the time.

Those weapons thought make Warcraft's look tame.

I kind of agree. A big company that's not ea should hire whoever designs the armor to work on some large title.

You know, I've always found that weird, the armor is fine and good looking, but the weapons, you said it best yourself.

Adventure Quest forums was my first exposure to internet forums. I think I was like, 10, and I was really excited about joining a clan. Then I did and proceeded to do dumb shit a kid would do like make threads such as "HELP ME CLAN I CAN'T GET OUT OF THE FOREST LEVEL I NEED HELP" in all caps. I got blocked from a lot of messenger programs due to the sheer irritation I elicited from people.

Damn, thats tough, at least I didn't knew shit about english backin the day, just playing it as an ESL