What game has made you or would make you buy a Switch?
What game has made you or would make you buy a Switch?
Splatoon 2 - 9 months ago
there's no game that would make me buy a Switch.
bought it for xenoblade 2/metroid prime 4
everything else is extra as far as I'm concerned
I bought my Switch for webm related
HD rumble
why do you keep trying to sell me on a switch
are you literally a marketer? I don't fucking care about nintendo games
The Switch hardware itself made me want to get one. Most games I've picked up so far are also available on other systems. I even already owned some of them but got second copies for the Switch.
I just wanna know peoples opinions about the console and its games.
None of them I’m poor
A new smash, since FE echoes will most likely be dropped on the 3ds. Or a animal crossing with mic chat like city folk, shit was cash
>sin and punishment
>A proper paper Mario
All of it is basically never ever tier. So I dunno if I'll end up buying.
Kirby, Octopath Traveller, Mario Tennis, Dragon Marked for Death, SMTV are what I want. As soon as at least four of those come out, I'll buy a Switch unless the emulator is working by then, in which case PIRACY HO!
The combination of Xenoblade 2-SMT5-MP4.
Between Octopath, SMT V, and the TWEWY port/remake, I'm seriously considering buying a Switch. Normally I'd put FE on the list as well, but after how terrible Fates was, I'm curbing my enthusiasm on any new game.
Came for Zelda stayed for mk8dx. Now I'm waiting for paycheck and I will buy myself oddysey or splatoon.
A perfectly working rainway app
They had me when they announced SMT V, No More Heroes and Mario Odyssey.
Prime 4 was the icing on the cake.
user, those aren't games you should whip out at your local rooftop parties.
I bought one for Odyssey, albeit a few months after it released.
Where's the new Animal Crossing, Nintendo?
The new REAL Animal Crossing, I mean.
Do you think Nintendo saw that people were upset on social media sites that there was no AC announcement at E3, so they're going to wait until E3 2018 to announce it?
So which is it, no western release, or western release in muslim garb?
If one thing is certain then it is that the Switch will get an AC game. The 3DS games just sell way too much for Nintendo not capitalizing on it. Just relax; they will announce the game a reasonably time before its launch (six months top). That's better than what companies like Square are doing with their games: Announcing them before even being 5% done with anything.
Steins;Gate Elite
Xenoblade, but I was going to get it when Pokemon came out anyway.
Was gonna buy one for Splatoon but I'll just wait for the emulator that's coming out soon
The switch is a complete failure at being a handheld, not only is it fucking huge to carry around, it's battery life is complete trash. Nintendo's gonna fucking send me to phone games since vita's gonna die in 2018, for fuck's sake.
BOTW, SMT V, Senran Kagura: Shinobi Refle, No More Heroes, Atelier Lydie & Suelle and all the other japanese games. I am happy that the Switch is region free and comes without any gay app shit
If you're starved for (you)'s, then why don't you simply ask for some nicely?
As a SMTfag I have to buy one for SMTV but not doing it until then. Guess other stuff like mario odyssey and NMH might be cool.
If they would re-release Wonderful 101 i might consider buying one
SNK Heroines, Nights of Azure 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Syberia, Hyrule Warriors
>Switch exclusive
>Dark Souls
The list is clearly separated into 2 sections user, can't you read?
I already bought one but 2018 looks pretty weak outside of Octopath and Fire Emblem. Is SMTV coming out in 2018?
>Is SMTV coming out in 2018?
Final Fantasy 1 to 10
The same fucking games rehashed 100 times. Gaming is dead
>gaming is dead
>after an absolutely incredible 2017 of games
Okay user.
I got it for mega man 11 and the legacy collections, ever since i played mega man zero i realized mega man belongs on a portable console and with the legacy collections and a good virtual console the switch has the potential to become a portable console with all the mainline games on it
Got one last month to play BotW, Bomberman, Snipperclips, and PPT. Waited because I didn't want to get one while Kirby was 4+ months out.
SMT, after playing the 4 duology, I crave another handheld title.
Odissey if it had an actual challenge
BotW, except I got it with odyssey and haven't bought zelda yet in the 2 months I've owned it
Kirby to avoid the spoilers and Bayonetta 3.
Forgive me, can you spoil a kirby game? I've never thought of them as having plots.
Not in terms of story, but the final bosses. I knew what they were in the last three mainline games, and it would've been a lot better if I hadn't know about them.
I don't know man Dedede being a good guy all along was up there with NES plot twists. I can't think of too much else along that line.
That makes sense, kinda like the Splatoon 2 and Mario spoilers that went around.
What does that pen do? dear god
Zero two was a fucking awesome nod to sneak Kirby games and a neat plot twist
>Zero two was a fucking awesome nod to sneak Kirby games and a neat plot twist
Snes* not sneak
Megaten, FE
Metroid V
Fuck the Prime shit